Burt Goldman, American Monk – Mindbox 1 and 2

What you Discover Here Will Change Your Life Forever…
Be bowled over by its completeness in this whopping 16-hour boxed set, it could be the BIGGEST personal development set in the world…
The American Monk’s MindBox
51 Powerful Personal Growth Techniques For Enlightened Living
The American Monk’s MindBox: Volume 1
Mastery Module 1: Secrets to Meditation
I will show you how to lay the foundation for a breakthrough life even before the first moment you close your eyes to meditate… You will learn a few simple yet powerful techniques that will take away years of tedium…
- The single most important technique you will ever need to effortlessly meditate like the masters. It contains just 5 words, and they will forever revolutionize the way you control your mind and emotions.
- If you are stressed, tired or overwhelmed with all kinds of negative emotions, by learning a few easy phrases, you will be set free of them—PERMANENTLY!
- Why telling the difference between Attitude Stress and Ego Stressis the key to overcoming all manner of distress.
- Stress and relaxation are actually the same thing, they only differ in degrees. Possess this mindset, and you will rapidly learn how to increase relaxation while totally eliminating stress.
- PLUS: The Daisy Pond: This simple formula is the quickest and most natural way to achieve Alpha Level. It’s so effective that some of my students have called it a “magic spell”!
- PLUS: How to use the Polarity Technique to destroy things that bother you. It’s easier than you think to live free from the things that used to MASSIVELY bug you.
- PLUS: What you learn about meditation from the rest are wrong!It is just a concentration of attention, and why this startling fact can potentially transform the way you live.
- And much, much more…
Mastery Module 2: Secrets to Habit Control
Ever have trouble kicking a habit… humiliated by some good-intentioned but hurtful relatives… or been given futile advice left, right, and center?
Get immediately download Burt Goldman, American Monk – Mindbox 1 and 2
- Here’s how you can use my patented Thought Stopping technique to banish the nasty habit of overeating. And yes, it works for all other kinds of compulsions and addictions too!
- The secret to habit control that many hypnotherapist throughout my lifetime RUSH to my seminars for. Good news, it is also now revealed to you!
- S.T.E.A: Why this acronym breaks the code to stop a bad habit even before it forms.
- If you’ve got a little resolve—and can mix it with my metaphor technique—then you’ve got what it takes to overcome and subdue the 800 pound gorilla which are your addictions!
- PLUS: How to instantly reprogram your brain like a VCR and quickly banish horrifying habits like smoking, over-eating, addictions and more.
- PLUS: Discover the sage’s method of cutting thoughts off before they have a negative effect.
- PLUS: How to use the astonishing Power Shout to break all kinds of habit cycles.
- And much, much more…
Mastery Module 3: Secrets to Self Esteem & Confidence
Dine on the tables of kings. Switch the beggar’s rags your confidence wears and change into royal robes in just one swoop.
- Behold the Polarity Switch. How to turn mountains into molehills and giants into ants! It is the single most vital secret to turbo-charging your self-esteem.
- You vs. You. How my Self-competition technique can quickly turn zeros into heros, all in under 4 minutes of focus!
- Discover the number one method of quickly boosting ego and self esteem.
- PLUS: Master this startling technique and start walking with poise and confidence.
- PLUS: Easily fend off negative attacks from bullies or authoritarian figures… Live your life—YOUR way.
- And much, much more…
Gave Me Tremendous Power & Energy
It is great! My life is changing! You helped me to convert my miserable life into happy days! No, I did not win a lottery. It is much better: I found you…! My life got so busy and interesting I have not to much time to exercise! I cannot imagine how many good things I can do with my life!
It can get only better and better every day! Your method gave me a tremendous power and endless source of energy to do my work and help others!
~ Gabriela Pielarska from Toronto, Canada
You Changed My Life
In a nutshell, you’ve changed my life.
I’m only 16 and yet through your meditation program and stress relief methods, I am now able to look upon my daily negatives in a new and positive light.
Boring aspects of my life such as college and general blues are now eradicated and are now replaced with a desire to motivate myself to thrive in life and attain my dreams.. so thank you for making this teenager value life!
~ Matt H. from USA
Mastery Module 4: Secrets to Gaining Friends & Influence
How to REALLY Win Friends and Influence People. The step-by-step guide to establish instant charisma—and make people LINE up to get into YOUR inner circle.
- Why this “circus trick” is all you need to radiate around people. Learn the Painted Smile, and you will never be awkward around people again.
- “Pretending to be someone else is the key to finding yourself.”Startled? How to use the Act As If bonding technique to build greater trust and bonds between your family members.
