
Accelerated Change Template – Belief Change System

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Accelerated Change Template – Belief Change System

Accelerated Change Template – Belief Change System

FINALLY – a belief change training designed SPECIFICALLY
for heart-centered entrepreneurs and experts who are committed
to serving the world, providing amazing transformation
AND building a successful business you love with profit, purpose, and impact
…all while having fun, being authentic, and feeling fulfilled!

Imagine  – You’ll Be Able to Change Your Limiting
Beliefs that Keep You Stuck IN MINUTES and Finally
Free Yourself to Overcome Your Biggest Challenges and
Achieve Your Biggest Dreams!
***And you don’t even have to “try hard”!***

No more willpower, affirmations, and positive thinking. No more trying to silence your negative “head trash”. No more “trying harder” and struggling to either overcome challenges or manifest your goals. No more wondering if and when you’re going to finally “make it” and get out there with your gifts.

This is the first step! You’ll have everything you need to take advantage of the most powerful part of your mind and
change your limiting beliefs in minutes!

Stop “trying harder” …….achieve even your “toughest” goal
without willpower, without a fight, thanks to incredible powers concealed
inside your own mind, waiting for release.

Monday, March 18, 2019
From the Desk of Nikkea B. Devida

Dear Fellow Change Agent (Yes YOU my friend!),

Any of this sound familiar?

  • You want to attract more clients,especially ideal ones, but you can’t seem to “get the word out”.
  • You’d like to charge what you’re worth and get it, but you’re afraid you’ll scare people off and have even fewer clients.
  • You’re struggling with having enough sales and clients in your business, and you’d love to have a steady, solid stream of leads, clients and sales.
  • You’d love to solve your money troubles once and for all.
  • You’re tired of being the “best kept secret” in your industry or niche. Maybe you feel insecure or anxious when networking or meeting new potential clients.
  • You want to make a positive difference in the world, and you just need to get out there more with your “thing”.
  • You want to make money teaching and providing what you love. You want to start making big money with your “thing”.
  • You have a sense of a bigger mission and purpose for your life, and you really want to know it and live it fully. And you’d love to have the courage to live it full out with full faith and confidence.
  • You’d love to have more courage and confidence to get your message out in a big way?
  • You want to stop “getting ready” and start getting into “massive action” to get the word out about what you offer. You want to stop procrastinating and start focusing on the important things that will really move you forward. You know and actually have the information of what you should be doing, but you just can’t seem to take the actions.
  • You want to have the energy and motivation to keep pushing forward.
  • You want to stop struggling with being fulfilled in your personal and professional life. You’re ready to live the lifestyle you always dreamed of now, and you’d like to be having a lot more fun and free time.
  • Frankly, you secretly “want it all“. There’s a part of you that knows it’s possible, but you’re not exactly sure how to get it. Or if you could really do it.

If any of this rings true, then I have a special treat for you. I’d like to invite you to the FIRST and ONLY belief change training program designed for heart-centered, conscious entrepreneurs and agents of change – The “Accelerated Change Template (ACT)™ Belief Change System.”

This program will teach you how to change your limiting beliefs in minutes so you can step into the spotlight with work that you love, to make a positive difference in the world, and have the confidence that comes with knowing you can do it!

Now is the time for YOU to stop “trying harder”….STOP trying to pay for your goals with anxious effort and overwhelm, physically debilitating stress and strain, emotionally exhausting discipline. Instead learn how to let your subconscious mind work FOR you instead of AGAINST you.

I will take you by the hand and PERSONALLY walk you through learning
how to quickly and easily identify and change your own subconscious
limiting beliefs so you can effortlessly get your message out, grow your
business with products and services and clients you love, and charge
what you’re worth…without all the “struggle.”

You see, your beliefs create your reality. Your life is a reflection of your beliefs. These beliefs – usually subconscious – are the cumulative effect of life-long “programming”. As a result of past negative programming we sometimes think and behave in self-defeating ways. ACT™ provides a user-friendly way to re-write the software of your mind by changing beliefs that sabotage you into beliefs that support you…quickly and easily.

I’ve figured it all out AND I’m laying it out for you so you can easily duplicate my success.  Identifying and changing your limiting beliefs directly at the subconscious level was one of the keys to me quickly and easily manifesting my goals over and over in virtually every area of my life. And it happens so quickly and easily, that these “miracles” are just a normal, expected (and very appreciated) part of my life. That’s why I’m ready to walk you through the same process that works so successfully for me, over and over again.

But it’s deeper than that. You see, I LOVE more than anything teaching others how to change beliefs. Why? Because it’s such a FAST and EASY way to get results. (At least, once you have the steps!)

Here’s what I do.  I clearly identify the goal I want to achieve as specifically as I can, and I write it down in the language that the subconscious understands. Then, using ACT™, I identify the highest priority beliefs that need to be changed and I change them. Then I start taking the actions toward my goal. It’s very common for me to have the exact right things happen right away (a “random” meeting of a person or a phone call “out of the blue”) that will move me in a powerful direction toward my goal…in a way far more quickly and easily than I could have ever planned.

With ACT™, It’s As Easy To Change Your Limiting Beliefs As It Is
To Edit A Word Processing Document.

