
Dan Kennedy and Russel Brunson – Magnetic Marketing (Diamond)

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Dan Kennedy and Russel Brunson – Magnetic Marketing (Diamond)

Dan Kennedy and Russel Brunson - Magnetic Marketing (Diamond)

Join An Exclusive Group Of Elite Online Business Owners And Entrepreneurs With…

Direct Access To Dan Kennedy Each Month!


Plus, when you join Diamond today, youā€™ll receive…

Over 7 Years Of Marketing Gold
All Compiled Into One Book…

ā€˜Dan’s Diamond Faxesā€™Ā 2012-2019!

…for you to learn from, receive inspiration, or discover your next million dollar campaign!


From: Russell Brunson
Boise, Idaho

Dear Gold Member,

Itā€™s time to leave the ā€œkiddie table.”

If youā€™ve been a Gold Member long enough (and perhaps have witnessed an incredible business transformation because of itā€¦), then itā€™s safe to say you drank the ā€œKennedy Kool-Aidā€ and are looking for secondsā€¦

That makes you one of us, a ā€œgo-getterā€ā€¦ dedicated to learning and growing. Youā€™re not someone that ā€œdips their toeā€ eitherā€¦

You goĀ ALL IN.

Youā€™re separate from those who are easily swayed by the next, hot marketing ā€œtactic.ā€

Youā€™re someone that actually reads and then APPLIES the marketing strategies from our monthly newsletters… and it shows.

How come youā€™reĀ notĀ a Diamond Member?

See, my whole job is to keep moving you up the ā€œmountainā€ with more skills and training until you reach the top.

And itā€™s no secret, the only way to the top is to be guided by someone whoā€™s been there…

One that can show you the right ā€œpathsā€ to take… and how to avoid the costly ā€œpitfallsā€ that could kill a campaign or an entire business.

So that you can finally achieve the 6, 7, or even 8-figure funnel of your dreams!

If thatā€™s what you want, then becoming a Diamond Member is right for you.

As a Diamond Member, youā€™ll receive directĀ ACCESS to the top 1% of online business owners and online marketers who are in the trenches… making it happen…Ā and IMPLEMENTING what they learn.


But to sweeten the bribe…

When you go from Gold to Diamond today, youā€™ll not only receive a copy ofĀ Danā€™s Diamond Faxes book as a free gift…

But Iā€™m also going to give you what I believe isĀ the ULTIMATE MARKETING GOLDMINE of your life!

What kind of business would you have todayĀ if you were able to implementĀ just ONE eensy bitĀ from one of his conferences from the past…??

Imagine paying $7,194 to attendĀ Danā€™s famous Mind Hi-Jacking ConferenceĀ where Dan revealed hisĀ never-before-seen powerful selling strategies and persuasive techniques that practically force customers to only buy from you!


Or what about going back in time and attendingĀ Danā€™s 7-Figure Academy Event…Ā Where Dan pulled back the curtain and showed you what it takes toĀ finally go from 5 & 6 figures in your business to a nice, comfyĀ 7 figures and fast!ā€” including mindset, techniques, strategies, and more…

It cost $5,997 to attend that event, a bargain compared to the life-changing,Ā business transformative advice that most likely helped create numerous multi-millionaires!


Unlocking this content as a Diamond member will FAST-TRACK your business… help you avoid costly mistakes… and in turn,Ā give you the life, freedom, and happiness you deserve.

And Thatā€™s Just The Beginning!

Youā€™ll Also Get TONS More Courses, Lectures, Master Classes… Speeches, And Presentations!

Dan Kennedyā€™s Whole Enchilada
NormallyĀ $25,000Ā FREE!

What if you could have Dan Kennedyā€™s brain to help you on your next campaign… your next funnel… your next offer… or your next great headline that DOUBLES your conversions…?


Thatā€™s what youā€™ll get inside Danā€™s enchilada…

Itā€™s like going to Danā€™s house and finding it nearly impossible to find lectures and seminars where people paid THOUSANDS to attend… andĀ you get it all for FREE right on your smartphone or tablet.

No need to go to Goodwill and get a CD player or a cassette player…

With something as simple as moving your thumb, you can have access to HOURS of Dan Kennedy… and all of the money breakthroughs you can handle… for FREE!

