
Brent Phillips – Unleash Your Inner Millionaire II

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Use special binaural beats audio technology and embedded healing energy to release your subconscious blocks to wealth, prosperity, and success.

Brent Phillips – Unleash Your Inner Millionaire II

Brent Phillips - Unleash Your Inner Millionaire II

Unleash Your Inner Millionaire
WARNING: This is NOT just another feel-good Law of Attraction audio program!

Use special binaural beats audio technology and embedded healing energy to release your subconscious blocks to wealth, prosperity, and success.

Clear the 327 most common blocks to prosperity and financial success
Identify and clear the 6 greatest fears that hold you back from success
Learn the #1 mistake made that prevents the Law of the Attraction from working for you
Learn the 12 most important things to always do when manifesting
Learn the 16 most common mistakes that cause your manifestations to fail
Find what is blocking you from living “in the now”

Let’s face it – most audio programs and seminars on wealth building and the Law of Attraction are just psychological mainpulation that gets you all psyched up and tells you to think positively and say your wealth affirmations.

If you’re like me, you’ve been down that road before, and been disappointed with the results.

“Genius…precision engineered material… Your brilliance, sensitvity, and inforomative engineering in delivering these great messages has surpassed anyone else.

Your highly informative, “Do and Don’t of Manifesting” greatly enlighted, motivated me above and beyond other abundance and manifesting classes I have studied. “

– Paula McKinney of Newport Beach, California

However, the most amazing thing about the program, I think, is that you have found a way to charge an audio program with energy so as to make this whole thing possible. Here I am in the privacy of my own home, at any time of the day or night, listening to Brent speak and having him be able to change my subconscious limiting beliefs! How much easier can it get?

The truth is that using the Law of Attraction to get real results in your life requires applying the Law of Attraction in a deeper, more subtle way than you have seen before…in particular, you need to harness the power of your subconscious mind.

Get immediately download Haled Brent Phillips – Unleash Your Inner Millionaire II

Typical Law of Attraction books, workshops, DVDs, and audio programs only teach how to harness a small portion of your power – maybe 10-20% if you are lucky.

BUT: if you are truly ready to see serious results in your life now, you need to harness the full 100% power of your mind. You need to Unleash Your Inner Millionaire!

How Does Unleash Your Inner Millionaire Work?

This special audio program is unprecendented in its ability to get 100% of your mind, including both your conscious and subconscious, to manifest a life of financial freedom, prosperity and success.

During this program we’ll go back and forth between presentations of life-altering spiritual and metaphysical principles, and block clearing sections where a revolutionary combination of technologies will actually release your subconscious blocks to wealth, prosperity, and success.

First, you’ll learn state of the art secrets, insights, and applications of spiritual principles that go far beyond what you’ve heard before to make you a much more powerful manifester and a clear channel for unbounded wealth to flow to you.

This program goes way, way beyond the usual Law of Attraction material that you’ve heard over and over again in different forms.

The block clearing sections of this program use custom designed sub-audible binaural beats that will put you into a deep theta brainwave, combined with special energy infused into the program via the embedded energy healing to actually reprogram your subconscious mind and clear your blocks to wealth, success, and prosperity.

What are others saying about Unleash Your Inner Millionaire:

“I finished all the sections now and continue to be impressed. It is clear, concise, and very informative.

However, the most amazing thing about the program is that you have found a way to charge an audio program with energy so as to make this whole thing possible. Here I am in the privacy of my own home, at any time of the day or night, listening to Brent speak and having him be able to change my subconscious limiting beliefs! How much easier can it get?”


– Bette Jonasson of Ventura, California

“I’m new to energy healing recently purchased Unleash your Inner Millionaire and to say the least I’m impressed. I have not seen material so clearly expressed and put together in a long time. My wife and I have a Metaphysical Library of more than 300 books, cd’s etc. have taken several training sessions on Reiki , and other healing methods as well, but non compares to Brent’s work as far as I can tell as a newbie.