Here’s the thing. There are more “change modalities” out there than you can shake a stick at. And I really believe working DIRECTLY with the subconscious to change limiting beliefs is where you’ll get the fast results. NOT, as you might have thought, through willpower, positive thinking, affirmations, and the many other very popular change techniques. VERY few change techniques actually work with the subconscious in a direct, verifiable, and systematic way. They SAY their techniques work at the subconscious level, but they can’t actually verify on-the-spot that the beliefs changed and that it worked.  With ACT™, you can. ACT™ takes out all the guesswork and doesn’t leave anything to “hope” or “chance.”

So working directly to change beliefs at the subconscious level… that’s where the big change and results are at. I’ve evaluated this 14 ways from Tuesday and I haven’t come up with anything better. Why?  Because of how much science there is to back it up, and because of how fast I’ve seen my clients (and myself) get actual results. And with my background in engineering and project management and operations…what I actually care about is getting results the most easily, effectively, and efficiently. (I’m a results junkie!)

Get immediately download Accelerated Change Template – Belief Change System

First off, you can usually work with any goal, challenge, or issue and change anything you want. Don’t know what your limiting beliefs are?  No problem. With ACT™, you’ll be able to identify the highest priority belief(s) to change quickly. No guessing!  Not sure where to start? No problem. With ACT™, you’ll be able to identify the highest priority goal(s) to even work with, or it can help you get clarity on where to start. That’s what I do. And with ACT™, that’s built into the step-by-step system for you to be able to work as effectively as a “newbie” as someone who’s been doing it for years. I purposely designed the system so that you could immediately start changing your own beliefs right out of the gate… and start getting results right away!

Shift Happens!

But let’s face it, making the shifts you’ve always wanted hasn’t always been easy, has it? And it’s certainly not because you haven’t been trying hard. It all boils down to your subconscious programming and beliefs. Unfortunately, most of us rarely ever have an opportunity to find out what they are, never mind actually change them. But now, with ACT™, you can learn to change self-sabotaging beliefs in minutes to create the changes you desire quickly.

No telling your life story for the “umpteenth” time, no mental gymnastics, no journaling, no fluff, no gimmicks.
The process is simple, direct, & verifiable.

While it’s true that the only thing constant in life is change, it’s now completely within your reach with ACT™ to learn how to manage and direct change in the way you desire instead of being a victim of the external forces and circumstances in your life. Successfully changing your limiting beliefs to achieve your goals is NOT hard, does not take a long time, and it’s not painful. You don’t have to re-tell or re-live your painful “story” for the umpteenth time, there’s no journaling, no visualization, no mental gymnastics … just results.

What if I told you that it could be not only be fast and easy, but PAINLESS for you? In fact, even downright enjoyable and FUN! (Imagine that!)

Changing your limiting beliefs CAN be as easy as editing a word processing document on your computer.
You edit. You save. And you’re done.

Changing your beliefs CAN be super easy for you, more than ever … IF you follow my step by step model.

When You Change Your Beliefs, You Change Your Life

How do you know if you have subconscious limiting beliefs? It’s easy. Notice your results. If you have everything you want in your business and your life – and it’s going really well – you probably don’t have many limiting beliefs.

But if you notice there are some trouble spots where you’re experiencing inconsistent results, struggle, overwhelm, and don’t seem to get where you want to go fast enough, then you definitely have limiting beliefs in that area. But the good news is – that’s really EASY to change.

I know, a lot of people talk about changing limiting beliefs. They say that you should, but no one really tells you exactly HOW to do it…in a way that’s simple, direct, and verifiable.

But it can be very frustrating, time consuming, expensive, and be extremely disappointing if you don’t do it the RIGHT way (trust me on this; I’ve seen people spend a lot of time, money, and energy on this who didn’t get long term, lasting results). Things were better for a little while, and then went back to “business as usual.”

ACT™ helps greatly whenever your subconscious beliefs are holding you back. Most clients report that not only do their business success and sales improve, but their relationships with their family, friends and team also change for the better as their subconscious beliefs were changed by doing ACT™ alignments. Many clients report accelerated recovery from life long childhood emotional and physical trauma and from more recent debilitating life trauma as well. Essentially, whatever has been holding you back from creating a successful business you love with work that you love, ACT™ helps to clear those blocks so you easily move toward your goals…fast!

In Order To Change The Printout Of Your Life,
You Must Learn To Rewrite The Software Of Your Mind

The subconscious mind is your storehouse of ALL your past experiences, values, attitudes, and BELIEFS. Old, painful emotions get stored as programs in your subconscious mind where they hamper our responses to life. With ACT™, you simply access these “programs” and use the ACT™ belief change techniques to change them into the “programs” you desire. Those new positive beliefs become your new “default” programming. When you operate out of this new belief potential, you can then make different choices in your life instead of running those old, automatic “programs” that keep you stuck.

The Power of Subconscious Beliefs

Beliefs are the building blocks of our behaviors and have a direct effect on our biology. They are derived from personal experiences and reinforced through social conditioning. Beliefs affect our business and sales performance, how others respond to us, self-image, moods, relationships, energy and physical health, as well as virtually every other area of our lives.

