
Tim Kelley – The Higher Guidance Advanced Intensive


Tim Kelley – The Higher Guidance Advanced Intensive

Tim Kelley - The Higher Guidance Advanced Intensive

Learn to master fear, doubt and resistance on your journey to becoming a powerful, successful catalyst of positive change.


There is no greater soul-fulfilling path than being a purposeful agent of change  a person who is truly manifesting your highest calling in a way that leaves a legacy of good for the world, and helps you and your family thrive.

We celebrate the great heroes of history, from Gandhi to Mandela, but there are literally millions of change agents evolving our world in big  and small  ways every day.

Do you aspire to be an example in the new world that is now evolving? Do you want to pioneer a new pattern of possibility? Do you want to rest easy at the end of your life, knowing that you have made your unique contribution, which your children and grandchildren can be proud of?

If so, you are called to be a change agent, and there is no more effective way to do this than by connecting to higher guidance, and using it to create your lifework  whether that is a business, a spiritual community, a political movement, a healing practice or playing your evolutionary role within a larger system.

When you learn to connect to higher guidance and act on it in a way that is aligned, purposeful and effective, you gain the power to move mountains.

When you design your life from your higher guidance, extraordinary things align around you: just the right connections and opportunities, alliances and partnerships, support and resources. You can even learn how to make an excellent livelihood from enacting your purpose.

We are not flying blind here on planet Earth, and you don’t need to stumble forward on your trajectory. You can access higher levels of intelligence that are committed to “upgrade” this planet in partnership with each of us.

This, in turn, makes the path of being a powerful catalyst of change far, far easier. You’ll know which steps to take, and when and how to take them.

Overcome the Obstacles on Your Path

With that said, this is not magic. Creating from higher guidance requires real work  particularly on all of the limiting beliefs, fears and resistance that prevent you from fully enacting your highest role.

Even when people are deeply connected to higher guidance and clear on their purpose, most fail to manifest it in any meaningful way. There are several reasons for this:

  • Fear, doubt and resistance  Though part of you may be completely aligned with your identity as a purposeful change agent, other parts of you may fear for your safety, your image and the validity of your purpose. These other parts can block your every move and take the wind out of your sails.
  • Limiting beliefs  Most people have hundreds, or even thousands, of limiting beliefs  the majority of them unconscious. These potent internal obstacles can prevent you from seeing how to manifest your purpose and can keep you from moving forward successfully, year after year. Not only do you need this information in order to be truly effective, but also to be able to confidently charge money to live your purpose, which, in itself, is a often a key barrier to fulfilling your role successfully.
  • Lack of clarity  At best, most change agents and messengers can communicate their purpose in a sentence or two. In order to successfully change the world and make a living at it, you need to be crystal clear about the details of your purpose  who it is for, how it works and the transformation it creates.
  • Lack of a clear plan  Inspiration, motivation and clarity of purpose aren’t enough, though. You need to know the specific steps you will take to manifest your purpose and make your mark on the world. Unfortunately, with all the fears, limiting beliefs and lack of clarity, having a clear plan that works is often easier said than done!

But there is no reason for your potential as a change agent to go unrealized. All of these issues can be resolved, especially with a step-by-step approach that master teacher and trainer of change agents Tim Kelley will provide in this 5-month intensive.


Your 21st Century Guide

Tim Kelley is one of the world’s cutting-edge teachers on becoming a guided agent of change. An internationally renowned transformative coach and change agent himself, Tim has created an innovative and structured approach to teaching you how to tap into your wisdom, be empowered by higher guidance  and work with aspects of your personality that dilute or block that guidance. In this program, Tim will be joined by other skilled and powerful change agents, to deliver this profound transformation to you.


Tim’s methods have been used successfully by CEOs of multinational corporations, political leaders, billionaires and transformational change agents alike.

His education in mathematics at MIT, distinguished career in Silicon Valley high-tech, and experience as a Commanding Officer in the Naval Reserve are foundational to his practical, replicable and reliable techniques. He has also integrated the insights and practices of many psychological and spiritual systems to help navigate the inner challenges that arise.

He knows the secrets of connecting to guidance, having followed his own to create a life traveling the world, supporting thousands of people in accessing their own divine connection  and making it a tangible part of their everyday lives.

Tim’s work is so respected that prominent government leaders have turned to him to help them use higher guidance in governing entire countries, creating international treaties and settling national disputes.

