Can we talk honestly about the not-good-enough mentality that so many of us wrestle with — a heavy albatross we carry wherever we go in whatever we do?
There are innumerable causes of this affliction, from the expectations of our family or friends… to the image of the “ideal” that the media portrays… to the personal drive to be “perfect” and the need to please.
All of these represent unhealthy programming and shaming that’s been wired throughout our whole being from a very young age. And, the more trapped we feel under the weight of all that input, the less energy we have to give to our own self-care.
In turn, the less self-care we offer ourselves, the less healthy we become (mind, body, and spirit), and the vicious cycle of diminishing self-love gets stronger and stronger and increasingly taxes our wellbeing.
Now is the time to start healing the misconceptions you’ve been constantly fed and heightening your capacity to treat yourself like your most precious treasure.
You’re not alone if you’re struggling to find your way out of all that programming. And, believe it or not, you can be free of it, unlock your full self-acceptance, and discover the bliss of a life you love.
The creator of Biofield Tuning, Eileen McKusick, is eager to guide you on a pathway to empowerment.
Join her in a brand-new 7-step sound-healing journey through comprehensive yet specific Biofield Tunings (with her tuning forks!) to help you peel away the barriers to contentment and I’m okay-ness…
… by rewiring your system, so you can open to a profound self-love that uplifts, heals, and liberates the true you.
You’ve likely heard that your relationship with others can only be as good as your relationship with yourself.
If you’re not accepting, honoring, and loving yourself — body, mind, and spirit — your biofield, the electromagnetic energy field that flows through and around you, becomes stagnant and disharmonized. Your vibrational output in the world becomes low — obscuring your light and preventing you from attracting all that you desire.
When you join Eileen’s exciting, experiential new program, you’ll receive a Biofield Tuning in every session, to remove blockages, reharmonize imbalances caused by years of unhealthy programming, and free up the wholeness of your unbridled expression and vitality.
Throughout the seven modules with Eileen, she’ll tune your adrenals to calm your nervous system and infuse you with the courage to tell your story.
She’ll tune your root center to ground and calm your nervous system, recalibrate your stress response, and boost your resiliency.
She’ll tune your ears, throat, mouth, and neck to help you understand what you create with the words you speak, and transform your relationship with food, to help you recognize when you’re hungry, stop eating when you’re full…
… and consume only what you need so you release patterns of addiction.
You’ll receive tunings to unstick habits and patterns… to let go of the victim mentality… to say goodbye to your inner critic, guilt, and shame… and to welcome in abundance, intimacy, and creativity.
Eileen will conduct tunings to help you manage your anger, boundaries, and powerlessness… strengthen your will… feel into what physical exercise is good for you… improve your digestive function… and open to self-love, self-care, and self-compassion.
And you’ll be invited to move and vocalize during some of the tunings.
The harmonizing effects of Eileen’s Biofield Tunings can be instrumental in helping you deconstruct false beliefs and fall in love with yourself and life… while also freeing up energy for yourself, your loved ones, and your community.
If you’ve been lucky enough to experience one of Eileen’s powerful tunings before, you know that all you have to do is sit back as she sends out tuning-fork vibrations to detect imbalances in your biofield and listen for sound that indicates balance or resonance has been established.
Join us and learn to live with the sense of worthiness that can shape the life of your dreams.
In this 7-step transformational journey, Eileen will guide you through Biofield Tunings that will help you learn to honor your body, love yourself, and release any obstacles to optimal self-care.
This course will feature video teachings and experiential practices with Eileen. Her engaging, high-quality pre-recorded teaching segments include everything you’ll need to develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to be fully self-expressed — celebrating the life of your dreams.
The journey of a thousand miles begins with our first step in a new and different direction.
Your evolution doesn’t have to happen through quantum leaps or miracles. Instead, it’s about working with what you have right here, right now in more effective ways… through the power of boundaries and your own electric biofield.
In this opening session, you’ll start to explore your stories and your relationship with yourself and your body in the moment… to gain a better understanding of where you came from.
You’ll receive a group Biofield Tuning session to help settle down your nervous system and feel calm, centered, grounded, and ready to set off on this journey.
In this module, you’ll:
An important aspect of transforming is changing the way you listen and hear… adjusting what you say and eat (and don’t say or eat)… and evolving the way you think about and perceive yourself.
