
James O’Dea – Peace Ambassador Training

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In these sessions, you’ll hone your understanding for how to create systemic change via models and strategies for unprecedented whole system shifts.

James O’Dea – Peace Ambassador Training

James O'Dea - Peace Ambassador Training

Learn from the world’s top peace visionaries, and become an impassioned ambassador for inner and outer peace.

We are clearly at an important (and precarious) crossroads in our personal and collective evolution, with war and violence so often in the news.

The skills of diffusing and transforming conflict and healing social wounds are at the core of whether we’ll create a healthy, vibrant, peaceful and sustainable world, or go the way of the dinosaurs as we squander more resources on destructive polarization.

Our culture’s dysfunction shows up with bullied children, abusive families, fearful schools, broken marriages, toxic work environments and war-like politics.

The simple truth is that we have all been raised in a culture of violence, with mayhem on the news, carnage in our movies, and shocking statistics on abuse, sexual trafficking, and more.

Considering how important it is for us to learn how to constructively and peacefully handle our differences, it’s shocking that so few of us learn the skills for how to do so.

We suspect this situation hurts your heart as much as it does our own. If you are like us, you know, deep down, that it doesn’t have to be this way, that we can truly learn to live peacefully and joyfully with each other, creating harmonious families, schools, communities and even political cultures.

That IS our future, if enough of us dare to create it.

And that is why we have created the Peace Ambassador Training, which has been called the best peacemaking training available and now is reaching a new level of excellence with this, our eighth cycle.

By joining, you become part of a conscious, healing, and inspiring community of over 900 Peace Ambassadors around the world – some of the brightest beings you’ll ever meet!

These are people, who, like you, are committed to creating a world without war and violence.

The leaders and participants will help you open your heart, clear your own history with destructive conflict, expand your paradigm, and help you become a beacon of peace in the world.

You’ll be inspired by their stories and learn from their examples, while adding to a next generation peace movement that is grounded in deep inner change and committed to outer action.

Listen to The Shift Network’s founder Stephen Dinan share what it means to become a Peace Ambassador:

With the right training and tools you CAN make a profound difference on this planet and truly contribute to the change that our world so urgently needs.

With the guidance of our world-renowned faculty, you will learn the most essential insights and practices of 21 of our planet’s most respected peacebuilders.

You will receive the cutting-edge ideas, resources and strategies to become an authentic ambassador of peace and healing in your own life and in our world.

You will, more than anything, know HOW to make a difference rather than just wish or hope for healing.

When we talk about becoming a “peacebuilder,” we don’t mean becoming some kind of soft-spoken daydreamer.

We are talking about how you can empower yourself to become an embodiment of the awakened presence of peace, a protector of the innocent, and a heart-based “warrior” of genuine love, truth and justice for one and all.

As the wise Native American leader Sitting Bull once said:

“Warriors are not what you think of as warriors. The warrior is not someone who fights….The warrior is one who sacrifices himself for the good of others. His task is to take care of the elderly, the defenseless, those who cannot provide for themselves, and above all, the children, the future of humanity.”

If you are ready to take a stand for peace – both personally and collectively – and become an emissary for a deeper kind of healing in our world, our brilliant faculty will show you how.

In this 16-session advanced training, you’ll be guided step-by-step along the evolutionary continuum, from cultivating genuine inner peace to working with others to create lasting peace internationally.

This transformational program for creating peace on all levels flows from the vision and passion of James O’Dea, the former President of the Institute of Noetic Sciences and the former Director of Amnesty International in Washington, DC.

James designed the program based on his unique perspective of understanding the emerging “science of peace” and his depth and breadth of practical field experience in addressing human challenges and suffering of all kinds.

For health and schedule reasons, James has asked Director of Peace Philip Hellmich and Emily Hine to take the Peace Ambassador Training to the next levels while drawing upon the best of his previous teachings, which will be shared via recording during some of the live classes.

A profound journey into your deepest self, in which you can heal old wounds, remove barriers to trust, and cultivate powerful friendships with other change agents.

The transformation that comes from peacebuilding can also liberate your heart, mind and soul from negative patterns, resistance and fear, allowing you to become a more radiant and healing light in the world.

