
Eliott Hulse – Muscle Virus Solution

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Iā€™ve been around the iron game for 20+ years now, so Iā€™m pretty adept at figuring out what people want by observing how they trainā€¦ Format File: 10 MP4, 4 PDF, File Size: 1.34 GB

Eliott Hulse – Muscle Virus Solution

Eliott Hulse - Muscle Virus Solution 1

Few know thisā€¦

But many guys who train

Suffer from silent…

Painless imbalances which keeping them from getting:


Or getting any closer to reaching their athletic goals

These imbalances are known as a muscle viruses
And often itā€™s brought in as a response to painful, traumatic experiences in your past


Inappropriate demands being placed on your body

Sometimes these demands are brought on by things such as early specialization in sportā€¦

But most of timeā€¦

These muscle viruses are brought on by poor choices in the way you train throughout the years

Let me explain…

Just recently I had an opportunity to visit a commercial gym

Considering Iā€™ve spent much of the past decade working with athletes at Strength Camp…

What I witnessed, during my short stay…
Left me shaking my head in disbelief

One thing that really stood out was the obsession…

….damn near every guy in that place had with training their chest

In the 45 minutes I was thereā€¦

There was a constant rotation of guys clamouring for the bench press

And when they did manage to secure one, they would go on to perform a seemingly endless number of sets until their poor pecs couldnā€™t bare it anymore…

Which I guess wouldnā€™t be so bad- if these same guys who had just murdered their pecsā€¦

Had stopped there…

But as you can surmise that was NOT the caseā€¦

After each of these guys beat the shit out of their pecs, they moved on to another chest exerciseā€¦

and another after that

All this happened while the seated row sat completely empty by the way

Now, I try to withhold judgment on how others approach their training…

In fact Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve done a bunch of dumb shit myself, over the yearsā€¦

But this hereā€¦

Was madness

Iā€™ve been around the iron game for 20+ years now, so Iā€™m pretty adept at figuring out what people want by observing how they trainā€¦

With that saidā€¦
I Assume Most Of These Guys Were Performing All These Sets And Reps Because They Wanted Bigger Pecsā€¦


Unfortunately, what they failed to realize is this;

When you want to bring up a particular body part…

It’s critically important you start off by looking at the length tension relationship between that muscle and the group of muscles directly opposing it

You see, your body is an intricate system which functions bestā€¦

When everything is in balanceā€¦

Maintaining balance is so important to your body in fact, that when it senses things getting out of whackā€¦

It slams the breaks on muscle growth to prevent further any imbalance from happening.

So when these guys dedicate an entire workout to ā€œpumping-upā€ their pecs, without addressing their:

– medial traps

– lower traps

And rhomboids,
They were unknowingly destroying any chance of growing bigger, more impressive pecs.


And if that werenā€™t bad enoughā€¦

How about this…

If they continued on training this way…

It would result in that rounded shoulder, just got punched, slumped over, concave, bad puppy posture I spoke about earlier.

And thatā€™s just the beginning…

Remember earlier when I said your muscles work as an intricate system to create balance?

Well, when one muscle gets particularly out of balance…

It creates a domino effect throughout your entire body.

And what often starts as nagging shoulder pain…

Often results in

Neck pain (tight upper traps)

Low back pain (tight hip flexor complex)

And hamstring pulls (tight lower hamstrings)

Pretty crazy huh?

And this is just one manifestation of what can happen to the body when shit gets out of whackā€¦

There are dozens more potential negative outcomesā€¦

Iā€™m not telling you this to scare you btwā€¦

But more so to raise awareness about the effects poorly thought out training can have on your body ā€¦

And to show you how to spot potential muscle viruses lurking in your body…

So if youā€™ve already started down that path.

Or just want to avoid that mess altogether,

There is hope

Over the past 11+ years…
Iā€™ve Had Hundreds Of Athletes Walk Through The Doors Of Strength Camp Requesting Our Unique Approach Of Trainingā€¦

And before we work with any of themā€¦

We take them through a detailed structural assessment to identify which muscle viruses they may be suffering fromā€¦

In all of the years of doing so…

And throughout the hundreds of athletes Iā€™ve personally testedā€¦
Weā€™ve yet to find EVEN one athlete who didnā€™t suffer from at least one muscle virus

Which just goes to show you how rampant muscular imbalances areā€¦

amongst EVEN the fittest members of society

Either wayā€¦

Following the assessment…

Each athlete is instructed to follow our patented 4 layer approach to ridding themselves of their underlying muscle virusesā€¦

This 4 layered approach comprises of the following:

When a muscle gets short and tight (tonic), it disrupts the muscles ability to contract properly.

Which in turn lead to a muscle which is unable to express it’s true strength and capacity for power.

To alleviate this you MUST follow a series of stretches that allow the muscles to relax back into their optimal position…

So your muscles can manifest strength they way they are intended to

The second of our 4 phase approach is to strengthen chronically weak muscles.

Muscle viruses work in a zig-zag manner…

Meaning where there is a tight tonic muscle…

There will be a long loose group of muscles directly opposing it…

This imbalance in tone and strength is what causes the problem in the first place

When this is the issue it’s critical you focus on strengthening the weak muscles bring everything back into balance.

The 3rd and often overlooked aspect of ridding the body of muscle viruses is…

Focusing on how you breath.