- How to influence others to get their lives in order—and in the process, start yourself on the path to becoming a teacher and a healer.
- And much, much more…
Mastery Module 5: Secrets to Overcoming Grief & Depression
How to control the energies that cause grief and depression, by cutting it at the roots.
- If you want to banish dangerous negative thoughts for good, then this specially composed scientifically-researched meditation track is for you.
- Is there a way to reverse the crushing effects of grief, especially that of losing a loved one? With this simple technique, you can!
- This ONE word can save your sanity. Repeat it as a mantra and have your jaw drop in awe as grief fades and depression disappears
- PLUS: Conversing with the dead is a scam? Wrong! There is a way to talk to your departed loved ones without it being weird or occult like. Astonishing!
- And much, much more…
Mastery Module 6: Secrets to Speed Learning
There is no such thing as forgetfulness. The single most potent concept to fast-track your way to a photographic memory.
- 07200750741776130711076055651225. Discover my storytelling sequence, and you’ll be able to remember these 32 daunting numbers no time flat. Never forget a phone number, or any form of important numbers!
- Get access to Plato’s Room. How this long-forgotten ancient Greek method is the most potent way to rapidly absorb new material like a sponge. This the greatest secret to speed learning ever!
- How to use Power Images to improve your grades in school or learn new skills for work.
- And much, much more…
Mastery Module 7: Secrets to Love &Lasting Relationships
The Tapping Technique: Learn this explosive method to quickly restore “first date” passion to your long-term relationship—even if it has become stale.
- EVEN BETTER THAN GOOD OL’ COMMUNICATION: How to achieve relationship harmony with your life partner in just a split second.
- How to rapidly diffuse a tense situation and turn it into a moment of connection and love. This one technique ALONE can save you wasted time and money from fruitless marriage counseling sessions!
- What you must do to attain the life partner of your dreams. No cheesy pick-up lines. No grooming advice. Just a little known secret that I’m going to reveal to you for domestic bliss.
- PLUS: How to “evict” your inner loneliness.
- And much, much more.
Mastery Module 8: Secrets to Mastering Your Emotions
Why using metaphors is the single greatest secret for consistent rock-solid emotional stability, and how to do it effectively.
- “The best offense is a good defense.” How to harness the incredible potential of the Power Shield to mentally create a protective barrier around you, preventing negative thoughts of others from penetrating your being.
- If you think that you can’t help but be a slave to your emotions, think again! Erase hurt and bitterness as quickly as pushing a button with these little-known techniques.
- The amazing case study of Cynthia and how she overcomes the aftermath of a painful divorce. Discover her secret to instantaneously block and change any emotion you want to.
- PLUS: How to achieve a happy attitude when circumstance tells you otherwise.
- BONUS: Listen to the meditation track and discover the easiest and quickest way to lose weight.
- And much, much more…
Positive Energy for Building another Future for Myself
I am a survivor of Hurricane Katrina, from New Orleans, and since that life-altering event, I have been reaching out for every possible tool and benefit that I can attain, in my attempt to rebuild my life and career. I am a multi-disciplinary performance artist, and teacher of various arts education programs of my own creation, formerly in the Orleans Parish Public Schools System.
As most of my work was interrupted by the destruction and closure of the schools and many of the performance venues where I had formerly presented my creation, I had to direct my creativity towards the considerable effort of recreating my artistic life.
I am still in that process, and have used many of the visualization, meditation and emotional management techniques you have created, as a way of helping myself on the path. Along with my yoga and tai chi practice, I have managed to transform most of the rage and frustrations I had felt in the early stages into positive energy for building another future for myself.
~ Nanette Ledet from New Orleans, www.rhythmictapestries.net
The Very Important Part of Me is Back.
Some twelve year ago I had the opportunity to read one book on Silva Method (I don’t remember names of the authors). I was still studying at the time and book was borrowed from a friend’s friend, so I had it for a week… I remember reading it in a hurry, feeling totally impressed and then continuing with the pressing problems of the ‘real’ life—so whatever came out of this reading, it didn’t last…
I have finished my studies and become M.D. (which is accomplishment by itself), but I have always had this artistic urge—I also have been illustrator and draftsman and I have somehow managed to keep those two sides of my life reasonably together…
Then some six years ago Doctor started to take over Mister Hyde ;o)… somehow I lost the urge to create, got lost in immediate needs… I felt that very important part of me is missing… even more, I couldn’t make myself draw—somehow I felt blocked and powerless… And although everything else worked fine for me, I felt this need to express myself artistically, and that part of me was blocked…
I read the online course and started meditating daily… mostly using affirmations… and unbelievably I started drawing again… I am little bit afraid to say this aloud—I feel that very important part of me is back—you can see my drawings at www.ristesekuloski.blogspot.com
I am aware that this testimonial sounds a bit trivial—I didn’t heal myself from any disease, I didn’t make ton of money… but believe me, by removing mental block that was stopping me from being creative, I feel that I have done something equally important!