This Training is for you if…

  • You long to be a true peacebuilder during this pivotal time in history – but know you could be more effective if you had the right skills, practices and community support.
  • You want to help heal personal and collective wounds – and are open to learning new ways to do it.
  • You strive to communicate in a healthy way that brings people, families and organizations together to work and collaborate on solutions more effectively.
  • You hunger for a comprehensive peacebuilding blueprint that gives you the essential skill set and tools of a social leader and healer.
  • You want to learn and develop techniques for cultivating inner peace and spaciousness, removing the walls around your own heart, so you can come to a genuine forgiveness and healing around past wounds and teach others to do the same.
  • You see that there is an amazing opportunity for positive change in the world – and you want to learn from the most inspiring leaders and visionaries about how to play your highest role.

Watch this short video of Peace Ambassador graduate Erik Kasum describe how the Training changed his life, helping him create a national peace conference and think tank on peace:

What You Will Learn: Course Overview

The Training will offer you an immersive experience in building skills with today’s top peace leaders and is divided into five pillars:

  1. Deep Personal Peace
  2. Healing Personal and Collective Wounds
  3. Communicating Peace
  4. Mastering Systems Change
  5. Activating and Organizing for Peace

For the first four Pillars of Peacebuilding, we will hear the best of James O’Dea’s teachings in the first sessions drawing upon insights and practical tools from his bestselling books Cultivating Peace and The Conscious Activist: Where Activism Meets Mysticism.

The following two sessions of each pillar will feature two core faculty on the methodologies and peace practices they use in their work. These sessions are a combination of live teaching and the very best core faculty interviews from previous Peace Ambassador Trainings.

Philip Hellmich and/or Emily Hine will facilitate all the calls and teach several classes. They will bring the material to life by weaving and integrating these teachings into a cohesive map for peacebuilding, from the personal to the planetary, throughout the training.

You’ll also have practices, readings, and assignments that deepen your experience of the material and put you into close collaboration with other training members from around the world.

Pillar 1: Cultivating Deep Personal Peace

These sessions will focus on helping you cultivate the psychological, emotional and spiritual dimensions of peace as the great foundation for deep engagement in the world.

Session 1: Peace and Freedom from the Inside Out
(Recorded January 14)

Faculty: James O’Dea (full bio)

James will open the training with an inspiring session about what it means to be a Peace Ambassador in today’s world. He invites us to take responsibility for cultivating inner peace while working in the world from a place of deep integrity. As James says, “The peacebuilder must develop an impressive skillfulness in offering solutions, avoiding the blame game, and playing a mediating role between perspectives that are locked inside self-limiting definitions.”

At the same time, the Peace Ambassador does not take him/herself too seriously. “A world without laughter would not be a safe or peaceful world,” James says. For instance, “the fundamentalists are not having fun!”

In this session, you will:

  • Take careful inventory of your inner moral maps, belief systems and psychological perspectives and examine how they influence your relationship with the outer and vice versa.
  • Identify the obstacles that prevent you from releasing your own essential qualities, talents and capacities
  • Learn personal peace practices that help you tap into your deepest essence and create a solid foundation for authentic inner peace

Session 2: Making Peace with Oneself (Recorded January 21)
Guest Faculty: Aqeela Sherrills, celebrated peacemaker who brokered truce between the Crips and the Bloods in Los Angeles, now the Executive Director of YES! and advisor to peacebuilding projects worldwide. (full bio)

Aqeela will provide a powerful and transparent glimpse into his own personal transformation, one that required taking responsibility for hidden fears and shames that were influencing his behaviors. He then will tell how his own personal transformation allowed him to address the causes of violence that took the life of his son. By going deeper into his inner peace practice, Aqeela helped bring peace between warring gangs.

In this session, you will:

  • Gain both inspiration and tangible tools for how to look inward to address your own shadows and to develop a daily personal peace practice

Session 3: The Heart’s Intuitive Intelligence – a path to personal, social and global coherence: (Recorded January 28)
Guest Faculty: Deborah Rozman, Ph.D., business executive, serial entrepreneur, psychologist, author and educator. Since 1990, founding executive director of the non-profit Institute of HeartMath, executive vice president of HeartMath LLC. (full bio)

HeartMath is the world’s most influential scientific organization focused on the powers of the heart. Deborah will share how you can harness your heart’s power for intuition, joy and less stressful living.