In The Higher Guidance Advanced Intensive 5-month training program, Tim and his fellow teachers will take you step-by-step through the advanced practices of his proven system, which will help you to transform the fears, doubts and limiting beliefs that prevent you from realizing your potential  as well as enact crystal-clear plans and strategies for achieving your vision.

This intensive builds upon the core practices taught in the introductory Higher Guidance Training, taking the work to the next level of rigor, psychological depth and concrete impact in your life.


Tim and his team will show you how to integrate higher guidance into everything that you do  so you can build your entire life in an aligned and purposeful way.

The end result is a far more powerful version of yourself: clear, impassioned, effective, and ready to take on bolder tasks and more inspired leadership.

Through this work, you will become someone that others trust, follow, partner with and pay well to enact your important work  that also makes the world a much better place.

In The Higher Guidance Advanced Intensive, you’ll:

  • Learn how to work with and harmonize all of your inner psychological parts.
  • Talk to, negotiate with and transform the specific parts of yourself that block you from achieving your goals.
  • Gain more specificity about your path and deepest purpose.
  • Clean out limiting beliefs “en masse,” (rather than one-by-one)  a remarkably efficient way to move your boldest projects forward.
  • Cultivate a deeper sense of trust in yourself, while transcending beliefs and fears that have held you back.
  • Create and enact a life purpose plan that allows you to earn a good livelihood for you and your family.
  • Discover how to align your entire being behind your deepest purpose so that “magic” unfolds.

What You’ll Discover in this 5-Month Intensive

During this 5 month program, Tim will share advanced practices of his proven system, which will help you to transform the fears, doubts and beliefs that prevent you from realizing your true purpose.

Each LIVE training session will build harmoniously upon the next, so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to create from your higher guidance every day and be an effective change agent.

Each core module will last 4-6 sessions, with 3 classes per month led by Tim (90-minutes each). In addition to the main course sessions, Tim will also lead monthly mastermind calls in which he and the coaches he’s trained will work with you more closely and answer additional questions. It will also give you time to share and be supported by others if you wish. This will help to build a strong, global community of practice and support, all of whom can be allies in manifesting your higher guidance in the world.

Unlike other courses we have offered, this advanced program with Tim will not follow a strict sequential flow, but will unfold organically  meaning that Tim will move on to the next module once he feels you have integrated what is needed. Therefore, module timelines are flexible, but all of the content listed below will be covered during the course.

One of Tim’s gifts is working with the group field and responding to the needs that arise in the moment based on his own higher guidance, which creates an atmosphere of discovery, adventure and spiritual power.

This advanced training is a rare opportunity to work with an evolutionary teacher and global leader at a much deeper level, to suffuse virtually every area of your life with the gifts of greater guidance, clarity and success.

If you are ready to dive deeply into creating from your higher guidance a life aligned with your true purpose, this 5-month advanced intensive with Tim Kelley is the perfect training.

The main teaching sessions will air live from 12:00pm  1:30pm Pacific on Tuesdays. Mastermind call times will be announced closer to the course start. Even if you cannot make the live calls, you can still access the recordings and get the full benefit of this Intensive.

Module One: Inner Harmony
Transforming and Aligning Your Parts


Most people only achieve a fraction of what they’re capable of due to internal resistance, conflict and self-sabotage. The various parts of your psyche all have their own agendas, debating and fighting amongst themselves to keep you safe and ensure your needs are met. Many people have experienced talking to one or more of these parts, but few of us know how to systematically resolve the internal conflicts and misalignment that they naturally create.

But what would happen if your “inner critic” stopped criticizing you, and started coaching and encouraging you instead? What if your self-doubt, shame, fear and inadequacy could be transformed and aligned with your higher purpose?

In this powerful module, you will learn how to:

  • Identify sources of internal misalignment.
  • Talk to, and negotiate with, specific parts of your psyche that are blocking you from achieving your goals.
  • Help your parts resolve their needs and fears so that they can support you wholeheartedly.
  • Transform your parts so that they evolve beyond outdated, undermining behaviors and become the powerful allies they are meant to be.
  • Create an aligned psyche, in which each of your parts is a member of your internal team, aligned with your purpose and helping to move you forward.