In this module, you’ll experience a full hour of deep energetic tuning of your senses… to become more attuned to the subtle nuances of your perception.
You’ll receive a tuning of your tongue, to build awareness around what you want to eat and when you’re full. Eileen will harmonize your throat center — so you’re more likely to be heard, feel effective, and be less inclined to the upset that drives you toward unhealthy foods.
The comprehensive tuning Eileen will offer in the session will help you:
Now more than ever, many people suffer from the sense of being stuck. We get into often-unhealthy grooves and patterns, and can’t get out of them on our own. From a biofield perspective, these patterns are electricity flowing along established circuitry, which is difficult to transform from the inside.
In this module, you’ll witness the different ways you get stuck. And Eileen will perform a Biofield Tuning to move the energy out of stuckness and into flow.
During this class, you’ll:
As a result of our stuckness, many of us tend to feel frustrated and disappointed with ourselves and others. It’s easy to unconsciously become a powerless victim, without recognizing that you have other choices and can view your circumstances from other perspectives.
At this half-way point in Eileen’s course, she’ll offer a tuning session on your left hip — the zone where we go out of balance with these unconscious tendencies. You’ll learn about the posture of victimhood, and what you can do to shift that way of walking through the world from the inside… opening you to new, more comfortable experiences inside your own body and mind.
During this module, you’ll begin to:
The right side of your hips holds the imbalance of the other end of the discomfort in your belly. This side reflects your tendency to overthink, overdo, judge, condemn, and be hard on yourself.
Your twin imbalances in the hips lead to inner and outer experiences of judgment and victimhood, attack and defense, and other exhausting and nonproductive representations of inner division.
In this module, you’ll receive a full one-hour tuning to balance this zone and strengthen its positive attributes, including self-worth, creativity, pleasure, and libido.
You’ll walk away from this session able to:
Your solar plexus is the primary power zone in your electric body and the center of your will. Imbalances in this area can result in flaring anger and reticent powerlessness. They can lead to weak digestion and low overall energy.
In this module, you’ll come to understand that this zone represents a spectrum, rather than an energy of either/or.
Eileen will guide you through the Sundial practice in Biofield Tuning — bringing in all the energy from the periphery into the center of your being. You’ll experience your inner fire as a centered radiance… and learn to move from there into a state of harmony and flow.
This class will help you:
We begin and end with love — the only true healer. When you learn to allow love — the electric life force of love itself — to really fill your heart and field with its radiant illumination, you bring health, vitality, wellbeing, and optimal functioning to every cell in your body.
We are, every single one of us, worthy of bathing our cells in this life-giving energy. And, what flows through you flows out into the world.
In this final module, Eileen will tune your physical heart and heart center — bringing in deeper, freer breath — and opening your channels wider so you can receive and give more of yourself to both yourself and the world around you.
As this course comes to a close, you’ll:
We feel honored that Eileen McKusick has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online course. This is a unique opportunity to learn from a researcher, sound-therapy practitioner, and author whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and transform ourselves and our world.
If you’re serious about harmonizing your electrical circuitry as you learn to honor your body, love and care for yourself, and release obstacles to those goals, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this course with Eileen McKusick.
If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button to reserve your space now.
Eileen McKusick is a researcher, writer, inventor, practitioner, educator, and speaker on the effects of audible sound on the human body and biofield. With an MA in Integrative Education, she has been researching sound since 1996. She is the originator of Biofield Tuning, and the founder of the Biofield Tuning Institute, which conducts grant-funded, peer-reviewed studies on the human biofield.
She’s the author of the award-winning bestselling book Tuning the Human Biofield: Healing With Vibrational Sound Therapy and the new book Electric Body, Electric Health. She’s also the inventor of a revolutionary and much-loved tool, the Sonic Slider, and the CEO of BioSona, LLC, which provides sound-therapy tools and training globally.
Eileen is a pioneer in the fields of therapeutic sound and electric health — her work leads people from a chemical/mechanical perspective of life, health, and the universe to an electro-sonic one. This new perspective makes health and life easier, connects the dots for people, and ties together multiple concepts in an elegant, easy-to-grasp way. This creates an accessible bridge between what’s been considered pseudoscience and what’s been considered scientific, and leads people to a much greater sense of personal empowerment.
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