Marketing should not be confused with sales nor with advertising. Marketing is the ability of the company to bring the market to want its products. In other words, the ability to create a competitive edge. Rarely can a company devise effective marketing without the involvement and contribution of managers from all functions.
Your organization will learn, through several examples and clear concepts, the Theory of Constraints (TOC) concepts of market segmentation, market significant need, using cause and effect diagrams to identify and create a decisive competitive edge, as well as build an unrefusable offer.
Includes a Q&A segment.
• Supplier perception of value
• Customer perception of value
• The Marketing Cloud
• Increase the customer’s perception of value
• Analyzing the market
• Current Reality Tree of Shops
• Building the Un-Refusable Offer
• Future Reality Tree of Retail Shop
• Polishing the Un-Refusable Offer
• The potential negative branches on the Future Reality Tree of a Retail Shop
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