The Emergence Process has previously been offered only to graduates of Barbara’s Agents of Conscious Evolution Training.
Ego to Essence – The Emergence Process: 8 Weeks to Shift

Raise Yourself to the Highest Vibration and Live from True Essence to Fully Give Your Gifts to the Shift
Never before in this pivotal moment in history – where we face societal breakdowns and breakthroughs on a grand scale – has it been more important to elevate our consciousness and develop a co-creative partnership with our Higher Self to successfully navigate this time of global transformation and evolve our world.
When you learn to shift your identity from that of the egoic “local self” to the magnificence of your Essential Self, you become fully available to BE the change and become an activation point for conscious evolution.
Through the 8-week Emergence Process, you will learn to live from your true essence, release life’s daily struggles and liberate your gifts of healing and transformation – at a time when the world needs YOUR full participation.
Guided by today’s greatest and most empowering evolutionary pioneer, Barbara Marx Hubbard, and her younger sister, Patricia Ellsberg, who is a transformational meditation teacher and life-long social change activist, you will learn to access your divine guidance and live with grace, confidence, creativity, purpose and joy.
Through this 8-week life-changing experience, you will come to embody the sacred “Beloved,” move at a higher vibration and frequency and become a catalyst in transforming our world. Join us and you can:
- Heal the wounded parts of your ego – the upset sub-personalities that often limit you – lifting them up into the vibrational field of your essence
- Develop a new identity, fusing your ego with your essence and experiencing the bliss of the union of the human and divine
- Recognize you are the guide who has been guiding, the inner voice you have been hearing, the Beloved you have been seeking
- Re-parent yourself by evolving and maturing your internalized mother and father, and strengthen the inner feminine and masculine aspects of your being
- Re-pattern your life, replacing overwhelm with ease and learning to live in the flow of your life with greater confidence, creativity and purpose
- Participate in evolving a co-creative community and gain support as you give your gifts to the world as an expression of your Essential Self
This transformative training will empower you to BE your Essential Self – the wise, loving, compassionate, powerful and radiant part of you. You will move from fear into love and creativity and be prepared to help catalyze this wave of planetary change.
The Emergence Process has previously been offered only to graduates of Barbara’s Agents of Conscious Evolution Training. But due to the extremely positive response to this offering AND its relevance at this historic turning point, Barbara and Patricia are delighted to open this course up to the wider Shift Network audience.
Each of these transformational teachers have devoted their lives to personal evolvement in service to societal transformation. Their shared wisdom and history, as well as their love for each other, makes this course a truly one-of-a-kind offering.
We invite you to sign up for this life-changing 8-week course by clicking the button below.
What You Will Learn: Course Overview
The Emergence Process is described in Barbara’s inspiring book, Emergence: The Shift from Ego to Essence, which is recommended reading for anyone taking this course.
Week 1: Entering the Inner Sanctuary (Dec. 5)
In Week 1, you will:
- Make the personal shift from your egoic self to your Essential Self
- Begin to leave behind the concerns and pressures of daily life by creating an inner sanctuary
- Discover the deep connection you have with your Essential Self
- Be guided to strengthen your relationship with your own Inner Guide
“Infancy! This is the time when the newly born Universal Human emerges from the womb of self-centered consciousness and we begin to realize our new identity as our own higher Essential Self. We break out of the limits of our egoic identity and, in innocence and humility, make room for something new.” -Barbara Marx Hubbard in Emergence
Week 2: Contemplating the Glory of the Beloved (Dec. 12)
In Week 2, you will:
- Discover the key to asking questions and receiving answers from your Essential Self
- Identify the specific qualities of your essence that you most love
- Experience the divine within, the Beloved, the inner voice and guide
- Integrate more fully the very highest qualities that you seek in yourself: joy, peace, security, love, wholeness, wisdom
- Take charge of your attention, which is vital to your emergence
“With the creation of an Inner Sanctuary, we have established the field of readiness for our emergence as Universal Humans. In the stillness, we may have felt the presence of our Essential Self, or perhaps a sense of expanded awareness and wholeness. Now, in this next step, we are ready to fully contemplate this Essential Self in its more personal form, the inner ’Beloved,’ and bring our focus to the specific qualities and wisdom of this all-knowing inner presence.” -Barbara Marx Hubbard in Emergence
Week 3: Inviting the Beloved to Incarnate and Take Dominion (Dec. 19)
In Week 3, you will:
- Declare your heart’s desire for union with the Beloved; ask for a complete union of the human and divine within yourself
- Feel as if the Essential Self is incarnating, entering your body/mind and transforming it
- Lift the local self into a higher frequency vibration
