So let’s ride the waves of the universe together, connect with Source, and express that in our abundant lives. That’s how you can create a life of infinite possibility and Grace.
Dr. Sue Morter – Real Abundance

Are you eager to once and for all move beyond limiting beliefs and into your greatest life of love and infinite possibility?
Do you want to experience the delicious ALIVENESS that comes from living from your heart and walking your path with ease and grace?
We all have access to a reservoir of limitless possibility and vast wisdom. When we tap into this power, the abundance we experience is deeper (and truer) than that which comes from just accumulating material possessions. It satisfies a soul hunger so many of us feel to be fully, truly, authentically ourselves and to live more naturally, even effortlessly.
When we are “plugged in,” we are constantly filled and rejuvenated from the INSIDE – and that results in an abundance of loving relationships, meaningful work, success, service and material beauty on the outside.
But too many of us have distorted ideals of what it means to be conscious or enlightened, often involving sacrificing and undermining our core human needs to simply give, give and give some more. It’s how most of us have been taught. We haven’t known another way.
And yet, we ARE the divine source as well, so if we close down our connection internally and deplete ourselves, we have far less to give.
A better, more joyful way is possible!
In this 7-week training, you’ll learn from a true master of abundance, Dr. Sue Morter, how to reprogram your subconscious beliefs, rewire your energetic circuits and de-stress your life so you can relax into the EASY path of manifesting the abundance that is at your core. You’ll shed decades of patterns that are holding you back.
Dr. Sue brings together expertise in the healing arts with remarkably powerful spiritual insights and a sophisticated understanding of the science of mind-body-spirit wholeness to create an unprecedented and easily applicable system to tap into your true abundance.
She’ll call you home to the truth of your Self, helping you break free from decades of “stuckness.”
If you’ve done dozens of workshops, read myriad books, been on the conscious path for many years, but still bump up against the same old “stuff” and can’t seem to really break free from the doubts, fears and perceived limitations, this course is for you. If you’ve practiced visualizations and affirmations with limited success, this course is for you as well.
While forms of “thought magic” or “attraction” gimmicks can help, the deeper truth is that we must learn to awaken to the fullness of who we really are and then use the energy within our own body to become masters of our lives. Then we are living from the aligned, open, true place that calls forth the life we want.
When you understand how to tap into the broader energies of the universe and experience your multi-dimensional essence, you access a field of potential that is Infinite Possibility. Limitless. Creative. Wondrous.
And when you give of yourself in service in the world, you can then pour forth that abundance – without depletion! And that, in turn is magnetic to more abundance.
Dr. Sue is a rising star in the transformational field for a reason – she brings together the full spiritual and physical picture in a way that no one else does, with the insights that come from powerful spiritual awakening and the grounded wisdom of one steeped in Western science and healing practices.
It’s a potent combination to help you live into your greatest life of Real Abundance. If you’re ready to join Dr. Sue on this journey, click here to sign up now.
How You Can Benefit
During 7 weeks, you’ll take leaps in understanding the science and practice of real abundance, learning things such as:
- How to master your own bodily energetics to begin to break free of long-held limitations
- A more efficient use of your energy, focus and consciousness and how to manifest according to your original divine blueprint
- How you can transform the “lack consciousness” within our reality into a higher dimensional version of reality
- How to interpret your body’s multidimensional language so you can be more relaxed, aware and fluid throughout your day
- Practices for clearing out lower vibrations and patterns and opening up to the higher frequencies
- Techniques to release the blocks you carry in your central nervous system, electromagnetic energy field and subconscious memory fields
- How to create intentions that really work
- How to create a shift to true self-love as the new foundation for your life
A Warm Invitation from Dr. Sue Morter
Dear friends,
I invite you to step into the field of infinite possibility with me – and truly experience a life of real, divine abundance. It’s a place of tremendous joy. Magic. And a great sense of ease.
Wouldn’t you just love to relax into a place of “Aaaahh” in your life and know that all your needs are being met, you’re living your highest purpose, and you’re a radiant, whole being emanating that love and grace wherever you go?
I feel blessed to have made this shift myself and learned the “secrets” to teach others. In 7 weeks, I’ll give you the essence of all I’ve learned.
Real abundance isn’t about getting more material possessions or even more money in the bank. It’s about coming home to your true Self, living from your heart and working in harmony with the energy of the planet – the material plane.
When we create that harmony, we are then able to manifest a truly wondrous life that is overflowing with goodness on every level – including materially.
Thus, this course includes a focus on awakening spirituality, opening up to higher octaves of guidance, vision and insight… and THEN manifesting that awakening in very practical, concrete ways.
On this journey with me, I’ll help you release limitations in your thoughts, your body and your energy systems, enabling you to tap into the limitless possibility that is your birthright.