And as long as youā€™re a Diamond Member, youā€™ll always have access to Danā€™s entire libraryĀ so whenever you need a fresh new idea… marketing or business tips… or anything to help get the ā€œcreative juicesā€ flowing, itā€™ll be there for you!

Still Here? OK, Here We Go…

Plus! When You Become A Diamond Member, Youā€™ll Also Unlock:

Monthly LIVE Q&A With Dan Kennedy!

(EXCLUSIVE access only for Diamond Members)

ValueĀ $2,250Ā FREE!


Diamond Members get to have a LIVE Q&A and interview with Dan Kennedy every month!

Whether you need advice on business… personal development… marketing… or a new idea to help ignite your cash flow…

Diamond Members can get their questions answered by Dan Kennedy himself!Ā (If youā€™re a Dan fan like I am, then you know how crazy awesome this is…)

Plus, if you happen to miss a monthly Q&A, donā€™t worry… we record all of them and upload them to the Diamond Membership area for you to watch or re-watch whenever, wherever.

Diamond Master Classes!

(EXCLUSIVE access only for Diamond Members)

ValueĀ $5,000Ā FREE!


How would you like to have a front-row seat every month to a BRAND NEW master class from Dan Kennedy?

This is a favorite of our current Diamond Members because itā€™s aĀ chance to learn from the master on what he would do in marketing and business in todayā€™s time.

Each master class is about 60 to 90 minutes long (or longer… we all know how Dan loves to over-deliver and then some), and Dan goes DEEP on topics such as:

  • ā€‹CopywritingĀ (What to say? How to say it? And what makes people want to buy from you even if youā€™re not a ā€œcopywriterā€?)
  • ā€‹Advanced Pricing StrategiesĀ (the key to making maximum in minimum time…)
  • Reactivating Your Herd:Ā Re-Engaging With Lost Customers (How to bring them back into your fold and have more trust than ever before…)
  • ā€‹How To Easily Create A BookĀ Made To Generate Leads Coming To You And Ready To Buy
  • ā€‹How To Build ā€œMEDIA MOATā€ That Generates Highly-Qualified Leads & Sales
  • ā€‹Zero Resistance Selling:Ā Getting Your Internal Game Right!
  • ā€‹Taking Your Sales Presentation To The Repair Shop:Ā What To Do When A Sales Presentation Isn’t Working
  • ā€‹How To Manage Vendors, Customers, and Team Members Through A Major Transition
  • ā€‹Selling To Groups, 10 or 10,000, ā€œLIVE,ā€ or by Zoom
  • ā€‹The Concepts And Application OfĀ REAL Wealth Attraction

Want to get daily ā€œmarketing gemsā€ from REAL marketers who are in the trenches… putting their money on the line… and discovering whatā€™s working and whatā€™s not?

Would you like high-level accountability to make sure you stay on target… achieve your business goals… and experience results faster?

Then youā€™ll love our…

Private Diamond Member Facebook Group!

(EXCLUSIVE access only for Diamond Members)

ValueĀ $97Ā FREE!


One of the best and most effective ways to grow and scale your enterprise is by sharing your challenges and wins with similar driven, passionate, and like-minded peers.

Thatā€™s why Dan and I created an exclusive PRIVATE Diamond Members Facebook Community.

Hereā€™s why weā€™re SO EXCITED about this particular Diamond Member Groupā€¦

This high-level group is unlike the most FB groups out there. The main differentiator being PARTICIPATION.

See, everyone in Diamond is INVESTEDā€¦Ā in themselves, in their business, and in helping others. Plus, the quality and level of CONVERSATION and the quality and level of IDEAS are quantum leaps above the norm.

Literally off the charts.

  • ā€‹Donā€™t be ā€‹surprisedā€‹ when you come across 6 and 7-figure ideas on a regular basisā€‹.
  • ā€‹ā€‹Donā€™t be surprisedĀ by the game-changing value bombs being dropped into the chats.
  • ā€‹ā€‹Donā€™t be ā€‹surprisedā€‹ when YOUR business benefits from a freely given strategy posted in a thread.

And the REASON this happens so frequently is becauseā€¦

Youā€™ll be surrounded on all sides by super sharp and ā€˜wicked smartā€™ entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs who,Ā like you, are on a similar path to successā€¦

And who choose to reach their goals and milestones SMARTER and FASTER.

Stuck? Got a problem? Financial goal exceeded? Want feedback on a new offer or product?

