Go beyond traditional loaves and elevate your bread baking with homemade bagels, pretzels and bialys.
Meet baker Sim Cass and learn all about bagel dough and how it differs from other bread doughs. Then, see how to mix and develop your dough, and get some tips on tasty variations to try.
Find out how to equally divide your dough, roll it out and create that signature bagel shape. And, discover how to make mini-bagels, a sometimes difficult undertaking that’s made easy with Sim’s expert instruction.
Learn how to finish your bagels. Sim shows you how to correctly poach, top and bake your bagels, before expertly assessing your finished product.
Explore the wonderful world of bialys. Sim introduces you to this cross between a roll and an English muffin, traditionally filled with sautéed onion or bread crumbs. Then, you’ll find out how to mix your dough and expertly round them in preparation for final shaping. Plus, as they rest, Sim shows you how to cook traditional fillings for your bialys.
Shaping bialys can be tricky, but Sim shows you how to achieve the perfect nest to hold your fillings in place. Then, find out how to fill and bake them. And, enjoy troubleshooting techniques, including how to control factors like moisture in the baking process.
In your last lesson, master the mighty pretzel! Start by mixing the dough. Then, watch as Sim shows you a variety of ways to shape, poach, coat and bake your pretzels to perfection.
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