In this session, you will learn to:

  • Increase Resilience – Improve your ability to “bounce back” and cultivate the powerful inner energy reserve that can make life easier during times of dynamic change.
  • Trust the Heart – Learn the research revealing your heart’s role in sending and receiving essential information for living a healthy, fulfilling life.
  • Cultivate Heart Intelligence – Enhance and access the powerful intelligence of your heart to rise above problems, even in the midst of chaos and confusion.
  • Engage the Global Heart – Learn research that suggests we are all connected by and live in the reflected energy of our hearts, with our emotions affecting the earth itself.

Pillar 2: Healing Personal and Collective Wounds

These sessions will focus on giving you the skills to transform personal wounds and collective trauma in order to create personal and social transformation and significant evolutionary change.

Session 4: Ending the Transmissions of Wounds
(Recorded February 4)

Faculty: James O’Dea (full bio)

James O’Dea introduces the second pillar by calling us to “interrupt the transmission of wounds from generation to generation precisely because their persistence is so disruptive to whole-system health and because the problem of passing on intergenerational trauma is so overlooked.”

In this session, you will:

  • Begin to examine your relationship to personal wounding and its various subtle nuances
  • Look at how your unconscious behaviours contribute to larger social wounding
  • Examine what keeps you from truly living your highest ideas and dreams
  • Learn tangible tools that you can use to deepen your own personal healing and help facilitate healing in others

Session 5: Non-Violence: A Path to Peace – Stories about Mahatma Gandhi (Recorded February 11)
Guest Faculty: Arun Gandhi, the grandson of India’s legendary leader, Mohandas K. “Mahatma” Gandhi (full bio)

Who better than Mahatma Gandhi’s grandson to challenge you to “be the change you wish to see in the world.” In this session, Arun Gandhi will share intimate stories about how his grandfather taught him to examine his unconscious desires and to see their relationship to passive violence in the world.

In this session, you will:

  • Be inspired to step up your inner peace practice and tap into new levels of integrity and strength
  • Learn the meaning of Mahatma Gandhi’s saying, “I can no more preach nonviolence to a coward than I can tempt a blind man to enjoy healthy scenes. Nonviolence is the summit of bravery.”

Session 6: The Power of Forgiveness – Transforming Personal Tragedy into Life Purpose (Recorded February 18)
Guest Faculty: Azim Khamisa, internationally renowned expert on forgiveness, hailed by the Dalai Lama and Thich Nhat Hanh (full bio)

This is possibly the most powerfully moving session of the Peace Ambassador Training. Azim Khamisa is a world-renowned master teacher on forgiveness. He will tell the story of how he lost his only son to senseless gang violence and authentically share his journey into the depths of trauma and despair.

In this session, you will:

  • Learn how to leverage the power of forgiveness to create transformation
  • Discover how you can engage in forgiveness even when it seems impossible

Pillar 3: Communicating Peace

In these sessions and practices, you’ll advance in the art of skilled communication for yourself, family, community and world. You’ll learn the latest in peacebuilding, conflict transformation, social discourse and dialogue. Core faculty includes:

Session 7: Peaceful Communication and Energy Mastery (Recorded February 25)
Faculty: James O’Dea (full bio)

Energy mastery is one component to effective communication as a Peace Ambassador. Other components are dialogue and listening. As James says, “Against all odds we must learn to dialogue, or die….If we were to learn that listening to each other was the key to opening each other’s hearts, we would listen until there was peace on earth.”

