
Tim Kelley – Purposeful Marketing


Tim Kelley – Purposeful Marketing

Tim Kelley - Purposeful Marketing

Learn how to make your marketing magnetic, powerful and effective because it expresses exactly who you are and the precise way you can help your ideal audience.

Develop the confidence, clarity and conviction to stand in the unique gift of your work in a way that attracts passionate and successful clients and builds a thriving and lucrative business.

Chances are you got into business to serve other people and make the world a better place. You may be a coach, therapist, healer, teacher or consultant  and you’re most “lit up” when you’re giving your greatest gifts and witnessing the fruits of this in the growth, healing and transformation of others.

However, if you’re like other spiritually-based entrepreneurs, you might have a dislike for marketing. You may want to “outsource” it or just operate by the “law of attraction,” or “trust in the universe.” All of this may seem nice in theory but when the phone isn’t ringing and you aren’t filling your practice or selling products, you may start to recognize that something is wrong with these approaches.

What needs to change isn’t your philosophy but your relationship to marketing. If you’re adverse to it, it’s likely that you’re working within an old paradigm of marketing that doesn’t align with the conscious attitude of service you truly believe in.

You’re not alone. The vast majority of change agents, messengers and transformational entrepreneurs don’t like marketing. It’s a bit smarmy. Or exaggerated. Or manipulative. And it just doesn’t feel like you.

Instead of telling you to “get over it,” we applaud you. Your reaction to marketing signals that the old way doesn’t resonate with the conscious and generous person you want to be in business.

In fact, your distaste can propel you into a whole new joyful, powerful and effective way to approach marketing that resonates with your soul, feeds your sense of integrity and truly helps your customers.

Traditional marketing is all about convincing people that they need the thing you’re offering. Whether this is true is irrelevant  it’s about generating demand and sales. Period.


This old way of marketing often uses psychological tricks, and even lies, to get the desired results. Which simply feels awful.

In other words, traditional marketing relies on manipulation for the purpose of making money  which is totally out of integrity with people like you who are committed to living and doing business in an enlightened new way.

The good news is that there’s another way to do marketing that is authentic, powerful, compelling… and even generous.

Globally respected change agent Tim Kelley calls this “purposeful marketing” because it is sourced from the highest purpose for your life (or business). It’s about tuning into a precise way to describe your offering, so that it resonates with exactly the people you’re meant to serve.

It’s about identifying the clear steps and stages of HOW you can help them improve their lives and tailoring your marketing accordingly.

When you learn how to apply purposeful marketing effectively, it’s like blowing a dog whistle that only your ideal customers (what Tim calls your “divine audience”) can hear and are immediately drawn to.

Then you’re no longer trying to sell to everyone but rather matching your precise offer to a precise need. It’s thus about service, albeit service that can increase profits and generate a more robust livelihood.

By revealing the deeper truth of the transformational value that you provide  especially with purposeful words tailored to your perfect audience  you can stand powerfully behind your marketing because you know that you are speaking the whole truth.


In order to do purposeful marketing in a way that actually gets BETTER results than old-school approaches, though, you’ll need to learn the keys for doing it well (as well as how NOT to do it).

In this transformational online training, Tim will share foundational insights that allow you to create effective, purposeful marketing that sells without being “salesy.”

Tim has taught these techniques to thousands of people  from CEOs to top coaches. His education in mathematics at MIT, distinguished career in Silicon Valley high-tech and experience as a Commanding Officer in the U.S. Navy, has led to insights that are practical, replicable and reliable, and appeal to the heart and soul.

Tim will open the door into a new way of marketing that is fulfilling, meaningful and inspiring.

Overcome the Obstacles on Your Path

All that said, purposeful marketing is not magic. Creating a business in alignment with your higher purpose requires real work  including moving through all the limiting variables that prevent you from really making your marketing excel.

Even when people are clear on their higher purpose, most fail to market it in a meaningful way. There are several reasons for this:

  • Fear, doubt and resistance  Though part of you may be completely aligned with your work, other parts of you may fear for your image, your efficacy and even your safety. These other parts can block your every move and take the wind out of your sails as you try to share your work.
  • Limiting beliefs  Most people have hundreds, or even thousands, of limiting beliefs  the majority of them unconscious. These potent internal obstacles can prevent you from sharing your purpose with the world and keep you from moving forward successfully, year after year. Not only do you need to overcome limiting beliefs to be truly effective, but also to be able to confidently market and charge money for your purpose.
  • Lack of clarity  At best, most people can communicate their work in a sentence or two. In order to successfully offer your gifts and make a living at it, you need to be very clear about the details of your purpose  who it is for, how it works and the transformation it creates.

