The majority of professional and individual traders use some kind of trading software on which to base their strategies. With over 100,000 users, the most popular trading software today is TradeStation, published by TradeStation Technologies. While this software is favored by many, TradeStation’s computer language can be confusing, especially for the novice. “Using EasyLanguage 9.x” is the new and highly updated version of several earlier editions familiarly called “the Putt Book.” Previous editions were aimed at earlier versions of TradeStation (4.0 and 2000i) and were each best-selling TradeStation books. Sunny J. Harris author of “TradeStation Made Easy!: Using EasyLanguage to Build Profits with the World’s Most Popular Trading Software” edited this book as well as wrote it’s foreword.
Get immediately download Arthur G.Putt & William Brower – Using EasyLanguage 2000
“Using EasyLanguage 9.x” begins with basic concepts, leading you through learning TradeStation’s programming language, EasyLanguage. The book adroitly winds you into more and more intermediate topics, ending with several advanced topics, such as using text functions to place text on charts, drawing objects, activity bars, and probability maps. Whether you want to code your own ideas or to modify code and concepts you have found in magazines and books regarding TradeStation, this book is a must have. The TradeStation code for this book is available for sale as a download on in addition to other free bonus code.
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