In this session, you will:

  • Understand how the ability to listen deeply and consciously has transformed difficult conflict situations into peaceful resolutions
  • Discover how to bring the power of conscious listening to your own conflicts
  • Learn how you can process and transform energy for peaceful encounters
  • Gain effective strategies for dealing with physical bullies, emotional bullies and intellectual bullies
  • Understand your unique approach to processing energy – determine whether you are an energy bouncer, an energy sponge, an energy zapper or a peaceful energy transformer

Session 8: Common Humanity: Awakening Compassion in Communication (Recorded March 4)
Faculty: Emily Hine, President of HineSight Consulting and inspirational writer at Holy Sit. (full bio); and, Philip Hellmich, The Shift Network’s Director of Peace, author of best-selling God and Conflict (full bio)

Scientific research is proving humans are hard-wired for empathy and compassion. In this session, Philip and Emily will teach practical skills on how to awaken our own innate capacity for compassion and to communicate effectively with others. They also will show how this emerging area of compassionate communication is being applied from inner to international levels.

Scientific research is proving humans are hard-wired for empathy and compassion. In this session, Philip and Emily will teach practical skills on how to awaken our own innate capacity for compassion and to communicate effectively with others. They also will show how this emerging area of compassionate communication is being applied from inner to international levels.

In this session, you will:

  • Learn about the latest scientific research about humanity’s capacity for empathy and compassion.
  • Discover how to create an authentic, compassionate connection with others by blending Nonviolent Communication with personal peace practices.
  • Gain tangible tools that can help you tap into a sense of peace and to communicate more effectively even when triggered.
  • As peacebuilders, your inner dialogue is as important as your external dialogue. In this session, you also will learn radical self-compassion as a strategy that helps you communicate peace internally and externally.
  • Learn tactics for communicating effectively and “walking the peace talk” with small or large-scale teams.
  • Learn about innovative radio and TV programs that are awakening compassion across entire societies, even those ripped apart by violent conflict.

Session 9: Getting to YES! (Recorded March 11)
Guest Faculty: Dr. William Ury, co-author of the global bestseller Getting to YES, author of The Power of a Positive No and co-founder of the Harvard Negotiation Project (full bio)

Dr. Ury is one of the most well-respected authors and practitioners of effective negotiations in the world.

In this session, you will:

  • Gain detailed insights into the science of communicating effectively in contentious situations, helping you to identify and address personal and shared needs
  • Learn the art of negotiation you can apply to your life as well as to larger social issues

Pillar 4: Mastering Systems Change

In these sessions, you’ll hone your understanding for how to create systemic change via models and strategies for unprecedented whole system shifts.

Session 10: Peace Work and Whole-Systems Shift (Recorded March 18)
Guest Faculty: James O’Dea with Don Beck, Spiral Dynamics theorist and wizard who has mapped and applied a comprehensive approach to working with different memes and transforming cultures from South Africa to the Middle East (full bio)

To begin Pillar 4, James is very clear: “To be an ambassador of peace, you cannot be a partisan of the part; you are called to be a representative of holistic thinking and emotional and social intelligence. Creating a culture of peace is a whole-systems challenge.”

In this session, you will:

  • Learn about systemic transformation and peace work in the context of complex adaptive systems
  • Gain insight into “Spiral Dynamics,” the comprehensive system Don Beck uses to assist people in different cultures and contexts to identify and implement peacebuilding initiatives appropriate for them

Session 11: Change the Story, Change the Future (Recorded March 25)
Guest Faculty: David Korten, visionary, engaged citizen, author of Agenda for a New Economy: From Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth and The Great Turning (full bio)

James is quick to point out: “We are now witnessing the planet-wide devastation that results from thinking of the economy and ecology as separate systems. Sustainability is, therefore, a peace issue….”

David Korten writes, “We have tried a Sacred Money and Markets economics that calls for us to act as if we are money seeking robots inhabiting a dead rock. It is time to turn to a new economics based on a Sacred Life and Living Earth story in which we are all living beings born of and nurtured by a Living Earth in a Living Universe. Everything else follows. “

While the global economic situation can seem overwhelming, David Korten provides common sense strategies and a sense of real hope to you – that you can do your part to evolve our economic model, starting in your own community

In this session, you will:

  • Understand the realities of the economic and environmental challenges facing the planet and examine the underlying paradigms that have created this crisis
  • Learn about the efforts emerging around the world to create new economic narrative and system based on an understanding of interdependence and interconnectedness

