
Alina Vincent – Fast, Easy and Profitable Online Challenges


Alina Vincent – Fast, Easy and Profitable Online Challenges

Alina Vincent - Fast, Easy and Profitable Online Challenges

Discover A Simple, Low-Cost, Low-Tech
And Easy-To-Implement Strategy…

For Quickly Increasing Your Visibility & Exposure, Making A Bigger Impact With Your Message And Attracting A Flood Of New Paying Clients… in Just Days.

If you’ve struggled to get new clients, felt confused and overwhelmed by all the different possible strategies to use to grow your business or felt invisible in the marketplace and you want an easy-to-implement, low-cost, and simple strategy for attracting and enrolling new clients FAST, then you’re in the right place!

On this page you’ll discover this strategy and how to start attracting and enrolling new clients without spending months on confusing marketing campaigns, investing in costly software, or undertaking a complicated product launch.

I’m going to share with you exactly how to do this in a quick and simple way. But before I do, there are a few important questions for you to answer…

  • Have you ever felt frustrated by online marketing – and wish you didn’t need vast tech skills and know-how to get clients online?
  • Is there a part of you that feels like the best kept secret and you aren’t willing to wait years (or even months) to become known as the trusted authority in your area of expertise?
  • And do you want to bring in new profits and results in as little as a week… without spending thousands of dollars on technology or Facebook ads?

If you answered ‘yes’ to one (or all) of the questions above, I can confidently tell you that you’re not alone.

How I Accidentally Discovered
The Golden Ticket To 
Getting Clients…

The overwhelm and frustration you might be experiencing is completely normal…

In fact, I know it’s completely normal because that is exactly how I felt when I first got started…

Before I started my career as a business strategist, I spent 16 years in academia – teaching and designing courses at the university level. You can imagine the surprise I felt when I finally went into business for myself – all of a sudden I had to market what I did, and show people the value that I was bringing. If you’re anything like I was when I first started out, you know how challenging it is to start from scratch…

After struggling for months to get clients, I realized a BIG distinction.

I realized how important it is to position yourself as an expert in your field.

You see, when I was teaching at the University, people wanted to learn from me because they knew I was the expert in what I did. And now I was seeing it happening in my new field, only I wasn’t the go-to expert – other people were and they were getting all the clients… while I wasn’t.


That’s when it all clicked.

That’s when I knew that I had to become an authority.
I had to become a trusted expert.

So I used my knowledge and expertise in creating content that people wanted, along with the power of Facebook to do just that!


…In the process I accidentally discovered a WINNING FORMULA – an easy-to-implement process that not only positioned me as a trusted expert and gave me visibility and credibility FAST – it was also highly PROFITABLE.

And that’s how the Profitable Online Challenges formula was born.

But before I tell you more about it, let’s make sure we are on the same page…

Profitable Online Challenges…

Have you heard of online challenges?

Have you ever participated in one?

Maybe you’ve even offered one yourself?

An online challenge is a mini-training, where participants commit to challenge themselves to form a new habit, to master a new skill, or to achieve a goal over a short period of time.

Challenges can be created in any industry and on any topic – anything that people would like to do or change in their life, business, health or relationships.

The best part is that you don’t need to have a list or an established online community to run a successful and profitable online challenge.

In fact – online challenges are one of the best vehicles to grow your list, increase your visibility, create a strong online following and get clients online – especially when you’re first starting out. That’s what I did.

My first ONLINE CHALLENGE took my business from ZERO to over $250,000 in the first 2 years.

Ever since then online challenges have been an integral part of how I run my business, and I’ve fine-tuned my process and offered multiple challenges over the years.

Now online challenges are becoming the HOT NEW MARKETING trend.

They’re even getting the attention of big names in my industry, because online challenges are ALSO one of the fastest and easiest ways to monetize your existing reach, visibility and influence.

AND it works wonders if you are just starting out online.

Stick with me here and I’ll show you how it worked for me and my clients and how it can work for you.

Easiest Way To Get Clients Online… Even If You’re Brand New Or
Don’t Have An Email List

I hope I’m not sounding too magical here, but the fact is online challenges really are the fastest and easiest
way to get clients online. Not only that, online challenges have the unique ability to also help you…

  • Grow your social media following AND build your email list with hot prospects at the same time
  • Turn your Facebook ‘likes’ into raving fans and clients in a matter of days
  • Create an engaged community that sees you
    as a leader
  • Bring in new profits and results in less than a week (even if you don’t have a list)
  • Quickly become the known trusted authority in your area of expertise
  • Create a digital product that you can sell over
    and over again
  • Promote your programs and services using a fun way of attracting clients that works in today’s market
  • Give yourself the edge so you stand out in the crowded online marketing space
  • Get clients online without having vast tech skills or knowledge
  • Create a quick cash infusion + set yourself up for unlimited future sales and sign ups

As I said earlier, I knew I had to position myself as the Trusted Expert in my field of expertise and create content people were going to LOVE.

That’s why online challenges are so brilliant…

Why Online Challenges Make You A Client Ultra-Magnet…

Online challenges are so powerful because of something called “microlearning.”

