
Carly Cambell – Pinterest Strategies 2025

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Carly Cambell – Pinterest Strategies 2025

Carly Cambell - Pinterest Strategies 2025

This bundle includes the legacy Pinteresting Strategies course, PLUS Pin Title Traffic Hacks, Pin Design Rules to Break, The Pinterest Niche Site Deep Dive, and “Do You Get Long Clicks? ” – a bonus training video from my Pinterest Mastermind Group – as well as 15 pin templates… more than $173 in value!


Well, so did I!
When I first started blogging and was trying to get page views, I read every single one of those “how to get Pinterest traffic” posts I could find online – for months.
Looking for some secret formula that would make Pinterest work for me.
And every. single. post. was a sales pitch for Boardbooster or Tailwind.
Putting more money into my blog was a non-option, and I decided to do Pinterest without a scheduler.
I was desperate to get just enough page views to qualify to apply to a bigger ad network and start making a little money.
But what happened just about knocked my socks off. (Yes – Socks. Off.)
I started pinning in May 2016 and by the end of August 2016 I was working with Adthrive – one of the premier ad networks in the country – and one with a requirement of 100k page views per month.
My pinning-without-a-scheduler method had fast-tracked me to a full-time blog income.
In the 8 years since then, I have continued to learn about (and use) Pinterest for my own websites… and now I love to teach others to use Pinterest to grow their websites, too.
I have thousands of successful students who’ve seen page views explode – when they started using Pinterest RIGHT!
Unfortunately, it is NOT as easy as just pinning and hoping. I’ve put in years of experimenting with what works and what doesn’t.
There is no “Pinterest Secret” (sorry!).
BUT there are some crazy important things about Pinterest that you are probably missing.
This course, to my knowledge, is completely different than any other strategy you will purchase anywhere else.
I go MUCH farther into the “Pinterest Algorithm” than you’ve ever been – you will NOT be just “pinning and hoping!”
Don’t be taken in by teachers claiming to know Pinterest… and relying on knowledge from 2017.



I still do exactly what’s outlined in this course for my own pinning, and my Pinterest traffic for October 2022 was nearly double from traffic last year (October 2021). Below is a screenshot of traffic to my main website:


If I have something valuable to say about Pinterest (without doubt), it’s in here:

  • The popular “Pinteresting Strategies” base course (97.00 value)
  • Pinterest Title Traffic Hacks (27.00 value)
  • Pin Design Rules to Breaks (27.00 value)
  • Pinterest Niche Site Deep Dive (37.00 value)
  • “Do you get long clicks?” bonus video training from my mastermind group (Not available for individual purchase; 1 month subscription is 25.00 value )
  • BONUS – 15 pin templates (10 Canva, 5 Picmonkey)


Getting started on the platform

I’ll teach you how to set up your profile and boards the right way, from the start.
We discuss how to start pinning your content to your boards!
(Don’t worry, if you’ve been using Pinterest for a while, this is not a beginner course – it just has a beginner module!)

To understand if a niche is a “good” Pinterest niche – or not

Unfortunately, NOT all niches are created equal on Pinterest, and any one who tells you Pinterest is amazing for “all niches” is nuts. We will look at how to know if you’re choosing a “traffic” niche on Pinterest, or a niche that might be a little slower.
(Note that there is still SOME traffic to be had in “bad” Pinterest niches. It just might not be VIRAL traffic.)

How the Pinterest algorithm actually works

We discuss how the foundation of the algorithm is built on one single extraordinarily important factor:
Pin relationship.
I’ll also teach you how to use pin relationship to your advantage, and I’ll show you the two SUREFIRE ways the engineers have built into the platform to ensure strong pin relationship between your pins and other popular pins.

SEO (search engine optimization) for Pinterest

I’ll show you EXACTLY where Pinterest looks to find the keywords associated with your pin, so you can tell Pinterest what your pins are about and get them ranked in search.
I’ll also show you how to use Pinterest itself to validate your keyword choices, and find ideas for future posts!

How to create pins that get clicks

If you do everything else right, but create pins that no one clicks – I guarantee you’ll fail on Pinterest.
Pintresting Strategies has a whole lesson dedicated to understanding user intent and creating pins that GET CLICKED – and drive traffic.

How to spend LESS TIME on the platform

The days of one hour per day and 30 pins per day are OVER.
In the Niche Site Deep Dive I will show you how I pinned less than 250 pins for the whole YEAR (and still got to over 40k pv / month).
AND less than 70 “pinning sessions”. (That’s right – I didn’t even pin every other day.)
You do NOT need to be spending tons of time on Pinterest.
Pin and move on – you have other things to do!

And so much more:

  • New pins VS “fresh” pins – semantics won’t matter after you take this course!
  • Do followers matter?
  • What Pinterest Analytics are telling you
  • What you can learn about your Pinterest traffic via Google Analytics
  • Should you create video pins?
  • Do group boards still work in 2023?
  • What kind of photos perform BEST on the platform
  • How to create titles that WORK to get clicks
  • How to utilize pin styles that all the other bloggers are ignoring
  • The importance of time on page for the Pinterest platform
  • What to do if your account gets blocked
  • And PROOF that it can work in 2023!


I still use Pinterest on a daily basis for my OWN mom-niche blog AND a brand new micro-niche site!

This means that I am PERSONALLY invested in what’s working and what’s not working on the platform – and I keep my Pinterest course up to date!
My micro-niche site was started in June 2020 and as of July 2021 it was seeing over 1000 pageviews per day from Pinterest… and growing!
Inside the Pinterest Niche Site Deep Dive training, I pull back the curtain and show you EVERY DETAIL of what I considered to grow a brand new site in the “new” Pinterest climate… Including a spreadsheet showing you every single pin I pinned for the site for an entire year!

This part of the bundle is available as both a 3 hour video AND a PDF transcript so for those who don’t LOVE video (like me), it’s easy to take in quickly!

I’ve just completed a HUGE update in April of 2023. While updates are not gauranteed, I do my best to bring you the most up-to-date Pinterest info on the internet.

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Original price was: $97.00.Current price is: $37.00.

How to set up your profile and boards the right way, from the start. How to start pinning your content to your boards! File Size: 1.28 GB.

Purchase this product now and earn 37 Points!
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