Session 12: Living Systems: A New Systems Perspective on Whole Bodies and Whole Changes (Recorded April 1)
Guest Faculty: Riane Eisler President of the Center for Partnership Studies and internationally known for her ground-breaking contributions as a systems scientist, attorney working for the human rights of women and children, and author of The Chalice and the Blade: Our History, Our Future, and The Real Wealth of Nations: Creating a Caring Economics . Hailed by Archbishop Desmond Tutu as “a template for the better world we have been so urgently seeking” by Gloria Steinem as “revolutionary,” and by Jane Goodall as “a call for action.” (full bio)

In this session, you learn:

  • New perspectives on the past, present and future that will shed light on emerging paradigms on whole living systems
  • Approaches to partnership that can transform individuals, families and communities.
  • Principles of a “caring economy” that values humanity and the Earth

Pillar 5: Activating and Organizing for Peace

These classes and practices will help you develop community-building and collaboration skills that expand your leadership capacity and help you offer your deepest gifts.

Session 13: The 21st Century Peace Ambassador as Evolutionary Leader and The Summer of Peace (Recorded April 8)
Faculty: Emily Hine (full bio) and Philip Hellmich,(full bio) with special guests to be announced

Throughout the Peace Ambassador Training, James, Emily and Philip will highlight the strengths and capacities of an evolved peace leader. In this session, Emily and Philip will review these leadership skills and then invite you to step up in your own way. In addition, they will outline the accomplishments from the Summer of Peace and the advances in compassion education. We also will hear from special guests involved with the International Cities of Peace, the International Day of Peace, the Compassion Games and BeThePeace.As James writes, “In a time of upheaval such as we are now witnessing on planet Earth, unprecedented opportunities arise for creativity and new leadership…. The emerging leader is you! Without you, there is no collective audacity to create the tipping point in human evolution.”

In this session, you will:

  • Understand the leadership skills needed to be an evolved peace leader
  • Activate your part in the larger global shift to a culture of peace
  • Learn how you can participate in global peace initiatives
  • Determine what role you may play in the Summer of Peace

Session 14: The Principles and Processes of Activating and Coordinating for Peace from Local to Global (Recorded April 15)
Guest Faculty: Dot Maver, educator, peacebuilder, President of the National Peace Academy that supports, advances and nurtures cultures of peace (full bio)

Dot Maver is a pioneer in peace education and community organizing who is a master at inspiring cooperation on behalf of the common good.

In this session, you will:

  • Discover the practical principles and processes you can apply in organizing your own peace work whether in your school and/or community
  • Learn about successes from the River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding in Gainesville, Florida, including activities you can join and/or replicate in your own community

Session 15: Revolution of the Heart (Recorded April 22)
Guest Faculty: Velcrow Ripper, award-winning philosopher filmmaker, director of Scared Sacred, Fierce Light, Occupy Love, speaker and writer (full bio)

In this session, Genie award-winning filmmaker Velcrow Ripper will share insights into peacebuilding actions taking place on a global scale witnessed while filming his trilogy: Scared Sacred, Fierce Light: When Spirit Meets Action and Occupy Love. Velcrow will talk about the process of moving from personal despair to collaborative action inspired by deep spiritual wisdom and shared human values. For more info visit and

Session 16: Final Session – What is Your Peace of the Puzzle? (Recorded April 29)
Faculty: Emily Hine and Phillip Hellmich

This final class is an opportunity for you and your fellow Peace Ambassadors to interact and share what you have learned and how you have been transformed during this training. You will also have the opportunity to share your personal peace projects and initiatives for creating peace in yourself, family, schools, community and our world.

The Peace Ambassador Bonus Collection

In addition to these transformative 16 course sessions, you’ll also receive these powerful bonus sessions with the world’s leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions are being offered to further complement what you’ll learn in the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level. This first group of bonus sessions are all audio trainings that can be streamed online or downloaded and experienced on the go.

Here’s What You’ll Get in James O’Dea – Peace Ambassador Training

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Course Requirement: James O’Dea – Peace Ambassador Training
Real Value: $345
One time cost: USD62

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Get James O'Dea - Peace Ambassador Training immediately when you secure your purchase by clicking on the order button on this page In these sessions, you’ll hone your understanding for how to create systemic change via models and strategies for unprecedented whole system shifts.

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