Considered a masterpiece, this 8-session educational series is taught by Dr. Eli Goldratt. He shares his lifeĀ“s work revealing what to change and what to change to in areas like operations, finance, project management, engineering, distribution, measurements, marketing, sales, management skills, and strategy.
The complete series provides the most comprehensive and holistic perspective of TOC, by presenting the concepts & examples for all applications.
The key to replicate Alex Rogo’s achievements described inĀ The Goal, lies in the ability to transform production from the cost-world mentality into the throughput-world mentality procedures: the Drum-Buffer-Rope (the logistics) and Buffer Management (the control).
Length: 2 hours 43 minutes
Cost-accounting based measurements are devastating to the shop floor, marketing, sales and especially engineering. How to bridge the gap between the bottom line measurements (theĀ P&L and the Balance Sheet) and the local measurements (efficiencies, pay-back period, product cost, etc.)?
Length: 2 hours 42 minutes
Projects (especially in multi-project environments) have characteristics which drastically differentiate them from production.Ā Still, we can finish projects ahead of time, within the allotted budget and without compromising on the content.
Length: 2 hours 42 minutes
Most companies realize that as long as the end consumer has not bought, nobody has sold. The biggest clot in the supply chain – the majority of the inventories – are usually found in the distribution stage. If a company wants to prosper the distribution link has to drastically improve its performance.
Length: 2 hours 43 minutes
Marketing should not be confused with sales nor with advertising. Marketing is the ability of the company to bring the market to want its products. In other words, the ability to create a competitive edge. Rarely can a company devise effective marketing without the involvement and contribution of managers from all functions.
Length: 2 hours 43 minutes
Not just the sales people but every manager in every company is required to sell; to sell their products, their suggestions and decisions, to clients, bosses or their own people. Is there an effective, systematic way to sell; to overcome resistance to change?
Length: 2 hours 43 minutes
The essential topics required to manage people are well known: conflict resolution, empowerment and team building. What is not well-known is that the TOC logical approach to derive solutions for the more “tangible” topics is equally effective at providing powerful methods to manage people. In this session Dr. Goldratt reveals the important know-how for managing people the TOC Way.
Length: 2 hours 41 minutes
The objective of any company is to implement an effective and lasting Process Of OnGoing Improvement. Unfortunately, after the initial thrust most improvement efforts stagnate. This program molds the TOC know-how into a clear, over-all strategy backed up by detailed tactics, so that the rate of improvement continues to grow over time.
Length: 2 hours 16 minutes
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