With such a profound affect on every aspect of our lives, it is imperative that we know how to identify beliefs that are limiting us and how to change them into beliefs that support us, behaviorally and physically.

These subconscious beliefs create the perceptual filters through which we respond to life. They form the basis of our actions and reactions to life’s challenges. They directly affect our biological responses to our environment, determining whether we “respond” or “react” out of “fight or flight”…which directly affects our performance.

Ever Try To Change Your Mind,
Only To Find Out That Your Mind Has A Mind Of It’s Own?

If you’ve ever tried to change something and experienced some difficulty, then you know exactly what I mean. But why is that? Well, it’s actually because you do have two minds…a conscious mind and a subconscious mind.

And There Are Powerful Differences Between The Conscious And Subconscious Minds

Dr. Bruce Lipton, a best selling author and cellular biologist from University of Wisconsin and Stanford University demonstrated that our minds work the same way as computers and that over 99% of the power of our mind is in the subconscious, the hard drive of our bio-computer.

The conscious mind, which is the “volitional” or “free will” part of you that sets goals and judges your results, has a limited processing capacity of about 3-4 events at a time and processes at a rate that averages 2 THOUSAND bits of information per second. That sounds like a lot, until you compare it to the subconscious mind.

Everything you’ve ever seen, heard, and experienced is stored in your subconscious mind. It’s the part of you that is automatically just running “programs”…your BELIEFS.   It has a vastly expanded processing capacity of thousands of events at a time and processes at a rate averaging 4 BILLION bits of information per second.

So, if you do the math (which I did), that means way over 99% (actually 99.99995%) of the power of your mind is in your subconscious–the hard drive of your bio-computer. Less than 1/100,000th of 1% (only 0.00005%) of change occurs at the conscious level of the mind. So in a “tug of war” between the conscious vs. subconscious mind, who’s gonna win? Hands down, the subconscious mind… every time.

The subconscious mind is like the hard drive on your computer.
Your beliefs are the software.
Your life is like the printer that’s just printing out what’s in the software.

Most change modalities rely on visualization, affirmations, and/or positive thinking (willpower) to accomplish the task of introducing these statements to the subconscious. These approaches are most effective at the conscious level of the mind, not the subconscious. Reading books, attending workshops, listening to tapes, getting motivated and gaining insight alone (i.e. talk-therapy) doesn’t create the positive, lasting results you desire because they don’t get to the level of the subconscious mind. Insight is seldom a sufficient condition for creating lasting change.

That’s why changing your subconscious beliefs is so critical.  And the good news is, you can also use ACT™ to figure out what beliefs you SHOULD be changing. You can pinpoint with laser accuracy the highest priority belief or beliefs you need to change with ACT™. And, even more importantly, you can identify which precise change technique to use in order to change it. So many people think that if they know what beliefs to change, that they automatically will change. Or, that if they have AWARENESS about their beliefs, that it will create the change. That’s not true at all. It’s also not true you have to figure out why you have the belief, or where it originated in order to change it. It’s actually BACKWARDS.

You Edit. You Save. And You’re Done. (Yes, Really!)

Let’s use a computer analogy. Because, in fact, based on the research of Dr. Bruce Lipton, you’re mind is a programmable “bio-computer.” And with the right knowledge of how to do it, it is as easy to change your subconscious limiting beliefs as it is to edit a word processing document.

Imagine you’re sitting in front of a computer and you want to edit a word processing document. What do you do? Well, as long as you know the “keystrokes” on your keyboard, it’s easy to simply find and open the document you’re looking for, isn’t it? And when you review the document and see that a word, line, or sentence needs to be changed or edited. What do you do? You simply add, change, delete or re-write what you want. You save it. And you’re done.

Are You “Willing” Your Word Processing Document to Change?

Using this analogy, think of how ridiculous it would be if by simply being aware of what you wanted to change in a word processing document, and willing (even really hard!) it to change, that the document would change itself. Being AWARE of the change you want to make, and WILLING it to change in the document DOESN’T change the document, does it? Of course not! Also, trying to figure out WHY the document is the way it is, and HOW the document got to be the way it is, also DOESN’T actually change the document.  Also, talking about changing the document, pleading with the document, talking nicely to the document, getting firm or angry with the document, saying affirmations to the document about “you deserve to change”, “you can do it”, etc… none of those things actually change the document, either. Neither does journaling, meditating, visualizing about changing the document, does it? NO!!!

So, how do you change the document? When it comes right down to it, it’s really easy, isn’t it? You open up the document you want to change. You find the areas you want to change. You make your changes and edits to the document. You SAVE the document (obviously, a very important step). And you close the document. Period.

Here’s the kicker. Once you edit and save the document, do you have to keep “reinforcing” or “repeating” that you made the changes? Do you have to worry about how long the “save” will last? Do you have to keep re-doing the edits and changes and re-saving them? Do you have to keep checking to make sure the changes happened? No. Once you make the changes, the change becomes a permanent part of the document. Every time you open up the document in the future, those changes will be there. They won’t revert back to what was there before. And they will stay there indefinitely as part of the permanent file…until you decide to change them again.