Thank you, Burt! You have done something great for me!
~ Riste Sekuloski from Macedonia
The American Monk’s MindBox: Volume 2
Mastery Module 9: Secrets to Achievement
How to boost your energy by 100% by using the Majestic Sight technique. Never be demotivated and mediocre ever again.
- When you work your muscle, you energize it. Use the amazing ‘Tension Power’ secret to MAGICALLY unleash motivation and destroy procrastination.
- “Sparkle the kitchen instead of doing the dishes.” How grasping this revelation is the answer to motivation-on-demand.
- Power Glasses: Not wearing these means your high-flying future is at stake! This amazing technique will propel you to your dreams in just 3 simple steps!
- PLUS: Don’t wait until you’re great… How to INSTANTLY create motivation and thirst, a fire-in-your-belly, that will get you off the couch and wanting to attain big dreams.
- BONUS: How To Stay Focused And Not Get Distracted By Every New Bright and Shiny Object (Save Your Time, Save Your Money And Hit Your Goals Faster, Simpler and Easier)
- And much, much more.
Mastery Module 10: Secrets to Overcoming Fears & Phobias
Kahuna Boldness: The 200-year-old secret from Hawaii that involves crushing your fears—literally—with your two bare hands!
Get immediately download Burt Goldman, American Monk – Mindbox 1 and 2
- How to unleash inner sources of courage you never knew existed with this secret technique.
- Discover the three chilling faces of fear.
- How to tell the difference between real fear and illusory fear, and why making the distinction is the short-cut to all-conquering courage.
- PLUS: Did you know that pinching your left ear lobe is the ultimate way to eliminate those pesky hang-ups? This seemingly ridiculous action will actually turn boys into men and women into warriors!
- PLUS: Mental Acupuncture: Use this amazing technique to “prick” away irrational fears and phobias—even if you’ve had them for years. Learn the secret to unleashing your Chi energy to make fear fear you!
- And much, much more…
Mastery Module 11: Secrets to Controlling Your Thoughts
The Fog of Negative Thought—Here’s the 3 practical steps to break through and achieve crystal clear clarity and joy.
- The story of how I was happy and smiling through my car accident even though I WRECKED my beloved car, and why.
- “This too shall pass”. All you need is this meditation track to transform this beautiful Hebrew phrase into a statement of indomitable will.
- The Power of Thinking Small. Surprising!
- PLUS: Instant antidote for surviving failure. Bounce back from disappointment like a basketball with this easy 2 step method.
- PLUS: Whatever you think, think the opposite. Use the powerful ‘Attitude Reversal’ technique to flip any situation around… Turning failures into success… Embarrassment into humor… Hatred into love…
- And much, much more…
Mastery Module 12: Secrets to Aging Gracefully
How to gain life faster than you’re dying. Slow the aging process down to a screeching halt and help you to regain youthfulness the easy way.
- One word: Camelot. This unlikely source may actually be the greatest secret ever to staying young. How to channel all your thoughts into purposeful energy that will reinvigorate you like a luxurious spa!
- The Reiki Longevity Shield: The amazing 7-part secret weapon that will propel you to a whole new level of youthfulness. This is dynamite! Start looking forward to every single day of your life.
- This is the great enemy of youth and beauty. Negative energies are on the prowl, and they seek to create a miserable debilitating old age for you. Good news: It’s totally possible to eliminate them with a few easy tricks.
- PLUS: How to never again feel your age—Simple techniques anybody can do to flood your heart, mind, circulation, and more with refreshing vitality.
- PLUS: Why your twilight years will become the best ones of your life. Just add some of my little-known techniques to your wealth of experience and you will experience bliss like you’ve never had before!
- And much, much more…
Mastery Module 13: Secrets to Wealth
“Give a person with a poverty consciousness 1 million dollars and a year or two later they’ll be broke again.”What you must do immediately to stop getting poorer instantly.
- How to stop poverty dead in its tracks. The secret to exponentially expand your capacity to attract health, all with just a simple mental tweak. It’s like the universe has become your ATM machine and your mind is the bank card!
- The Incredible Power of the Magnet Hat… the quickest, easiest, simplest way to achieve your goals and attain every one of your heart’s desire. Yes, at the drop of a hat!
