(Download available within 12-24 hours)In releasing more than 500 shows in just 18 months, he has learned the skills that are admired by established podcasts, and household names.
Have you ever wondered why some podcasts rise to the top of the charts almost effortlessly, whilst other languish in nowhere land?
Or some interviewers seem to naturally engage with a guest to make a show that is fun and hugely listenable to?
The kind of conversations that go viral, getting thousands and thousands of downloads daily with very little effort ?
Well no longer wonder about the secret ingredients that will make your podcast unique and loved by the world.
There is a secret to creating a top show that is now at your fingertips.
And guess what your fingertips have found it already you are at Interviewing Masterclass
Since creating the wildly successful podcast Join Up Dots, David Ralph has set the bar in podcast interviewing techniques.
In releasing more than 500 shows in just 18 months, he has learned the skills that are admired by established podcasts, and household names.
Developing conversations that wow both the audience and the interviewee, and bring about multiple listens.
Laughter, tears, deep insights and huge motivation at every turn.
Which makes people tune in every single time, as they never know what they are going to get.
And here is a BIG SECRET that people don’t want you to know.
Once you get people listening to your show more than once….they start doing something amazing!
Yes, they start telling their friends, family and everyone who will listen about your amazing content.
They love it because it’s unique.
They love it because it makes them feel good.
They become your loyal supporters.
No longer will you need to promote your show.
No longer will you need to spend hours on creating engaging images.
You will be free to do what you love and the world loves.
Create the most amazing interview podcast that the world has ever seen.
Now for the first time, he is going to share the inner secrets that will take your interviewing style and transform you into the world’s greatest podcaster: an interview master.
By learning these skills and lessons you will become you will land firmly within the top 1% of all podcasters.
The big guys.
The shows with massive audiences.
He will teach you to forget writing questions, and start asking the BIG questions.
He will teach you how to build rapport with your guest like no other interviewer.
He will teach you secret listening techniques that allow your recordings to flow effortlessly.
He will teach you the power of using “themes” within your conversation, and why learning just this one lesson can change your life forever.
So start changing your life today, and make your podcast outstanding in every way.
And that begins by becoming an INTERVIEW MASTER
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Real Value: $197
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