Now, don’t let the cool name fool you, micro learning is not a fad. It’s been applied to all kinds of industries and is exemplified by mobile apps such as Duolingo, Canva, Ted-Ed, InstaNerd, and more. It provides a structure to deliver content in a way that fits with what we know about how people learn – short, focused, regular challenges that stretch and reward us.

Here’s what that means for you:

By organizing educational content into easy to consume, bite-sized portions, participants not only feel more successful, they ARE more successful! When clients succeed you succeed. So as clients experience results in your challenge, they naturally associate YOU with their success!

In other words, when you use online challenges to market your business you become an instant expert because people are associating YOU with their results.

This is better than being able to print your own money!

After I ran my first challenge, I got my first $2,000/month clients. Just 3 months later, I converted my challenge into an online program and ran my first launch, adding hundreds of people to my email list (which was a BIG deal for me at the time) and had my first ever $20,000 month.

I’ve gone on to use online challenges to add hundreds of thousands of dollars to my business, thousands of people to my email list, and become known as the expert in my field.

It feels so surreal…

Just a few short years ago I ran my first challenge and now I consult giants in the coaching and online business industries on how to host their own successful online challenges!

Look, you could figure out how to run online challenges on your own by…

  • Going through other people’s challenges
  • Sifting through all the good (and bad) info out there on how to host and promote a challenge
  • Try to create your content, and pray it works
  • Cross your fingers that you can figure out how to sell something when your challenge ends

…but that will take you months and will not guarantee the results.

I don’t want you to have to spend months and months trying to figure out how to do it on your own.

That’s why I created the Fast, Easy And Profitable Online Challenges program… to help business
owners just like you take the stage online and get their work out into the world in a fast and simple way.

You don’t need a team or graphic designer. You don’t need to be tech savvy.

I’ll give you everything – what to say in your emails, Facebook posts, how to create content, how to get people into your challenge, and how to get clients right away…

In other words, everything you need to know to make your own
online challenges successful is included in this program!

So… if you want to get clients online fast by running your own profitable online challenges,
I have a special invitation for you…


Fast, Easy & Profitable Online Challenges

This program is designed to give you an easy, step-by-step process to create a profitable online challenge
that attracts new clients, grows your email list, and turns you into a trusted authority in your field.

You will walk away from this powerful program with the rare ability to bring in new profits in a matter of days (even if you’re brand new or don’t have an email list).

I’ll walk you step-by-step through the formula. Simply follow each step and by the time you’ve completed the program your challenge can be up and running!

Fast, Easy, And Profitable Online Challenges consists of 5 in-depth training modules. Each module focuses on helping you create your profitable online challenge, each one building on top of the previous.

You get lifetime access to the training modules below…

MODULE 1: Profitable Online Challenges

You will discover…

  • 10 ways online challenges grow your business.
  • Why online challenges are more powerful than the typical free opt-in offer (ebook, free report, checklist, etc.) most online marketers will tell you to use to grow your email list.
  • Important distinctions between online challenges specifically designed to get you clients and challenges that aren’t (If your goal is to grow your list fast, get new clients, grow your online following and get paid – don’t make this BIG mistake).
  • How to quickly come up with your hot challenge idea – you can do this on the spot with me and have your idea ready to go!
  • All of the elements of the Profitable Online Challenges Formula.
  • And much, much more…


Fast & Easy Set-Up

You will discover…

  • The 6 pieces of marketing you need to have in place in order to start promoting and filling a successful online challenge.
  • The secret to naming your challenge (it’s not about hot buzzwords or catchphrases. It’s all about getting people to see at a glance that this is something they want to participate in).
  • 6 ways I get thousands of people to join my challenges. Use these to promote your challenge (online and off) to get as many people signed up as possible.
  • How to use your confirmation page (the page people see once they sign up for your challenge) to start generating sales for you right away.
  • The timeline and technology for your challenge, so you know what to send when (and how to automate as much as possible).
  • And much, much more…


MODULE 3: Content Creation Secrets

You will discover…

  • The 3 types of challenges and how to choose the right one for you and your audience.
  • How to make your content easy to consume without giving so much away that people get overwhelmed or worse – feel like they’ve got all they need and won’t want to take you up on your next level offer.
  • 3 ways to create hot content videos (simply choose the one that feels easiest for you).
  • Most common mistakes people make in the challenge videos and how to avoid them.
  • How to create “forever content” (This allows you to use your challenge as an ongoing way to bring in new email subscribers and clients OR you can use it as a stand-alone digital product when it’s completed.)
  • And much, much more…


MODULE 4: Engagement

You will discover…

  • High engagement is directly proportional to a high-quality experience – here’s how to create an experience your participants will never forget.
  • Top 10 strategies for keeping engagement high for the duration of the challenge (you definitely don’t want it to fizzle out halfway through!)
  • Easy things you can do each day to ramp up excitement and participation inside the challenge.
  • What to say in your emails while the challenge is going on and how often to send them.
  • 5 keys to create powerful (and friendly) Facebook prompts to encourage and grow engagement inside your FB group.
  • And much, much more…