No need to go it alone when you can get the help, support, and encouragement you desireĀ from all the high-achievers in your group.

Last, but certainly not least…

When you sayĀ ā€œyes, Iā€™m readyā€Ā and level-up to Diamond today…

Iā€™m going to grant you access to the most INSANEĀ Dan Kennedy marketing ā€œsoftwareā€ thatā€™s ever existed on the face of the earth…

Itā€™s called…

Dan Kennedyā€™s Search Engine!

(EXCLUSIVE access only for Diamond Members)

ValueĀ $20,000Ā FREE!


This is the most ā€œDan Kennedy at your fingertipsā€ youā€™ll ever get!!

What if in just a few clicks, you suddenly have access to…

  • All 372 past issues ofĀ NO B.S. Newsletter…
  • All 108 past issues ofĀ Diamond Newsletter…
  • All 108 past issues ofĀ Bill Glazerā€™s ā€œSwipe & Deployā€Ā monthly examples…Ā where you can apply Billā€™s amazing wisdom to any of your funnels and see results!
  • ā€‹All 76 LEGENDARYĀ ā€œInfo Marketing Special Reports.ā€Ā Reading these reports isĀ like receiving your own personal marketing lesson from Dan!

Plus… SOOOOOOO MUCH more!!

Including all 100 issues of Danā€™sĀ ā€œMarketing To The Affluentā€Ā newsletter that cost $100 /mo… hisĀ ā€œBonus Hot Sheetsā€… all of Danā€™s old mailers (a copywriterā€™s dream to drool over)… sales letters that sold his events!

Thatā€™s what you get with the Dan Kennedy Search Engine!

And thatā€™s barely scratching the surface… Get a load of this next part…

We spent MONTHS developing Danā€™s entire archive into a real, workable Dan Kennedy search engine!

So for example, letā€™s say you type in ā€œDisneyā€…

The Dan Kennedy Search Engine will pull up ALL OF THE CONTENT that Dan had to say about Disney!

Turns outā€”Ā 137 pieces…

Within our Dan Kennedy Search Engine, there are 137 pieces of marketing material where Dan had something to say about ā€œDisneyā€…


How INSANE is that?!?

You can quite literally make Dan Kennedy your next ā€œGoogleā€ to help with your next ad campaign… headline… or offer!

Imagine having access to read and download EVERY single Dan Kennedy newsletter… sales letter… info report… and other marketing gems to helpĀ IGNITE your next campaign!

I could go on and on about how INSANE this search engine is…Ā but I wantĀ youĀ to test-drive it for yourself!

Now, to have access to this kind of search engine would normally cost THOUSANDS of dollars… upwards of $20K or more…

But as long as you remain a Diamond Member… you get complete access to Dan Kennedyā€™s Search Engine for FREE!

What many have paidĀ THOUSANDS for… you get access to forĀ FREE!

This way you can getĀ FULLYĀ immersed into Planet Dan!

ā€œHow Much Is All Of This Worth?ā€

As you know, Dan Kennedy is considered by many to be the ā€œGodfather of Direct Response Marketing.ā€

With over 40+ years of professional experience in marketing and business… It’s no wonder he doesnā€™t charge anything less than $50,000 for consultation.

As a Diamond Member, youā€™ll get a rare closeness to Dan and his wisdom that people would pay 10s of THOUSANDS of dollars just to be a fly on the wall…

But you wonā€™t have to worry about forking over thousands today.

To be a Diamond Member itā€™sĀ only $297 /mo… which isĀ less than the standard family cell phone bill.

And probably less than a weekā€™s worth of food for the familyĀ (especially if you have teenagers…)


I want to make something crystal clearā€”

ourĀ most successful storiesĀ come from our Diamond Members.

And it makes sense when you think about it…

Diamond Members have separated themselves from the ā€œdreamersā€ to become DOERS.

When you become a Diamond Member… it proves to me:

  • You areĀ dedicated to the craft…
  • You loveĀ the thrill of the challenge…
  • You understandĀ the need toĀ re-investment in yourself.

And you know that just one single idea… marketing strategy… or improvement canĀ easily provide more added income to your business than the whole yearā€™s investment!

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Original price was: $3,564.00.Current price is: $99.00.

Dan revealed his never-before-seen powerful selling strategies and persuasive techniques...

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