But there is no reason for your potential as a purposeful entrepreneur or change agent to go unrealized. All of these issues can be resolved, especially with a step-by-step approach that master teacher Tim Kelley will provide in this 6-month program.

Your Highly Skilled Guide


An internationally renowned transformative coach and change agent himself, Tim Kelly’s cutting-edge, structured teaching approach will allow you to tap into your wisdom, be empowered by higher guidance  and translate this into rock-solid marketing. In this program, Tim will be joined by several other skilled and powerful change agents and purposeful entrepreneurs, to deliver this profound transformation to you.

Tim knows the secrets of accessing and following your higher purpose and turning this into a successful business through purposeful marketing. He’s followed his own teachings to create a life traveling the world, and supporting thousands of people in accessing higher guidance and building their businesses in alignment with their souls.

In the Purposeful Marketing 6-month training program, Tim and his fellow teachers will take you step-by-step through the foundational elements of his proven system and enact crystal-clear plans and strategies for achieving your vision.

This training program builds upon the core practices taught in the introductory Higher Guidance Training, taking the marketing work to the next level of rigor, psychological depth and concrete impact in your life.

Tim and his team will show you how to integrate your purpose into every aspect of your business, so your entire offering and work can be aligned and really take off.

The end result is that your positioning is clear, impassioned and effective.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Get to the essence of your purpose so that you can clarify your offer in the right language to attract your ideal clients.
  • Identify your precise “divine audience” who is meant to receive your services.
  • Position yourself in such a specific way that you have no competition at all.
  • Gain greater confidence in sales, marketing and pricing conversations because you know you can deliver results.
  • Increase your skill in generating marketing copy that speaks directly to the right audience.
  • Align your business persona and marketing with your purpose and true essence.
  • Save money on copywriters and outsourcing.

What You’ll Discover in this 6-Month Program

During this 6-month program, Tim will share advanced practices of his proven system, which will help you to transform your relationship with marketing and get far greater results.

Each LIVE training session will build harmoniously upon the next, so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to source your marketing from your higher purpose.

This advanced training is a rare opportunity to work with an evolutionary teacher and global leader at a much deeper level, to suffuse virtually every area of your life with the gifts of greater guidance, clarity and success.

If you are ready to experience the many benefits of creating marketing that is aligned with your true purpose, this 6-month training with Tim Kelley is the perfect next step.

The main teaching sessions will air live from 12:00pm-1:30pm Pacific on Wednesdays. Mastermind call times will be announced closer to the course start. Even if you cannot make the live calls, you can still access the recordings and get the full benefit of this training program.

Module 1: Overcoming Your Fears
(November 11 & 18)


Putting your purpose out there clearly so that it makes a real impact can bring up a host of fears and limiting beliefs. Are you like many change agents, purposeful entrepreneurs and messengers, who hide “their light under a bushel,” trying to engage clients without being really explicit about the work they’re called to do?

Until you clear the fears and beliefs that keep you in hiding, you and your services will not have the impact you truly desire!

In these two live sessions with Tim, you’ll discover:

  • Freedom from fears that block you from being bold in your marketing
  • A clear vision for the life that your work will create
  • A tool you can use to move past your fears  and forward

Module 2: Clarifying Your Transformation (December 2, 9 & 16; January 6, 13 & 20)


Most change agents aren’t nearly clear enough about their purpose. A vaguely written purpose statement isn’t something you can sell to a client. The result is that far too few change agents are being paid to live their purpose.

In this deeply revealing module, you will clarify exactly how to manifest your purpose in the most impactful way.

You will also learn who your purpose is meant to serve, and how it will transform them. This process, once clarified, can be used to create coaching programs, workshops, team processes and even consulting engagements. And the language that clarifies your purpose will form the basis of compelling marketing copy.