It Works EXACTLY The Same Way With Changing Your Subconscious Limiting Beliefs.

You NEVER AGAIN have to spend days, weeks, months, and years trying to figure out what beliefs you need to change, why the beliefs are there in the first place, what happened in your life to create the beliefs, or how long they’ve been there. You don’t have to re-tell your story for the umpteenth time. With ACT™, it’s easy to identify and change your beliefs. And you’ll know EXACTLY how to change the beliefs yourself. (And you won’t have to spend thousands of dollars doing it WRONG before you figure it out.) With ACT™, it’s as easy to change your limiting beliefs as it is to edit a word processing document. You edit. You save. And you’re done.

But before you can do ANY of this, you need the step-by-step instructions on exactly HOW to change your beliefs in this way. And that’s where my Accelerated Change Template (ACT)™ Belief Change System comes in.

This is the ONLY training available that walks heart-centered entrepreneurs and agents of change through EXACTLY how to change your limiting beliefs!

It’s designed to help you:

  • Massivelyincrease the speed and decrease the effort it takes for you to achieve your goals.
  • Move from “getting ready,” procrastination, and overwhelm into massive action and implementation of doing the highest priority actions to yield the fastest, easiest, most impactful results.
  • Feel the confidence, courage, and clarity to get more leads, more clients, and more sales not only with clients you love, but at a price you feel good about charging, AND in a way you love to deliver your products and services that gives you BOTH the money AND the lifestyle you want…and deserve.

It’s designed specifically for entrepreneurs, coaches, experts, speakers, authors and service professionals who prefer an authentic style of serving and want to use their authentic service, style and presence to draw people in to work with you. Changing your beliefs with ACT™ will assist you in becoming more effective in attracting your ideal clients. It assists you in becoming more fully who you really are, and the best version of who you are. It assists you in unmasking your power that is uniquely you…which is your unique gift and blessing to give to the world. ACT™ will help you unmask that much more quickly by unmasking the limiting beliefs that have been in your way.

With ACT™, you are simultaneously aligning your subconscious mind (your programming) , your conscious mind (your choice and free will), and your superconscious mind (your “higher self”). Most methods of change out there focus on one or MAYBE two, but not all three at the same time. Having all three “minds” in alignment turn you into a magical, manifesting machine…but all in your highest and best good.

If you resonate with the Accelerated Change Template (ACT)™ philosophy, then you’ll love learning how to magically identify your highest priority belief on-the-spot and how to change your limiting beliefs in minutes… into massively positive, supportive, productive ones that free you to manifest your goals quickly and easily.

Given the right beliefs and installation, these new beliefs can be directly input into your subconscious mind to create powerful self confidence. So, for example, if you need to generate more clients and sales, you can create beliefs such that you’ll automatically deliver the perfect presentation every time.

Installation is a key word here. It’s NOT what you think casually, on the surface. It’s not even the thoughts, images held, or affirmations during quiet time or meditation. It is the beliefs that are often concealed in the VERY DEEPEST LEVELS OF YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND that make your life what it is today and what it will be tomorrow. Getting to that level and being able to deliberately, intentionally unleash your own suppressed powers….to create a new you…..that requires the very specific process of communication and installation with your subconscious mind originated by Nikkea B. Devida called ACT™.


Here’s a “grocery list” of just some of the most intriguing discoveries you can make as you explore the powers of your own mind, with the help and guidance of ACT™. I suggest checking off those of greatest importance to you:

In the Accelerated Change Template (ACT)™ Belief Change System, you’re going to walk away with the knowledge, tools, and support to:

  1. Become much more DECISIVE in everything you do.
  2. DESIGN your destiny day-to-day and long-term (instead of being jerked around like a puppet or programmed like somebody else’s computer!)
  3. Instantly“turn up” your CONFIDENCE in challenging situations.
  4. Easily be your best, most powerful, authentic self when handling sales conversations, negotiations, arguments, debates, disputes.
  5. Access all your mind’s natural “powers” for PERFORMING like a world-class champion in any activity, from speaking, to selling, to networking, to negotiating, to leading your  team, to leading a workshop and making authentic, powerful offers from the stage.
  6. Achieve TOTAL FOCUS and CONCENTRATION regardless of distractions around you…for better selling, writing marketing copy, better organization, better parenting, enhanced memory!
  7. ERADICATE PROCRASTINATION from your life, once and for all. Just get it done.
  8. CALM yourself “on the spot” in times of extreme stress
  9. BREAK FREE OF MOODINESS, frustration, burn-out…stop letting other people or petty annoyances control your moods.
  10. ERASE LIFELONG FEARS…or new ones as you encounter newer, bigger challenges.
  11. SILENCE “NEGATIVE” SELF TALK…and finally feel at peace and comfortable in your own skin.
  12. Create EMOTIONAL POISE…stop losing your temper, lashing out at others, saying things you wish you could take back.
  13. CUSHION EMOTIONAL BLOWS, so you can BOUNCE BACK QUICKLY from disappointment, discouragement, temporary failure.
  14. Make NERVES work FOR you, not against you. Turn it into “eustress” instead of “distress.”
  15. “SPARKLE” with charm, confidence, poise…enjoy incredible, magnetic   influence with the opposite sex…be relaxed in social or business settings…  the secrets of CHARISMA.
  16. EASILY deal with difficult team members, family members and romantic partners, and quarrelsome neighbors.
  17. OVERCOME ANY TROUBLESOME HABIT – even if it has plagued you for years. And, proactively install new beliefs to create new habits.
  18. SPEED UP LEARNING, retention and implementation of new information and skills (from all the workshops, seminars, books, CDs/DVDs, and information products on your shelves), a new computer program, a foreign language, passing tests and certifications…