- Visualize you are a giant horse-shoe magnet. Amusing? Maybe. But this is the single most GUARANTEED way to laugh all the way to the bank. Master this, and you don’t have to worry about materialistic needs, again.
- And much, much more.
Mastery Module 14: Secrets to Career Success
How to use the the proven Table of Creativity techniquethat has propelled me into becoming a gallery artist at the age of 80, even without formal training or history! Now, I will reveal the same concept to you, too.
- The ‘Schizophrenic’ Success Secret. A cautious you… A reckless you… A negative you… A positive you… A creative you… Learn the ultimate way to take your creativity to the next level.
- Goals and Control: The breakthrough 6 step process to achieving your every dream—quickly and easily.
- BETTER THAN A PROMOTION: Discover the secret to lasting career fulfillment that is immune to politics and circumstances.
- And much, much more…
Mastery Module 15: Secrets to Dealing With Change
Sick of the status quo? Hate to march to someone else’s drum beat? How you can seize back control and individuality in a few simple steps. Now, you can live life again on your own terms.
- How to AUTOMATICALLY create positive turning points in your life. The four simple steps to create epiphanies at will. If you want to be a better person without going through the pain of transition, then you have to read this!
- Change is growth. Unfortunately, change is painful. I will show you the single best way for PAIN–FREE change. It’s like all the growth with none of the effort.
- We all have security blankets we hang on to with fists of iron. This astounding six step process will give you the strength to let go of what is hindering you so that you can be all that you can be.
- PLUS: Facing problems that seem too big to overcome? Have no fear. Use my secret Golden Image technique to magically attract the solution. Just sit back and witness the amazing universal forces at work to accomplish your goals.
- And much, much more!
Mastery Module 16: Secrets to Reiki Healing
How Willie Lee built a 20,000 square feet building—BRICKBY BRICK—with his bare hands all the way back in 1963!Use his amazing secret to unleash boundless energy… bring life to limbs… and be in the pink of health… All without the aid of doctors or expensive health supplements.
- The Okinawa life span in Japan exceeds eighty years of age—here’s how to accomplish the same feat. Amazing fact: It only takes a mere 30 seconds a day.
- What you must do to enter the Theatre of Healing and start vanquishing all manner of ailments and sickness. Why the only path to physical healing is spiritual ‘surgery’. All you need is 3 simple steps.
- The three point method to to becoming a full-fledged Reiki healer. This really is the lazy person’s guide to achieve supernatural health.
- PLUS: Why not caring too much for your ‘patient’ is the surprising secret to effective and permanent healing. Maintain professional distance, and you magically boost the chances of healing success.
- PLUS: The incredible “Reiki Power Catalyst” technique to imbue to an inanimate object with potent healing powers. How to transform any towel, handkerchief, and scarf into a channel of miraculous revitalization. You will be like the faith healers of old.
- BONUS: BETTER THAN THE HANDYMAN. How chi, the force beyond my healing method, can be harnessed to revive mechanical objects as well. Don’t believe me? Ask Stevie Wonder’s musicians who’s van I ‘healed’.
- And much. much more!
Better & Better
Last month I had an emergency heart problem, which involved an cardiogram last week. I meditated, and knew I would need a powerful mantra to concentrate on, so I could get through all the procedures that terrified me. I tried several phrases, and then out of the blue I heard “everyday, in every way, I’m getting better and better”, in my head. I knew that could work—after all I still hold my tongue to the roof of my mouth to get a parking place and its never failed me. I said the whole phrase many times everyday, but when I needed something easier to repeat in the operating room, I said “better and better and better and better” over and over, and now, everything is BETTER!
~ Jan Greco from La Quinta, CA
Effective Techniques for Improving The Quality of Your Life
Burt converts his profound understanding of metaphysics and how the mind works into simple, effective techniques for improving the quality of your life.
~ Mandy Bass Miami, Florida
Alpha-Training: Why the MindBox Beats Other Learning Systems
The American Monk Mind Box contains training that takes place at both the conscious and subconscious levels.
For example, let’s say you were trying to learn about the “Law of Attraction”. When watching a movie like “The Secret” or reading a book on the subject, or listening to a lecture—you are learning at a conscious level.
But there are problems with learning at just the conscious level—you do not remember the info as well, it does not sink in deep, and it does not change you rapidly.
Burt takes learning to a whole new level, by including special subconscious learning modules in the MindBox.
These modules are to be played when you’re sitting in a conformable way and ready to meditate. Burt will guide you into a relaxed meditative level of mind. And while at these deep levels—he will guide you to do special visualization exercises or mantras that help you absorb and internalize the material at up to 10 times the usual speed.