I have done the clearing and trauma healing sessions provided within the Unleash Your Inner Millionaire and can only say it is phenomenal. I had this one block (I fear going broke) I could not clear during the block clearing session and decided to use the trauma healing session provided, as luck will have it did clear the trauma.

At the end of the session during the final trauma, shock and cellular trauma clearing I experienced the shock clearing part on a physical level (caused some goose bumps all over my body), but at the cellular trauma clearing I started shaking in my arms and legs for 5 to 10 seconds and goose bumps all over.

Wauu – I thought it does something you can even feel.

And, to tell you the truth I felt much better even though I was tired after the session and still felt heavy headed and a little tired the next morning, but somehow relieved. During the afternoon on the day after I felt normal again ….in fact like new.”

– Johann

“I am absolutely amazed by it. I have done a lot of theta work my life is on a great track – but this tool is really in my opinion the best you could have come up with.

I would mention that the balance between the binaural sound and your voice are perfect. In all honesty it is the deeper theta state I have been in with a practitioner (except for there is no practitioner present).

I would recommend to follow your advice and not try to do too much at once. Of course I did…and half way through the second set of downloads I had to stop, because IT IS POWERFUL VERY POWERFUL.

I also loved the presentation: first the lecture, then the healing. It is THE selling point for me of this set.

When we go to self improvement seminar we are generally sent home with homework, lots of homework. What is so amazing with this collection specifically is that – first you learn or re-learn about what you need to know to manifest the life you deserve, then you relax get a healing a reprogramming of sorts.

The success story? I have always struggled with letting go of all the projects that don’t serve me. I get stuck helping people with “their” stuff putting mine on hold and feeling guilty about wanting to let them continue without me.

Well, now I find myself simply able to say there is nothing in this project for me, no financial, no professional reward of any kind,

IT IS OK FOR ME TO LET GO and I do and i feel fine…and suddenly i have time for my own projects who appears to be very rewarding! It is like what does not serve me peels off of my life.

I do believe that you are taping in the way of the future, it is cutting edge, pure technology blended with spirituality.

Spiritual technology!

Christophe Ambrosino of Topanga, California

By the time you finish this program, you will find you have transformed both your conscious mind and your subconscious mind, and will be poised to finally see results from using the Law of Attraction.

If you’ve used other Law of Attraction material, but still aren’t living the life of your dreams, it’s time for you to Unleash Your Inner Millionaire!

With a 100% 30 Day Money Back Guarantee: If you listen to the entire program and don’t like it, get 100% of your money back!

This product is a digital download only.

Here’s What You’ll Get in Brent Phillips – Unleash Your Inner Millionaire II

Brent Phillips - Unleash Your Inner Millionaire II

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Course Requirement: Brent Phillips – Unleash Your Inner Millionaire II
Real Value: $62

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  • Enjoy “Brent Phillips – Unleash Your Inner Millionaire II” in your account page.
  • Download only one file at a time. Sometimes doing all of the files at once will lead to them all freezing.
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  • You can also learn online instead of downloading, but we encourage you to download for better results and viewing quality during your learn. Lastly, download times are much quicker in the mornings, before noon, Pacific time. during download make sure your device is not sleeping off screen.

What is the refund policy “Brent Phillips – Unleash Your Inner Millionaire II”?

  • We’ll Bear The Risk, You’ll Take The Results…
  • Within 30 days of purchased |Brent Phillips – Unleash Your Inner Millionaire II|, if you don’t get anything out of the program, or if your order has any problem, or maybe for some reason, you just don’t like the way it is. Please contact us and we will do our best to assist. Thank you for your understanding.

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Get Brent Phillips - Unleash Your Inner Millionaire II, IT IS OK FOR ME TO LET GO and I do and i feel fine…and suddenly i have time for my own projects who appears to be very rewarding! It is like what does not serve me peels off of my life.

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