Best yet, you can walk away with having the belief in yourself, the KNOWING, and the confidence to be paid well for doing what you love, in private sessions, in group programs, on teleseminars or from the stage, you will be ready for massive quantum leap results! And all this without struggle, resistance, or sabotage. It’ll just flow naturally with ease and grace.

Here’s just a sampling of what you’ll get in the comprehensive ACT™ Belief Change System:

With the 5 Simple Steps of the C.L.E.A.R™ process:

  1. C – CHOOSE, COMMUNICATE, CLARIFY Highest Priority Goals with Subconscious Mind
  2. L – LEVELS Of Permission
  3. E – ELICIT Highest Priority Beliefs
  4. A – ALIGN Highest Priority Beliefs
  5. R – REPEAT Until Complete

And here’s more detail about each of the steps.

Step 1 – Choose, Communicate, and Clarify your Goal for your Subconscious Mind

This is the first, but very important part of your change process. You’ve heard the saying “Be careful what you ask for…because you just might get it”? Well, with ACT™, you WILL get it. This step ensures that you’re crystal clear on the outcome you desire- and that your subconscious mind understands EXACTLY what that means!

Choose. We start here because Choosing your goal is the core of what you intend to manifest. It also informs your subconscious mind of the beliefs that are not in alignment with that goal. Everything else is reverse-engineered from the goal. (Sometimes, choosing the goal may be what you’re most resisting. So we start here and pull it together so you have no excuses in manifesting what you’ve chosen as your goal.)

Communicate. Then, you learn how to establish direct Communication with your subconscious mind with the Accelerated Success Kit (ASK)™. The ASK™ module gives you the tools you need to communicate with your subconscious mind on your own, with a partner, and with clients. A detailed, step-by-step video tutorial shows you many different techniques you can choose from to Communicate with your subconscious mind, as well as the step by step process to follow. You only need to choose one that works for you, and you’re on your way.

Clarify. You’ll also get my 5-step Accelerated Intention Method (AIM)™ process. The language of the conscious mind and subconscious mind are very different. The AIM™ process will “clarify” your goal in the language that your subconscious mind understands. It’s like a translation process that allows you to communicate your conscious goal to your subconscious mind. This is goal-setting for your subconscious mind, NOT your conscious mind.

You learn:

  • Easy ways to create well-formed beliefs and overall goals, so you feel confident and empowered to manifest your goals- not desperate. And your subconscious mind just goes along with manifesting for you!
  • How to translate your goal in the language that your subconscious mind understands. Because you understand it at the conscious level, doesn’t mean your subconscious does. You’ll get totally clear on your goal and how to articulate it to your subconscious mind so your subconscious mind is essentially just automatically “filling an order” to achieve your goal.
  • The RIGHT way to use these powerful communication tools (a lot of “newbies” mess this up!)
  • How to avoid using this powerful communication tool incorrectly.
  • How you can feel confident choosing, communicating, and clarifying this goal to your subconscious mind so you know it’s exactly what’s in your highest and best interest to move toward for your next level of growth and success.
  • The biggest mistakes most entrepreneurs make when setting and attempting to achieve their goals (you’re probably doing it too, but after this module, you’ll never do it again!)
  • How you can leverage the power of your subconscious mind to achieve your goals. Remember, your conscious mind processes at a capacity and speed of only 1/100,000th of 1% compared to your subconscious mind, which has 99.99995% of the power!
  • My exact formula for choosing, communicating, and clarifying your goal for your subconscious mind- this is so amazing that any resistance just disappears!

Get immediately download Accelerated Change Template – Belief Change System

Step 2 – Levels of Permission

This is where we get permission from your conscious mind, subconscious mind, and superconscious mind to manifest your goal. Because this is such an accelerated method of change, this creates safety to make sure that it’s in your highest and best interest to change all of the beliefs needed to quickly and easily achieve your goal.

Now that you have secured your overall goal, you’re ready to get the levels of permission. This is a fast and easy process, but one that can’t be overlooked or ignored. Fortunately, it’s built into my step-by-step process, so you’ll always know that it’s safe and appropriate to “go after” the goal you’ve set for yourself, while changing all the beliefs needed to make it happen. You also learn:

  • The mindset behind the permission — to make it easy for you to feel safe and confident while you’re making huge changes!
  • Why it’s so important to have a permission protocol in place, when creating ACCELERATED change at this level and speed, to make sure your body-mind system can handle the amount of change.
  • Exactly how to get permission for your goals and your beliefs so that all levels of your mind are in “agreement” to move seamlessly forward toward achieving your goal.
  • What to do if you don’t get permission. It doesn’t mean you can’t move forward, but it does mean there’s something else you need to do first.
  • How you can incorporate this important step with any other change work or modality that you currently utilize, independently or in conjunction with ACT™.

