Dear friend
If you can write 200 words per week in simple 5th grade English, you could be adding $8333 to your bank account each month (or, in guru terms). “make six figures a year”).
The problem is you’re relying 100% on Twitter to bring you sales and clients while ignoring the ONE THING which will give you more of both on autopilot.
What is that one thing? You can make money while you sleep with an email marketing system backend.
Before I get into the details of how this system works, let me make sure you understand this:
Anyone with half a mind and 4+ hours per day can set up a Twitter account. They can reach 1,000 followers and make $100 every time they tweet.
But it means you’re glued to the screen all day posting content and scrolling, when you could be taking three hour lunch breaks while the sales continue to pile in.
Isn’t that the whole point of having an online business?
So you can get back your time so you can do the things you love.
Making money on social media without an email system also means you’re putting your entire business model in the hands of Twitter.
You don’t have any leverage.
You have no leverage with your business because it’s 100% reliant on the Twitter algo (which you have no control over).
You don’t have any leverage over your time, as you spend most of your time on social media playing the engagement games.
Your tweets could bomb and you could lose your account, your followers and all the content you worked so hard to create….
All because there are some midgets-Bird app HQ, a level community manager, decided to terminate your account without warning and for no good reason.
No bueno.
*️⃣ From 4+ Hour work days to 200 word work days
When I discovered that Twitter could make me money, I was obsessed.
I spent over four hours a days trying to figure out how to get more followers, how get engagement, and how to make sales.
It was great fun to start making money, but I quit after six months.
During my break, I thought back to why I started an online business; so that I could do what I want every single day.
I created a full-time position because of the way I was doing it (the wrong way).
One that made me spend all day on Twitter.
Posting tweets and threads.
Commenting on tweets
Sending dozens DMs per hour.
And become a slave of the bird app.
That’s when I decided to revamp my business and add a new system which gave me the freedom to escape the screen and not only keep making money….
You can make MORE money doing less work.
That System?
*️⃣ Enter “Write Once, Sell Twice”: the email system I’ve used for the past two years to make anywhere from $500 to $5,000 in one day from simple 200 word emails.
This is exactly the system I use to make a steady six-figure online income, while still having the flexibility to do cool things like stay at coffee farms in Colombian mountains towns.
Or working out, reading detective books, getting back rubs, and any other not-For-profit activities I enjoy.
This system can be used for long-term planning.-Term income stream that pays month after month
This system can be used to fill your calendar and make sales calls.
This system can also be used to generate cash windfalls during product launches
This system is for everyone, from novices looking to start a business to veterans looking to make more money and reduce their screen time.
I showed my system to a friend in real life and he began applying it immediately. After one month of execution, he sent me this:
All this from a small group of 55 subscribers, and a few hundred followers on Twitter.
Now just imagine where he’s going to be in a few months as his Twitter following and subscriber list grows.
*️⃣ How Write Once, Sell Twice This guide will help you make money online
I’ve combined everything I know from two years of writing emails into one course.
My hands are full-on experience I’ve also read, written and studied thousands of winning and losing emails to extract the cream of the crop so you don’t have to spend months digging around, failing and figuring it out on your own.
I’ve done all the boring work for you and know exactly how to write emails that make sales.
☞ The best part is after you apply this system, you’ll start making sales without:
All you have to do is send a simple 200-word email, and then hit the Send button.
☞ Relax, then, and enjoy the rest.
☞ All of this can be done without:
*️⃣ What’s Inside Write Once, Sell Twice?
This course is complete and includes lifetime access to all video content and all future updates.
I’m not holding anything back. You’ll get my entire playbook for turning your email list (tiny or large) into your personal cash machine.
*️⃣ You’ll learn:
The best part….
*️⃣ So simple even your boomer parents can take this and start making sales today
Look. I’m NOT a master copywriter or the best marketer around.
Not even close.
Hell, English isn’t even my first language.
I’m just an ordinary guy who figured out how to turn words into income by writing 200 word emails written at a 5th grade English level.
Everything you’ll learn in this course will be simple but highly profitable.
It doesn’t matter if you sell info products…
Or if you sell a coaching offer….
Or if you sell an affiliate product…
What’s the bottom line?
*️⃣ Email is and always will be the most reliable profit pipeline in any business
The only question is…
You can use it to create an online business that allows you to write once and get paid twice (and many more times).
Or would you prefer to keep doing what you’re doing by spinning your wheels and praying for the Twitter Gods to give you some steady engagement?
Click here if you prefer writing once and selling twice. “I want this!” button and let’s get started.
*️⃣ Original Content:
Course Requirement Eddy Quan – Write Once, Sell Twice
Real Value $ 67
One-Time cost: USD 45
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