MODULE 5: The Money Making Details

You will discover…

  • What to do with your challenge participants in the first few days after the challenge ends so you don’t miss out on this powerful client-getting window.
  • Why it’s so important to have a powerful way for you and your participants to wrap up your challenge together… even if you don’t make an offer at the end of your challenge (which I highly recommend you do).
  • What to say in your emails to get participants to invest in your next level offer.
  • 7 key points to include in your challenge wrap up call so people understand what ongoing support looks like from you, announce prize winners (if applicable), celebrate participants, and invite them to step up into your next level offer.
  • 5 ways to monetize your challenge so it continues to make you money and bring you new clients as you move onto your next challenge or promotion.
  • And much, much more…

When You Register,
You Will Get Access To…

The “Profitable Online Challenges”
Online Community

  • Year round group support from me, my coaches, and all the other members.
  • An engaged and supportive community of like-minded entrepreneurs all working towards hosting online challenges.
  • Access to guidance and support from other members, many of whom have experience in running multiple profitable online challenges.
  • A private forum to share your ideas, ask questions, and get feedback from members at different stages of the journey.

“Get Your Challenge Done Now”
5 Group Mentoring Calls

During these LIVE mentoring calls we can work through any roadblocks keeping you from implementing your challenge in your situation, your circumstances, and your business.

These sessions offer the opportunity to consider different possibilities that maybe you haven’t even thought of by hearing questions from other business owners in various fields. We’ll have plenty of opportunities to brainstorm and map out how to design, promote, and fill your challenge.

Who Am I And Why Should You Join
 “Fast, Easy and Profitable
Online Challenges” 

I’m passionate about helping coaches, healers, authors and speakers…

…get their message out there in a bigger way, attract and enroll more clients into their programs, build a successful business teaching what they love, and monetizing their knowledge and expertise.

I first started using online challenges to grow my business back in 2014. I started to create better and better results and every time I ran a challenge I’d see a rush of new clients and income. Then, many people saw what I was doing and the success I was creating, and they started asking me for support.

Using what you’ll learn in the Fast, Easy And Profitable Online Challenges program I have grown my company to over a million dollars in annual revenue, teaching what I love and helping other people share their message… and I’ve helped hundreds of clients host their own challenges, create large influx of new clients, and grow their income.

Because of the results I’ve been
able to create this formula…

…I’ve been invited to speak on stages of other leaders in the coaching industry and people like Christian Mickelsen, Callan Rush, Justin Livingston, Bill Baren, Rich German, Steve Olsher, Milana Leshinsky, Jeanna Gabellini, Sage Lavine, Marisa Murgatroyd, and Jay Fiset all promote my programs.

I now get to hang out with the coaching industry’s top leaders, many of whom have hired me to teach them my Online Challenges strategy for growing their businesses, and expanding their visibility and impact.

I’ve used what you’ll learn in the Fast, Easy and Profitable Online Challenges program to grow my business to 7 figures, I’ve been hired by the top leaders in the coaching space to teach them this formula, and I have supported hundreds of other entrepreneurs to grow their business, impact, and income through profitable online challenges.

When you make the decision today to join me in the Fast, Easy and Profitable Online Challenges program…

…you’ll learn everything I’ve developed and endlessly improved over the last several years to gain more visibility, get more clients, and make a bigger difference in the world by leveraging the power of profitable online challenges without using any paid ads or complicated marketing strategies.

When you use this simple process you’ll reach more people with your message, build a whole lot more visibility and exposure for yourself, and create consistent influxes of new clients and income.

What’s The Investment In The Program?

When you join the Fast, Easy and Profitable Online Challenges program…

… you’re going to discover the simple, easy-to-implement and low-tech strategy for running a profitable online challenge that brings you more visibility and exposure, creates a big influx of new clients and grows your income.

You’re going to walk away with a clear plan of action for creating your very own profitable online challenge that engages hundreds of your ideal prospects and leads them through a journey to become paying clients.

What would it be worth to you to have a simple step-by-step formula that you can use over and over again to create engaged audiences of ideal prospective clients, deliver them huge value, and then create a big influx of new PAYING clients…

Imagine how you’ll feel…

… when you know you have a simple system that WORKS for getting new clients in just days…

Imagine being free of having to chase new clients and having a step-by-step proven process for creating new influxes of paying clients any time you want …

And imagine the peace of mind that you’ll have when you are growing your visibility, making a bigger impact with your message and enrolling new clients almost on demand through your profitable online challenges.

This is exactly what we’ll be working on creating with you when you join the Fast, Easy and Profitable Online Challenges program and community.

I could easily charge over $2,000 for this program and it would be totally worth it. Look at Kelly Jo Murphy who made over $2,000 right away, or Kerry Dontchos who earned $7,117 from her very first challenge, or Jeanna Gabellini who has used this program to earn multiple 6-figure paydays!

When you join the program and follow the simple step-by-step process you could be creating results like these or even greater and earn the $2,000 invest back in no time.

However, like you, I feel called to serve and support more people in the world and make a bigger difference, so I have a special limited time opportunity where you can join me in the Fast, Easy and Profitable Online Challenges program at a massive discount.


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