Step 3 – Elicit the Highest Priority Beliefs

Next we identify the limiting beliefs requiring change so that you can quickly and easily manifest your goal. By identifying the highest priority beliefs, you can get the fastest change in the shortest amount of time with the least amount of effort. You’ll know you’ve identified the right beliefs to change from the very beginning!

There IS a way to identify the exact beliefs in the exact right order that need to be changed in support of your goal. There is a most efficient, effective pathway to follow to get the best result quickly, easily and effortlessly. I want you to feel completely comfortable that you can identify the highest priority beliefs you need to change by the time you’re done with this module.

You also learn:

  • 3 simple steps to quickly identify the highest-priority limiting beliefs you need to change and how to access them.
  • 3 main approaches to changing those beliefs so that you take all of the guesswork out of the process and leave nothing to chance.
  • The exact step-by-step process to follow to elicit the beliefs – it’s so systemized, it’s like a paint by number system!
  • How to completely remove ALL resistance and struggle to learning and implementing new information quickly. You can take the information and learning materials you already have and “install” them directly into your subconscious. In other words, any time you learn something new and it’s something you want to incorporate into your life, this module will teach you how to “download” that information directly to your subconscious so that it becomes your new “default” programming.
  • How to know with certainty if you’ve identified the highest-priority beliefs to change.

Step 4 – Align the Highest Priority Beliefs

I’ll show you how to align your limiting beliefs. Once you learn the steps, it only takes minutes to change them. (You edit. You save. And you’re done, remember?)

Ah, now we’ve gotten to the “secret sauce.” This is what sets my Accelerated Change Template (ACT)™ belief change method apart from the rest of those change techniques, trainings, and modalities out there. Knowing how to facilitate the change with these simple but powerful alignments is the key to changing your beliefs quickly and easily.

You’ll be amazed at the wisdom and thoroughness of this process, and how effortlessly your beliefs change once you learn my easy formula. (Your beliefs practically re-write themselves!) It’s so easy, you’ll wonder how you struggled with this for so long!

You also learn:

  • How to use the simple step-by-step templates you can use forever to change beliefs for any goal that you want to manifest.
  • How to change your lifelong limiting beliefs in minutes, so they can align perfectly with whatever new goal you want to achieve or challenge you want to overcome (It doesn’t matter if you’ve had those old limiting beliefs for 20 years, 20 months, 20 days or 2 hours.)
  • To be your own facilitator of belief change, and feel confident and competent to make the changes yourself.
  • 3 Powerful Alignments that you can choose from to change your limiting beliefs. While you don’t have to align more than once for a certain belief to change, you can use these alignments over and over to change most any belief you encounter that needs changing.
  • How to know which alignment to use to change each belief. Not every alignment can be used to change every belief, but there’s a quick process to identify which is the best one to use that will work to change the belief with 100% certainty.
  • The biggest mistake entrepreneurs make that kills the effectiveness of their belief change.
  • The first thing you should do after you finish facilitating an alignment…this is CRITICAL. Many beliefs get left unchanged and good change work gets lost because the facilitator doesn’t know this!
  • How to know when you’re done with an alignment and the change is complete, and exactly what to do to verify that the change is complete. (The ACT™ process takes all the guesswork out of this part, too!)

Step 5 – Repeat until Complete

Get immediately download Accelerated Change Template – Belief Change System

Every time you align for a goal, let’s make sure you identify and change every belief needed to support your new vision. You don’t have to re-align a belief once you’ve changed it, but you probably have many beliefs around an overall goal that need to be changed. This last step makes sure you don’t miss any beliefs that need to be changed. With nothing left to chance, this step acts as a smooth transition to manifesting your goals without all the effort, struggle, overwhelm, and trying so hard…whew!

Changing your beliefs is obviously important to achieving your goals. But changing ALL the limiting beliefs holding you back on a certain goal is essential to manifesting that goal in record time. This simple but critical part of the change process is here to make sure you haven’t left any beliefs untouched that needed to be changed. This will allow you to enjoy greater speed with less effort toward your goal.

You learn:

  • How to easily determine if you’ve changed ALL the beliefs you need to for a particular goal, and how to periodically check in to see if any others need to be changed.
  • Making it Stick – how to keep the changes you have made.
  • My secret for changing more than one belief at a time. (So much faster and easier than changing them one-by-one!)
  • My simple secrets for building the relationship with your subconscious mind every time you do belief change. (And a VERY important reason to do belief change as much as possible!)
  • What to expect and what to do after the belief change, and what you need to be ready for. Yes, be careful what you ask for… because with ACT™ you’re going to get it. So get ready to receive!

So there they are, the 5 steps I use to PERSONALLY change my own limiting beliefs and how to magically transform them from beliefs that sabotage you and hold you back into ones that support you and propel you forward in minutes. And remember, I’m going to walk you through my steps during the Accelerated Change Template (ACT)™ Belief Change System so you won’t be going about it alone. Consider it your personal training and accountability program!

