Do you wish for a magically easy way to detox… Everything? That doesn’t require a huge effort… lifestyle change… giving up your favorite foods… extreme exercise… and moving to a pristine place with no pollution?
Seems impossible, right? And it is – if you rely only on physical detox. Or only emotional detox. Or only negative energy clearing. Or only Feng Shui. But this works on a whole different level. It’s incredibly easy… and comprehensive. It works on all areas of life. And it’s not “Magic.” It’s Energetic!
“The chronic knee pain I had for years is completely gone!
A patch of psoriasis that I get every winter totally disappeared overnight!” – David
Learn How to Detox with Morphic Healing, in this short video. You’ll learn to Tune In to where your body specifically needs to detox. And, even better, you’ll activate that detox – instantly.
With so many toxins in your cells, in your food, water and air… how can you know where to begin? Zillions of experts all give you conflicting advice. How can you tell what applies to you?
Find out what’s most important for you to Detox… right at this moment. Follow along with the simple technique in the video, and experience instant change! Most people say they get quick energy shifts!Notice a change? Do you feel “lighter” or “brighter”?
That’s just a tiny example of what you’ll get in the 5 hours of audios, in Energetic Detox.
“Wow! I feel reborn! [The detox in Audio 2] caused a huge shift for me. I have never experienced anything as graceful, simple, powerful and easy as this.” – Kate, Australia
Get immediately download Elma Mayer – Energetic Detox – Now Healing Detox
How Does it Work? Instead of working on your physical toxins, or your negative emotions, or your habits and patterns directly, you’ll do something much more effective: you’ll shift your energy field. It’s so much easier to work with Energy* first. After that, your Matter – and your Mind – and your habits and patterns – can all come on board (We call that Aligning). And then… you can finally start letting go of toxins, automatically.
But if you’re NOT Aligned with detoxing, nothing you do physically will be very effective… at least not for very long.
Have you tried… juice fasts, wheatgrass, cleansing diets, chelation, colonics, cayenne and countless other herbs, liver flushes, mercury amalgam removal, saunas, lymphatic massage, exercise, etc… until you’re red in the face?
Get One product that can help with Everything!
Don’t just detox one area! That’s like cleaning your bathroom but leaving your kitchen dirty. (Not to mention your closet, basement, roof gutters and car!)
Get Rid of Hidden Toxins. Don’t just detox your Body. Hidden toxins also lurk in your Mind, Emotions, Energy Field, Home, Environment, etc. Most other detox systems only target one area. But this instant detox technique works on everything.
Are You Concerned About…
Energetic Detox addresses all of that – and tons more. It is much easier and more complete than a “Weekend Detox.” Even better, this product can energetically support your other detox programs: use this product along with your physical detoxing, to accelerate and amplify your results.
How Much Money do you Spend on Detox?
For about the cost of a single doctor’s visit – or a single trip to the health food store for cleanses, purges, and pills – you can zap a huge number of toxins, using Energetic Detox.
Use this product again and again – on anything and everything. It’s Effective and Efficient!
… only work on the physical level. And that’s just a small fraction of reality! But the powerful “energy healing” audios in this product will create real shifts – on ALL levels – Matter, Mind, Energy and Information.
* Actually, you’re not strictly shifting “energy” – it’s more like shifting information fields, and morphic resonance – but we’ll get into all that, in the healing audios.. It sounds complex but it’s a super simple process that takes about a minute to learn. And it’s hugely powerful!
As you listen and follow along, you’ll quickly learn how to shift Energy rather than Matter or Mind!
“Amazing… I was experiencing annoying constipation and now after listening… my body is happily moving again. And when I listened to the part about clearing my house and aligning the feng shui, I found an area in the closet that had dense energy. Now it feels better, cleaner and clearer. There is so much value in this program I could go on and on. Instead, I’ll say THANK YOU for a simple to understand and empowering program that I can use anytime, anywhere!” – Nan
“Love the Detox. Love the Elma. Love that she’s taught all us practitioners how to give up the struggle! I don’t believe she’s aware of her genius, nor how she’s changed the playing field of healing and all energy work. Her work is at the figurative or literal center of the change in healing paradigms — and she’s made it so easy!
I use ALL her work in my practice. She’s taught us (because she’s a great teacher!) how it doesn’t have to be ‘hard’ or ‘slow’ or ‘full of struggle’ when we do her energetic alignments. If you work with people and/or work on yourself, you just need the Detox from Elma.” – Rudy Hunter,
“I was feeling uncomfortable and bloated, so I expected to detox the stomach. Instead I heard kidney and spleen, so detoxed each seperately. After, I felt significantly lighter and clearer in those areas. I also detoxed the brain and felt an immediate surge of heart energy afterword. The tools you share I appreciate so much because they are simple yet powerful. I appreciate how It puts the person /body/energy in control or as responsible for the healing.. That is Empowerment!” -Michele
“Noticed a large shift with specific toxins, biofilms”. – Marcia
“I received profound and ‘timely’ energetic responses to the just completed detox. The bodies are humming with all that is good, perfect and ascended frequencies… Eternal love and gratitude – C.L., Minnesota
“So enjoy the centering and calming. My area of focus feel a lot lighter.” – Margaret
“thanks so much for this detox. I did a lot of energy work at the weekend and ‘forgot’ to get rid of all the bad/negative energies I accumulated. As a result I ended with low blood pressure and just a general low, depressed feeling. This detox has been just what I needed. I found the areas I needed to detox most were my liver, spleen and gall blader. After just one detox I find my eyes have brighten up and I feel just more energised. Thanks a lot. I will definitely do it again. Kenavo (bye in Breton) – Véro
“Wow! I feel reborn! You made me aware of areas of my body and life that I was previously ignoring. It caused a huge shift for me. I knew and felt that healing had occurred and it (the issue I have been obsessively focussed on for years!) would never be the same again.
I have been into healing of all kinds for the past 14 years and have never experienced anything as graceful, simple, powerful and easy as this. Thank You Elma for your integrity, I’ve come across lots of slippery types in this area in the past so I really appreciate your honesty.” – Kate, Australia
[Free Sample Video – Results] “So helpful! I felt a shift in my lungs and my oxygen level, which surprised me. – DebGet immediately download Elma Mayer – Energetic Detox – Now Healing Detox
[Free Sample Video – Results] “Dear Elma, I have felt an immediate change… I did the process twice, and I felt ‘waves’ like in the Matrix Energetics ‘work’ I do… very beautiful! I am happy that by browsing the Internet I have found you, Blessings and Thanks!” – Robert Heilmayer, Germany
Energetic Detox – Available as 5 CDs and Spiral-bound Book, or as Digital Downloads
That said, what can you “expect” – in a non-attached way?
Get immediately download Elma Mayer – Energetic Detox – Now Healing Detox
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Course Requirement: Elma Mayer – Energetic Detox – Now Healing Detox
Real Value: $197.0000
One time cost: USD42.0000
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