- Feel a new freedom from anxiety, pressure and compulsions
- Follow the path of love by loving your own local selves and dissolving the sense of separation between ego and essence
- Fall in love with you Essential Self and experience a “natural high”
“Our Infancy is maturing. We, as emerging Universal Humans, leave behind our former self-consciousness and become aware of our Essential Self much of the time… At this stage the local egoic personality self becomes so enchanted with the experience of its Essential Self that it freely, voluntarily, even joyfully, chooses to surrender its dominance. It invites the beloved Essential Self to enter in the whole way. We gain a feeling of peace and joy as the local selves relax their fears and let go of their efforts to control.” -Barbara Marx Hubbard in Emergence
Week 4: The Bliss of Union with the Human and the Divine (Jan. 2)
In Week 4, you will:
- Form a deeper chamber within your inner sanctuary, the “rose chamber of union of the human and divine”
- Experience the Essential Self as a radiant presence, glowing and emanating light
- Invite the local selves into the rose chamber, where they can merge with the light
- Experience your local selves becoming facets of your Essential Self rather than fragmented negative aspects of your personality
- Be guided by the Compass of Joy
- Learn to be in resonance with others, affirming the highest in one another
- Transmit bliss and fall in love with others at the essence level
“In this stage, for the first time, the Beloved takes the initiative and invites the local selves to come up into it. They enter a chamber of the heart and there in the field of love, experience the Bliss of Union of the Human and Divine.” -Barbara Marx Hubbard in Emergence
Week 5: Shifting Your Identity (Jan. 9)
In Week 5, you will:
- Fully shift your identity to embody your Essential Self
- Recognize you are the guide who’s been guiding; the voice you’ve been hearing; the Beloved you have loved
- Begin to speak and write as the voice of your Essential Self
- Experience an “inner smile” and practice “initiatory love”
- Practice powerful affirmations, such as I AM love; I AM wisdom; I AM power; I AM the Beloved and feel your presence substantiating as them
- Move from witness consciousness to causal consciousness and cultivate greater receptivity to the larger design
“At this point in its development, the infant becomes a child. A new identity emerges, born out of the fusion of the Beloved and the local selves. In Childhood we come together as our integrated selves, as the Essential Self expressing through its personality self.” -Barbara Marx Hubbard in Emergence
Week 6: Transferring Authority (Jan. 16)
In Week 6, you will::
- Examine your attitude toward authority in your life and develop your own authentic power
- Transfer authority and responsibility to your Essential Self
- Deepen your capacity to speak with and heal the wounds of your local selves
- Re-parent yourself by evolving and maturing your internalized mother and father and strengthen the inner masculine and feminine aspects of your being
- Become a loving parent to yourself and forgive your own unskillful behavior as you do that of a child
“In this stage, we learn that the nurturing parental authority is within us, as our essential divine essence. Now, as the process of incarnating continues, the Essential Self becomes proactive and is willing to be the genuine authority within the household of local selves. Our local selves become willing disciples of the Essential Self within.” -Barbara Marx Hubbard in Emergence
Week 7: Educating Your Local Selves (Jan. 23)
In Week 7, you will:
- Create an expanded Inner Sanctuary and enter a “Sunlit Garden of Co-Creation”
- Develop the practice of creating “heaven within” yourself
- Learn the process through which the ego becomes the guide to essence; trust in the guidance of your new fused identity as ego/essence
- Stop trying to figure out or solve anything and experience the problems of your local self being dissolved, not solved
- Experience moving from local, linear time to non-local, non-linear time, the pure awareness of the present
- Experience self-evolution through self-elevation
“True Essential Self education begins when we are no longer looking outward to external powers but are experiencing the Bliss of Union, the Shift of Identity and the Transfer of Authority as an on-going, ever deepening process. We are no longer victims. There is no one to blame. We become co-creators of our own reality.” -Barbara Marx Hubbard in Emergence
Week 8: The Repatterning of Life and Creating the New (Jan. 30)
In Week 8, you will:
- Take a moral inventory, asking, “What do I not want to have happening in my life any more?”
- Experience ease of effort replacing overwhelm and discover greater flow in your work and life, seamlessly blending being and doing
- Create resonance by attuning with others and becoming co-creative with them
- Align with the deeper patterns that are creating all existence and yourself
- Move toward becoming a Universal Human evolving as an expression of the magnificent, organizing universal intelligence; put this purpose first and realize that the “force of creation” is with you as you
Here’s What You’ll Get in Ego to Essence – The Emergence Process: 8 Weeks to Shift

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Course Requirement: Ego to Essence – The Emergence Process: 8 Weeks to Shift
Real Value: $297
One time cost: USD52
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