Purchasing a buy-to-let is a sound investment which will generate you both an income, as well as capital uplift over time, but it can be daunting to take your first steps if you don’t know exactly where you should be investing your money, or your roles and responsibilities as a landlord.
Not to worry, you’re in safe hands. At Fielding Financial, we’ve helped over 12,000 take their first steps into property investment, through our award-winning training, delivered by the UK’s leading authorities in property investment.
Our NEW 6-week live online training will walk you through everything you need to know to purchase, tenant and manage your first buy-to-let investment property. From finding a suitable property that will generate you a good return, through to finding a tenant and ensuring you comply with the important rules and regulations.
Tune in every week to a 1-2 hour Zoom call, hosted by industry expert Michal Kuziorowicz. Receive a welcome pack and workbook in the post to aid your studies and chat with fellow students and our industry experts in our private Facebook group.
The next course start date will be announced soon.
To kick-start the training, in week 1 you will explore the benefits of buy-to-lets and how they can support you and your family by generating an additional source of income. You will also learn about the basic economics of demand and supply and understand how to calculate the demand in your local area.
During week 2, we will talk through how to decide where to invest and the key factors to look for then choosing an area to purchase your first buy-to-let property.
Week 3 is all about the numbers, so that you know – to the penny – which is the best investment for you. During this session, you will learn how to work out your cashflow and return on investment, so you are able to confidently offer on an investment property.
Week 4 is all about the money! You will learn how to fund your purchase, where to find funding and what fund providers are looking for, as well as how your return-on-investment changes depending on your finance product.
Now you know how to work out the numbers and fund your investment, it’s time to view some properties! In week 5 you will learn about the common pitfalls to be aware of when attending a property viewing, as well as how to find a tenant and all of the rules and regulations you need to know to keep them safe.
Congratulations! You now know everything you need to know to buy your first investment property! To conclude the 6-week course, we will be sharing our top tips, including:
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