Start learning AK right at home with the 100 Hour Applied Kinesiology Clinical Practice Course! Fully edited into individual chapters,
Dr. Eugene Charles – Applied Kinesiology in Clinical Practice: 100 Hour Course

Start learning AK right at home with the 100 Hour Applied Kinesiology Clinical Practice Course! Fully edited into individual chapters, so you can either watch the entire seminar or go right to the topic of your choosing. Dr. Eugene Charles—author of Journey To Healing: The Art and Science of Applied Kinesiology—worked with a professional studio to enhance the home learning experience, while keeping the feel of being at the seminar. Order NOW and you’ll receive all 8 Workbooks + an additional AK Muscle Testing Booklet, FREE of charge (a $200 value)!
“Applied Kinesiology’s time has truly come! Journey to Healing shows you how AK can improve your life and restore you to true health. Hopefully, practitioners will heed the call to study this compelling book and this groundbreaking modality that utilizes a broad spectrum of noninvasive diagnostic and treatment protocols to restore maximum function to your body.” ~Carolyn Dean, MD, ND, author of The Magnesium Miracle
“Thank you for teaching this course and for your dedication to furthering chiropractic.” ~John Thomas Giudice, D.C.
“I would like to thank you for not only changing my practice but for changing my life and my way of thinking.” ~Dr. Cooley, D.C.
“Dr. Charles is the best presenter of AK that I have come across. I love the way that you bring the material down to an everyday trench war-fare style, while at the same time bringing in the mental/spiritual aspects of what it takes to get the patient well.”~Dr. Mike Izquierdo
See how applied kinesiology helped chiropractic to join the US Olympic Medical Team
Here’s What You’ll Get in Dr. Eugene Charles – Applied Kinesiology in Clinical Practice: 100 Hour Course
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Course Requirement: Dr. Eugene Charles – Applied Kinesiology in Clinical Practice: 100 Hour Course
Real Value: $2200
One time cost: USD 330
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What is the refund policy “Dr. Eugene Charles – Applied Kinesiology in Clinical Practice: 100 Hour Course”?
- We’ll Bear The Risk, You’ll Take The Results…
- Within 30 days of purchased |Dr. Eugene Charles – Applied Kinesiology in Clinical Practice: 100 Hour Course|, if you don’t get anything out of the program, or if your order has any problem, or maybe for some reason, you just don’t like the way it is. Please contact us and we will do our best to assist. Thank you for your understanding.
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