Over these six live sessions, you’ll receive:

  • Complete clarity about the specific clients you are meant to serve (your niche or target market)
  • A step-by-step transformative process, unique to you, that can form the basis of new coaching, workshops and consulting services
  • The ability to tell exactly who is ideal for you and will be drawn to your work

Module 3: Creating Your Purposeful Marketing Statement
(January 27 & February 3)


A “purposeful marketing statement” is the equivalent of an “elevator pitch,” a single sentence that clearly articulates the work that you do and the impact it has. A purposeful marketing statement is the ultimate tool for attracting those you are meant to serve.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Create a single sentence that will grab the attention of your target audience.
  • Receive a tool for distinguishing quickly between those who are and are not meant to work with you.
  • Discover a simple practice that will bring you clients.

Module 4: Generating Purposeful Copy (February 10, 17 & 24; March 2, 9 & 16)


Using the tools you’ve developed in previous modules, you will craft various elements of your higher purpose into compelling language that you can use in emails, talks, websites and sales conversations.

You will learn three different structures for writing copy that use your purpose to attract your ideal clients, including a skill available nowhere else: How to “download” marketing copy from your Higher Guidance. This skill alone will save you hours of struggle and thousands of dollars in copywriting services  and give you language that is incredibly compelling.

Over these six live sessions, you’ll learn:

  • How to generate powerful marketing copy easily, saving yourself thousands of dollars in copywriting services
  • 3 sources for compelling language that will grab the attention of your Divine audience
  • 3 formats for structuring emails, web pages, brochures and other marketing pieces
  • Tools for writing emotionally convincing language that will touch your clients’ deepest needs and desires

Module 5: Aligning Your Pricing with
Your Purpose
 (March 23 & 30; April 6, 13)


“What should I charge?” It’s the quintessential solopreneurs’ question, and yet, there is no right answer. The key is to find the answer within you, rather than trying to copy what others are doing.

More important, how you charge your clients may matter more than how much you charge. Many change agents are stuck in the limiting, old-paradigm, money-for-hours pricing approach, when they could be earning so much more if they just changed pricing models.

In addition to learning 7 powerful pricing models, you will identify and overcome fears and beliefs that prevent you from charging what you’re really worth. This module alone could easily pay for the entire program.

You will:

  • Identify the internal limitations that keep you from earning what you’re worth.
  • Free yourself from your fears of charging more.
  • Learn different pricing models that create true “win-win” situations for your clients and you.
  • Use 2 tools for setting the exact price that is perfect for each of your services.
  • Learn what to say to your clients when it’s time to raise your prices.

Module 6: Putting It All Together
(April 20 & 27; May 4)


Now that you have your process, your clients, your purposeful marketing language and your pricing model, you will define your plan to implement your purpose in the most powerful and revenue-generating way possible. Now you are ready to meet all your financial needs, while making the difference in the world you are called to make!

In these last three classes, you will:

  • Combine the language and services you’ve created into powerful products you can sell.
  • Test the copy you’ve written on your divine audience.
  • Take your new messaging out and into the world to get clients!

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Share Your Gifts

We at The Shift Network feel deeply honored that Tim has chosen to partner with us on this LIVE online program. As you may know, this is a rare opportunity to learn directly from a renowned change agent and connect with a global community of like minds and hearts who are also fulfilling their mission of working with those they are most called to serve  and earning a good livelihood doing so.

Through this powerful LIVE online format, you’ll not only save time and money on retreat costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals, which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll also benefit from Tim’s incredible teachings and transmission from the comfort of your home  at your own pace!

If you are serious about living your true purpose, you owe it to yourself, your loved ones and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training with Tim Kelley.

About Tim Kelley


Tim Kelley is a global change agent and internationally renowned expert on higher purpose. He works with top leaders in many fields and countries to transform human institutions and evolve society to its new form. Tim’s methodology, True Purpose, has been featured internationally in magazines, newspapers and on television. Tim has trained over 1000 consultants, therapists and coaches in his methods. He has worked with hundreds of CEOs, including top leaders and executive teams from such companies as Nabisco, ING, Oracle, Lexmark and AOL. He formerly worked as a leader at Oracle, two levels below the CEO. He is the author of True Purpose and the best-selling coauthor of three other books. Tim has commanded military organizations, including an amphibious assault craft unit, and is a retired Naval Reserve officer. He holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from MIT.

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Learn how to make your marketing magnetic, powerful and effective because it expresses exactly who you are...

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