Module Two: Sweeping the Temple
Clearing Hundreds of Limiting Beliefs


Most people can go blindly through life with their limiting beliefs securely in place. Or they may derive great benefit from removing just a few of them. But not those who are called to be change agents and messengers! The freedom that results from being completely unleashed from fixed beliefs is essential to change agents. How can you co-create the new world when you are mired in the old one? Your limiting beliefs prevent you from seeing the new paradigm, much less implementing it.

Fortunately, you are likely aware of powerful ways limiting beliefs can block your progress. You may even be familiar with methods for identifying and clearing these potent barriers, one at a time. But what if you could sweep away hundreds of limiting beliefs at once? What if they could be removed without ever having to be made conscious? In this transformative module, Tim will teach you a simple, powerful, radical methodology that does just that.

This incredible new technique will show you how to:

  • Identify entire classes and groups of limiting beliefs that you would like to remove.
  • Gain alignment from your internal parts and your source of higher guidance to remove hundreds (or even thousands) of limiting beliefs.
  • Choose from among 6 different ways of sweeping away the beliefs that block you from moving forward.
  • Engage your source of higher guidance in removing unconscious beliefs, without needing to make them conscious, or even identify them individually.
  • Repeat the process whenever you like to remove any beliefs that accumulate in the future.

Module Three: Vision of a New Society
Designing the World You Are Meant to Create


Many people are working to change the world, but into what? Most change agents and conscious business leaders are engaged in solving problems with the current paradigm, not creating a new one. In order to create a new world, you must be crystal clear on which world you wish to create. Now that you are free of internal misalignment and limiting beliefs, you can convert your clarity of purpose into a powerful, compelling vision which in turn is central to enrolling other allies and partners in manifesting it. You can also design the future “you”  the instrument of purpose that you are meant to become in order to manifest your mission.

In this module, you will learn:

  • How to utilize your higher guidance to envision and create a new world.
  • To fully create and articulate the vision of the transformed society you are meant to create, as well as your specific piece of that vision.
  • To discern exactly what kind of change agent or messenger you are meant to become.
  • How to navigate away from reacting to the old, and instead create the new.

Module Four: Roadmap to a New Life
Creating Your Purpose Implementation Plan


With all these tools in your tool belt, you are now equipped to design a strategy to create the life you want and the world you want. No longer groping to follow some vague sense of purpose, you will be supported to develop a clear plan for how you will change the world and how you will earn money doing it. You will be able to move forward with faith and confidence, while others around you may be stuck in fear and doubt. You will see the path to the future while others are flying blind. And your plan will show you, step-by-step, how you will leave your powerful mark on the world!

In this capstone module, you will use everything you’ve learned to:

  • Identify the activities that will produce the most progress on your purpose (and the least!).
  • Clarify the inner and outer steps that will enable you to manifest your purpose in the most direct way.
  • Know when you have the foundation you need to begin working on your mission.
  • Determine which of the various ways of manifesting your purpose will produce the income you need to be successful.

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Awaken to a Deeper Life

We at The Shift Network feel deeply honored that Tim has chosen to partner with us on this first LIVE online Intensive. As you may know, this is a rare opportunity to learn directly from a renowned change agent and connect with a global community of like minds and hearts who are doing this important and transformative inner and outer work.

Through this powerful LIVE online format, you’ll not only save time and money on retreat costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals, which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll also benefit from Tim’s incredible teachings and transmission from the comfort of your home  at your own pace!

If you are serious about connecting with your higher guidance and living your true purpose, you owe it to yourself, your loved ones and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training with Tim Kelley.

About Tim Kelley


Tim Kelley is a global change agent and internationally renowned expert on higher purpose. He works with top leaders in many fields and countries to transform human institutions and evolve society to its new form. Tim’s methodology, True Purpose, has been featured internationally in magazines, newspapers and on television. Tim has trained over 1000 consultants, therapists and coaches in his methods. He has worked with hundreds of CEOs, including top leaders and executive teams from such companies as Nabisco, ING, Oracle, Lexmark and AOL. He formerly worked as a leader at Oracle, two levels below the CEO. He is the author of True Purpose and the best-selling coauthor of three other books. Tim has commanded military organizations, including an amphibious assault craft unit, and is a retired Naval Reserve officer. He holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from MIT.

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Learn to master fear, doubt and resistance on your journey to becoming a powerful, successful catalyst of positive change.

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