The Accelerated Change Template (ACT)™ Belief Change System includes:

The recordings of eight (8) information and transformation packed calls including Q&A time as I walk you through my ACT™ Belief Change System. It includes over 13 hours of audio training, and my comprehensive course materials, templates, diagrams, charts, and forms.

This even includes about 4 hours of video training to demonstrate how to properly do the steps of the change process step-by-step.

Once you get access to the ACT™ Belief Change System, you will be able to immediately dive in and start learning how to create positive, supportive beliefs. In this training, you will be able to get crystal clear about which goal(s) you want to achieve, the exact beliefs you need to change in order to achieve it (This alone can start to transform your business and life results immediately), and the powerful change processes to align your beliefs in just minutes.

Module 1: How the brain works and how beliefs are formed
Module 2: Choose: How to choose and create an overall goal for the subconscious mind
Module 3: Communicate: (Video) Step by Step video tutorial to learn how to quickly and accurately communicate with your subconscious mind
Module 4: Clarify: How to communicate your goal in the exact language of the subconscious mind. How to translate your goal and what you want to achieve to the most powerful part of your mind in the language it understands using the Accelerated Intention Method (AIM)™
Module 5: Elicit Highest Priority Beliefs: (Video) Step by Step video tutorial to learn how to identify the highest priority beliefs you need to change
Module 6: Align Highest Priority Beliefs and Levels of Permission: (Video) Step by Step video tutorial to learn 3 ACT™ Alignment processes so you can change your beliefs in minutes
Module 7: Facilitate live session: (Video) Step by Step video tutorial to demonstrate exactly how to facilitate a belief change session from beginning to end. There will also be a “hot seat” private session on the live call
Module 8: Open Q&A Call to get the most out of the ACT Belief Change System and use it in your business and in your life.

My ACT™ Belief Change Home Study Course includes access to my easy-to-use, always available, exclusive ACT™ Online Member Site, where you can start working on the course materials right away!

In the Member Site, you’ll have all the course content including the ACT™ Belief Change Blueprint, the ACT Quick Reference Guide, audios, videos, belief statements, and more, so you can refer to it every time you need to change limiting beliefs. Every module in the series has been recorded, transcribed, and is included in the course materials.

This home-study course includes:

    • My Amazingly Simple Accelerated Intention Method (AIM)™ template so you translate your conscious goal into the language your subconscious mind understands (you can use this format over and over to manifest your goals).
    • My proprietary “Accelerated Change Template (ACT)™ Belief Change Blueprint” that takes you step by step through the entire change process (as if I’m right there with you). Use it as a paint-by-numbers system to walk you through every single step of the change process. (People struggled for years before I finally developed this!)
    • My Accelerated Success Kit (ASK)™. Why do you need this? Because this module gives you a comprehensive video tutorial about many of the different ways to communicate with the subconscious mind. You also receive the video instruction on how to do this with yourself and with others, as well as a special tool that I personally use to communicate directly with my subconscious mind. (And I take it with me wherever I go!)
    • The video tutorial of ACT™ Alignments – these videos teach, demonstrate, and walk you through the ACT™ Alignment processes, and you can refer to them over and over again. The written, step-by-step instructions are also included in your course materials.
  • A video of an actual (ACT)™ Belief Change Session – this is a complete, unrehearsed, actual session which shows you how an actual session might go, what it might look like, and how to follow the system step-by-step from beginning to end.

This is THE complete system where I reveal my 5 simple step C.L.E.A.R™ process that helped me to:

  • Change my subconscious beliefs in minutes
  • Become THE expert and leader in my industry (instead of the best-kept secret)
  • Create products and programs to make it easy to share my gifts with my ideal clients
  • Duplicate myself so I can reach more people and make a massive difference in the world
  • Design a business that fit my desired lifestyle of working from home, living where I want, and taking amazing vacations on my own schedule.

It’s the PERFECT next step to support your business and your life. You’ll have all the tools and resources you need to change your limiting beliefs whenever you need to for years to come. This is a complete resource for you to get a quick refresher, sharpen your skills, and get answers to your questions.

And although I’m not a big fan of tacking on tons of bonuses (I tend to think it cheapens the original offer), what can I say? I have so much more to give you and I’m just not one to hold back. So…

Bonus #1 – Over 400 Belief Statements in 16 Categories
Value $197

I’ve been collecting thousands of belief statements since 1995 that I’ve personally aligned for myself and others. As a way to get you started right away, and start those creative juices flowing, you receive over 400 actual belief statements that you can use in 16 different business and life categories You can “install” these statements directly into your subconscious mind exactly as they are, or change them to fit your exact goals. Here are the 16 possible Belief Categories that we will focus on in this program:

