Wall Street Prep’s Premium Package is intuitive and self-paced. You should expect to spend approximately 70-90 hours to complete it. Using a combination of videos, Excel model templates and financial reports, this course teaches students and professionals how to build, analyze, and interpret financial models in a step-by-step fashion at their own pace. The program utilizes a case study format, as students follow their tutorial guide alongside the Excel model templates, and are directed to the appropriate external documents (SEC filings, research reports, etc.) in order to build comprehensive models the way they would on the job.
The Premium Package bridges the gap between academics and the real world to equip students with the practical financial skill set that they will need on the job. Our program will give you the confidence you need to ace your interviews and to get ahead in your IB career.
Upon enrollment, students gain free and unlimited access to Wall Street Prep’s Online Support Center, where they receive answers to questions, free downloads, and important updates from a support staff comprised entirely of experienced former investment bankers.
Want a little extra attention? Live video-chat tutoring is available with experienced investment bankers for a fee of $800/hour. In addition, your tutoring sessions enable you and your tutor to share models, a virtual blackboard and any other files via an integrated web and phone platform that enhances the learning experience.
In light of the challenges facing prospective job candidates, Wall Street Prep recently launched a free, voluntary opt-in service to all its alumni and new students. Upon enrolling in the Premium Package, you will be given the option to upload your resume and cover letter to WSP.
The program assumes a basic introductory knowledge of accounting (e.g. interaction of balance sheet, cash flow, and income statement) and proficiency in Excel. Students with no prior background in Accounting should enroll in the Accounting Crash Course. Students with limited experience using Excel should enroll in the Excel Crash Course.
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