When your body becomes unbalanced, it results in neurotic holding patterns where you become anxious and start shortening your breath…

If left unchecked this tension makes you rigid and tense

Which, long term turns into anxiety…


and stiff rigid organs

Which trust me is Something you DO NOT want

To alleviate this, it’s critical you slow down and learn how to breathe…

This simple act alone when done properly will add years your life and rid you of the negative feelings impacting you right now

The 4th and final phase of our solution deals with ridding yourself of inflammation

In the rare incident your muscle virus isn’t due to emotional trauma

or poorly structured training…

It’s brought on by something far worseā€¦


Inflammation is the body’s attempt at self-protection.

It’s occurs when your body needs to rid itself of harmful stimulus, irritants, or pathogens.

The presence of inflammation is a dead-giveaway that something is VERY wrong

Sometimes poor nutritional choices triggers your stomach to go into an inflammatory state, when this happens it weakens the muscles lining the walls of the stomach

Which in turn reduces the strength of muscular system

If you want to irradiate the muscle viruses laying dormant in your body, it’s critical you reduce inflammation as much as possible.

The good news is this doesnā€™t have to be the case. At least not with the athletes who make the wise decision to train following the 4 step approach Iā€™ve developed.

But Iā€™ll tell you more about that later

Before I do let me make another bold statement…
Strength Camp is known for producing resultsā€¦

Those who travel here to train using our unique approach frequently break personal records within their first few sessions

Weā€™ve grown so accustomed to thisā€¦

We barely bat a lash when it happensā€¦

If there is one thing we do take note of, itā€™s thisā€¦

How much better our athletes feel once they start using our methods

Without failā€¦

Every athlete who has walks through our doors makes mention of how much better they feel within days…

simply by following our 4 phase approachā€¦

Nagging pains which used to hinder their every movement disappear

Joints that once creaked and popped, are suddenly silent

And according to themā€¦

For the first time in their adult lives they feel as if they can move as freely as they did when they were kids

Now this may not seem like a big deal to some butā€¦

When I hear this sort of thingā€¦

It serves to remind me that
ā€œBecoming The Strongest Version of Yourselfā€

comes in so many forms

For some people itā€™s hitting a PR

For for otherā€™s it removing muscle viruses from their body

This is why Iā€™ve decided to package our unique approach of doing just that and achieving structural integrity into something I like to call
The Muscle Virus Solution

Before you get startedā€¦

I should tell you The Muscle Virus Solution isnā€™t just another program…

In fact itā€™s something completely different.

Rather than write you a series of drills and movements to rehearse Iā€™ve gone ahead and created something much better.

The Muscle Virus Solution is a deep dive into why you might be experiencing pain, inflammation or frustration with your training, followed by prescriptive recommendations on how to alleviate your symptoms and train to overcome them.

Hereā€™s a brief sampling of everything you will find inside:

How to identify the movements you are performing on a daily basis which are digging you deeper into the well of pain and discomfortā€¦ eliminate these and watch your results explode to new heights
The best predictor of muscle viruses laying dormant in your body and how to sniff them out and eliminate them
Why you may be experiencing a plateau in your ability to garner strengthā€¦ and why doing more exercise is the WORST thing to do in this scenario
How long forgotten injuries are secretly sabotaging your ability to grow and what to do about it
Why a prescription of deadlifts, bench presses and squats actually works against you when you underlying muscle viruses.
How unaddressed muscle viruses manifest into chronic issues that can cut your strength training career shortā€¦ FOREVER
and much, much more

Here’s What You Get When You Invest in The Muscle Virus Solution Today

As you can see The Muscle Virus Solution is deep dive into everything you need to know to do reclaim your body and move optimally free of pain, restriction and fear of injury

Amassing information of this depth and magnitude took me years…

Now here is the question

What would you pay to rid yourself of the viruses that are destroying your physique and…

to say goodbye to the pain and disappointment youā€™ve been experiencing in your trainingā€¦

for good?

You could spend $100 on supplements in hopes of getting strongerā€¦

A few hundred dollars on a physio or chiro who you will probably have to see every few months when the pain returns because you NEVER addressed the underlying issue


even a thousand dollars on a specialist who will undoubtedly recommend surgery of some sort to try to rid yourself of the incessant or soon to be pain associated with a muscle virus


you could make the sensible choice and make a single modest investment of just $47 today to get our proven, step-by-step system for destroying the dormant imbalances retarding your progress.

Hereā€™s What Youā€™ll Get in Eliott Hulse – Muscle Virus Solution

Eliott Hulse - Muscle Virus Solution

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Course Requirement: Eliott Hulse – Muscle Virus Solution
Real Value:Ā $27
One time cost: USD 12

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What is the refund policy ā€œEliott Hulse – Muscle Virus Solutionā€?

  • Weā€™ll Bear The Risk, Youā€™ll Take The Resultsā€¦
  • Within 30 days of purchased |Eliott Hulse – Muscle Virus Solution|, if you donā€™t get anything out of the program, or if your order has any problem, or maybe for some reason, you just donā€™t like the way it is. Please contact us and we will do our best to assist. Thank you for your understanding.

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Original price was: $27.00.Current price is: $12.00.

Get Eliott Hulse - Muscle Virus Solution, When a muscle gets short and tight (tonic), it disrupts the muscles ability to contract properly.

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