    1. Entrepreneur: Embody the right entrepreneurial mindset and skills to succeed.
    2. Life Purpose: Gain clarity about what you were meant to do with your life.
    3. Manifestation: Become an unstoppable manifesting machine.
    4. Wealth: Enjoy healthy positive, healing feelings about money.
    5. Personal Power & Peak Performance: Have the confidence in yourself to do and be your best.
    6. Focus, Clarity, and Organization: Focus, organize and prioritize and stop procrastination and overwhelm in its tracks.
    7. Worthiness and Self-Acceptance: Love and believe in yourself no matter what.
    8. Energy, Creativity & Balanced Lifestyle: Have the energy and inspiration to live the life you love.
    9. Positive Body Image & Ideal Weight: Learn self-care, and to love, like, and respect yourself.
    10. Relationships: Attract, create and maintain loving, healthy, positive relationship dynamics.
    11. Accelerated Growth & Change – Beliefs for Successful Learning of ACT: Trust yourself and be open and willing to change.
    12. Connection, Safety, Trust with Self & Source – Clear Muscle Testing Signals: To get clear, reliable, accurate, consistent communication with conscious, subconscious and superconscious mind.

NEW Belief Sheet Categories:

  1. Money & Pricing for Programs/Services: Step into your power and charge what you are truly worth.
  2. Speaking Getting Known & Expert Status: Become fully visible as an expert and attract your ideal clients who are eager to pay you for your services.
  3. Beliefs of a Global Change Agent: Make a positive difference with your message.
  4. Wealthy Spiritual Entrepreneur: Maintain your spirituality while running a successful, conscious business.

Bonus #2 – Overall Goals Library
Value $197

A categorized list of Overall Goals that other participants have created in the program for the past several years. Over 200 Overall Goals organized by Physical/Health/Ideal Weight/Body, Financial/Business/Money/Career, Spiritual, Relationships, and More Categories that you can use for yourself!

Bonus #3 – The Accelerated Change Template (ACT)™
Step-by-Step Belief Change Blueprint
Value $997

One of my big secrets to success is that I paid attention to the processes I used to get results for myself and while coaching clients and, from that, I created replicable systems. I’m going to give you access to my exclusive ACT™ Belief Change Blueprint so you can walk through this belief-transforming process in a total step-by-step, paint-by-numbers process! Every step is clearly mapped out for you, flow chart style, so that you can follow easily. This is one of the keys to being able to confidently implement and use the ACT™ system right away, instead of needing weeks, months or years of experience to get started!

The ACT Belief Change Blueprint is the roadmap to navigating the change process. I was told by industry leaders that it was impossible to map out this change, and that it simply could not be done. Well, all along I knew it was a system! That’s how my “engineer” mind works… It wasn’t easy, but this particular blueprint took over 15 years of hands-on experience and 160 hours to map out and create. It’s like having me right alongside you, as you facilitate the belief change for yourself. (Value: Priceless!)

Bonus #4 – Crystal Pendulum & Case
Value: $25

Learn how to identify your own subconscious beliefs using this powerful self-muscle testing tool.

“WOW – This all sounds fabulous. How am I going to get my hands on all this gold?”

This is the exciting part. You see, I’m PASSIONATE about not only making sure this information gets into your hands but that you actually USE it. That’s why I designed an entire ACT™ Home Study Course around this experience.

Here’s how it’s going to work:

Once you receive your ACT™ Belief Change System, you’ll find all the steps laid out for you in a clear, easy-to-follow format.

In each module you’ll have assignments to complete from the program. You’ll listen to the audio and/or watch the DVDs and go through the worksheets. You’ll also hear the recordings from each module where I covered the content, answered questions, provided hot seat coaching and more.

The only catch? You really need to do the work in between modules and practice what you learned because each module builds on the next.  While you can certainly go at your own pace, I recommend that you plan to invest 2-4 hours per week to get the most out of this program. This includes listening to each audio, watching the video, reviewing the course materials and handouts, and the practice time after each module.

So what is this going to cost me?

As you’ll come to expect from me, I’m not going to start comparing the price to cups of Starbucks coffee or new shoes. You already know it’s a good deal and when you apply what you learn, you’ll EASILY make your money back (probably with your first new client).

Until now, my Accelerated Change Template (ACT)™ Belief Change System has only been available in my live 2½ day live workshops or the very exclusive ACT Mentorship Program. But you can you can get it all (and more) in this Home Study Course for just $547. You do the math, and you’ll see how affordable this is.

And for this low price, you’re going to learn the secrets behind changing your limiting beliefs in minutes. Not days, weeks, months, or years. You’ll be making changes right away AND you’ll feel confident while you’re doing it. What is that worth to you?

This is more than you making your money back after your first new client or two, this is about feeling GOOD about charging what you’re worth, getting paid doing what you love, and knowing you’re able to serve and share your brilliance AND be paid handsomely while you’re doing it.

 Read more:

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Here’s What You’ll Get in Belief Change System

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Course Requirement: Accelerated Change Template – Belief Change System
Real Value: $547.0000
One time cost: USD72.0000

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What is the refund policy “Accelerated Change Template – Belief Change System”?

  • We’ll Bear The Risk, You’ll Take The Results…
  • Within 30 days of purchased |Accelerated Change Template – Belief Change System  |, if you don’t get anything out of the program, or if your order has any problem, or maybe for some reason, you just don’t like the way it is. Please contact us and we will do our best to assist. Thank you for your understanding.

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Original price was: $547.00.Current price is: $72.00.

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