Now you don’t just hear or read about the Law of Attraction… Burt actually works with your subconscious mind to get you to internalize the material. Without even trying, you automatically find yourself harnessing the law. It becomes part of YOU—and is not just a bunch of facts and techniques you’re trying to remember or will forget.
You emerge from each session—as a new you. Totally in control, and with full mastery and understanding of each powerful concept.
This dual-system of learning, called Alpha-Training, creates change at a far more rapid speed than anything else out there.
With the MindBox training, your mind absorbs info at both the conscious (beta level) and inner-conscious levels (alpha and theta levels). This is done through thecombination of lectures and guided meditation.
How to Use the MindBox
Each module comes with both lecture tracks and meditation training tracks
Listen to the Lecture tracks when jogging, while in your car during a commute, on the subway or bus or plane. Pop the tracks onto your iPod or CD player and take them wherever you go.
With the MindBox you’ll actually look forward to your long commute. Imagine that!
Listen to the Meditation tracks at home or work, when you’re seated in a comfortable way and able to relax. They will not just train you, but also put you in such an amazing relaxed state of mind, that you won’t be able to get enough. You will want to do this daily, it’s as pleasurable as taking a nice hot bath or receiving a wonderful massage.
The Good Life Is Reachable
Throw away your self help tapes, tear up your self help books, forget about motivation seminars, don’t bother with advice for the lovelorn, give up on conquering procrastination, get over trying to figure out how to succeed.
You won’t need any of that, just listen to Burt Goldman’s course and the good life is reachable. I know. It worked for me.
~ Laura Walker from Temecula, California
There Is Nothing From Anybody Anywhere That Is Cooler Than The Daisy Pond
The main benefit I’ve received is the ability to gain alpha level quickly and easily and “imagine” easily. The 3-2-1 Method is as efficient as it gets! Also, just hearing Burt’s voice when I start my alpha sessions, even if it’s only in my mind, really gets me in alpha mode mood! There is nothing from anybody anywhere that is cooler than The Daisy Pond. It was a stroke of genius that will define Burt Goldman for my mother and me…The information he gives is excellent, and I’ve had many light bulb moments.
Just for the record, Burt Goldman is really great. After all I’ve said, I really believe in him. I just sense that the key is there. I’m glad I have the course. I know I have help when I need it.
~ Callie L. from Honolulu, Hawaii
How Would It Feel To Have Your Most Difficult Problem Melt Away In The Warmth of An Answer That Touched Your Heart?
“Most Teachers Reach The Brain—Only Few Teach The Brain & Engage The Heart”
What Makes the American Monk MindBox So Powerful?
The comprehensive American Monk MindBox will teach you how to use the power of your mind to shift the control of your life over to you!
Using the techniques on the 16 Modules, you’ll easily conquer every obstacle on your path and start living a life that gives you complete fulfillment and happiness.
Every Module within the MindBox contains a powerful combination of lectures and mental conditioning exercises and I personally narrate every single one.
And all that in the comfort of your own home!
The Feelings I Get When “At Level” Are So Profoundly Peaceful & Calming.
I found your site by surfing—and have been practicing going to level since.
The feelings I get when “at level” are so profoundly peaceful and calming… and the subsequent inspiration I receive in all areas of my life continues to astound me.
I just want to thank you for being a great tour guide to a higher life.
~ Montana Gray from California
A Pivotal Moment In My Spiritual Progression
I have lectured all around the world…am the top in a network marketing company…own a healing center…a manufacturing company…have had profound mystical experiences that go beyond anything I could have imagined earlier in my life…and am entering into a new even more magnificent time in my life.
I wanted to say thank you. Whether you recognized something in me, heard an inner guidance or simply contributed to a “coincidence” in my life…that event was one of the pivotal moments in my spiritual progression.
I am grateful to have known you… thank you very much
Sending love gratitude and blessings, Kathy
~ Kathy from Denver, Colorada
The American Monk MindBox
The Most Comprehensive Mind and Spirit Development Course Ever Created
Key Points About the MindBox
Provides An Answer for Every Situation. Keep it on your home library and use it to support, heal, and help friends and loved ones in their time of need.
Subconscious Training. By Combining Lectures and Reading Material with Actual Audio Guided Mind Training Exercises we Provide a Learning Experience where the material is absorbed into your sub-conscious mind.
A Must-Have for Every Household. This is as critical to your household as a first aid kit. And it does so much more.
Value for Money. We challenge you to compare the size and content value of this product with similar products from top publishers. Nothing comes close—this has unbeatable size and volume for the same price.
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