As you learn to live from a higher, heart-centered frequency, you automatically dial into the frequencies of the natural world. You’re no longer trying to be someone else – just YOU – your radiant , unconditional Self, expressing the love that is already at your core.
So let’s ride the waves of the universe together, connect with Source, and express that in our abundant lives. That’s how you can create a life of infinite possibility and Grace.
I look forward to our journey together!
Dr. Sue Morter
What You’ll Learn: Course Overview
Week 1: Awakening to Your True Self and the Reality of Your True Abundance (Sept 26)
In this first week with Dr. Sue Morter, you’ll discover:
- How to intentionally master your own bodily energetics and waveforms to begin to break free of long-held limitations
- How you can transform the embedded “lack consciousness” in our culture into a higher dimensional version of reality – which is Real Abundance
- The ability to speak your body’s multidimensional language so you can be more relaxed, aware and fluid throughout your day
- Specific tools (which will be built upon each week) for helping you awaken to your full divine potential
Week 2: Determining Your True Abundant Identity and Your Highest Purpose (Oct 3)
In the second session, you’ll discover:
- Techniques that release you from the “props” of this dimension and give you access to your true Essence
- The side effects of mastering Core Consciousness – physical healing – and how to intentionally manifest your healing powers using bio-energetic technology
- The perfection of your life story and clarity on your purpose for being here
- How to “clean house” in order to make room for higher level manifesting via a clearer vibrational resonance in the body
Week 3: Accessing Your Higher Council for Divine Manifesting (Oct 10)
In the third session, you’ll discover:
- How to weave together your conscious, subconscious, unconscious and non-conscious parts of you to create authentic, sustainable transformation in your life
- How to apply the gifts of the Third Eye – giving you access to your Higher Council, the great clarity you have within and refining that which you’re already aware of
- Specific techniques for embodying your Soul Purpose higher frequencies
Week 4: Course-Correcting and Shape-Shifting Your Intentions, Dreams and Aspirations (Oct 17)
In week four, you’ll discover:
- Why enlightenment isn’t enough and why embodiment is essential for life mastery
- Specific embodiment techniques for reading what your subconscious and unconscious aspects are revealing to you
- A more efficient use of your energy, focus and consciousness and how to manifest according to your original blueprint
- How to shape-shift the outcome of your ideal life vision and override your subconscious
- Breathwork to awaken the core creative centers in your body for greater receptivity to Spirit
Week 5: Relationships and Their Soulful Purpose in Your Grand Plan
(Oct 24)
In session five, you’ll discover:
- Why you must gain a higher perspective of relationships and why, if you don’t, every attempt to understand or improve your experience will ultimately fall short
- Techniques for distinguishing between your Higher Self, True Self and Authentic Self – and how an entirely new world opens up to you once you do
- How to communicate from this higher vibrational version of life and how to listen from an embodied space of enlightenment
- How to rewire your perception of relationships and view them from a quantum perspective
Week 6: The Global Significance of Self Love (Oct 31)
In session six, you’ll discover:
- How to take note of the obvious nudging from your everyday life that indicates you are not grounded in self-love and what to do about it the moment you notice
- The truth about life: why the hard part is getting to the easy part and how you can make it easier for yourself
- How to radiate your Heart Field, increasing it at will to make it personal, global or Divine
- How you can easily impact others’ ability to love themselves
Week 7: Cultivating a Daily Practice that Produces Tangible Results and Serves Your Abundant Nature (Nov 7)
In the final session with Dr. Sue Morter, you’ll discover:
- A daily practice that has you producing in the realm of infinite possibility and accessing Real Abundance in your life
- How your nervous system and the electromagnetic energy system of your body work together to create in the physical world
- Why being your most authentic self serves the world in the best possible way
- Your Core Presence flowing more easily than ever before and begin visioning the awakened you in the days and years to come
- How you can deepen your work with the techniques taught thus far
Bonus Session with Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith and Dr. Sue Morter
A Powerful Dialogue to Awaken Your Divine Potential and Uncover Your True Abundant Identity
In this one-hour bonus session, you’ll hear this dynamic duo share the truth about the Real Abundance that is at your core. Michael Beckwith is the founder and spiritual director of Agape International Spiritual Center in Los Angeles, where he speaks to a congregation of more than 9,000 people weekly. He is also the co-chair of the Season for Nonviolence along with Arun Gandhi and was one of the featured teachers in The Secret movie and bestselling book. He is one of the most prominent spiritual leaders in America, inspiring transformation in millions of people.
Here’s What You’ll Get in Dr. Sue Morter – Real Abundance
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Course Requirement: Dr. Sue Morter – Real Abundance
Real Value: $287
One time cost: USD52
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