
Jason Fladlien – GOAT Webinars


Jason Fladlien – GOAT Webinars

Jason Fladlien - GOAT Webinars

The GREATEST Webinar Training Of All Time

From The World’s UNDISPUTED #1 Webinar Expert

…who will show you how to replicate the secrets responsible for half a billion dollars in webinar sales, even if you have no experience, no product, and no audience.

Hey Jason Fladlien here…

And I’ve been called the ‘Greatest Of All Time’ webinar expert (or GOAT, for short).
…But you’re probably wondering who on earth has the audacity to make such a BOLD, and frankly RIDICULOUS CLAIM.
I’ll prove it in a minute.
Jason Fladlien

First, let me make one more bold claim…

Follow the GOAT Webinar framework, and you will be able to make 5-7 figures, potentially every time you run a webinar.

Because a powerful webinar, especially in an industry where none exists, can catapult you to the top of the market.

Done right, a webinar allows you to:

1. Get NEW high-paying customers into your business

2. And make MORE profit from your existing customers and clients

…whilst highlighting your product or offer’s superiority, and positioning you as the go-to expert in any niche.

With the GOAT Webinar framework in your pocket, it’s probably the easiest way to add millions of dollars in revenue to your business, even as a beginner.

As long as you’ve got the right webinar structure, you can:
  • Present on camera or on slides
  • Stumble over your words having never done it before
  • Have someone else present for you
  • And sell someone else’s offer to someone else’s audience
Which makes it very easy for a beginner to step into.

This is a rare opportunity for you.

The last time I taught webinars was 6 years ago.
It was a private, in person seminar alongside Joe Polish that cost $5,000 to attend.
I lost count after the 25th person who did over $100k on a webinar afterwards.
That’s 20x their investment!

It’s safe to say… I can show you how to make a lot of money with webinars.

Until now, you COULDN’T get this info anywhere else.
People like Alex Hormozi and Andy Jenkins pay me $25-30k+ for a single consulting day.
Otherwise, you would have to have been in a physical room with me during the few times I’ve run seminars on it.
I’m sick of seeing people do it the wrong way, work 10x harder and get 1/10th of the result.
I’m tired of other marketers ripping off my webinars and teaching half the tactics for double the price.
Some of them even use MY proof as examples:
So, I sat down and reviewed all of my most successful webinars…
Deconstructed every technique…
Combined with the most up-to-date strategies…
And refined the process to its most ‘repeatable success’ form.
This without a doubt, out of hundreds of bestselling products, is the BEST training I’ve ever created.
I call it…
The ‘Greatest Of All Time’ Webinar System:

GOAT Webinars

title underline

To create your own GOAT Webinar, you’ll follow this framework from the hook to the close.
Now, these 14 steps are nowhere near as intimidating as it might seem.
Some of the steps are only a few sentences to say.
The whole thing can be as simple as copy, paste, print it out and read it.

You can even partially follow these steps and still massively increase your profits.

GOAT Webinars will show you:

  • The 7 BEST hooks (and 7 more for ‘unique cases’) to not only JOLT your audience into paying attention but PREPROGRAM them to buy
  • 8 different strategies to ensure they’ll be desperate for a solution within the first 5-10 minutes
  • …then quickly get them drooling for your solution
  • How to fill your audience with genuine purchasing EXCITEMENT (such as the ‘exploit’ tactic that ‘shouldn’t be possible’ under ordinary circumstances)
  • The subtle method to prove beyond doubt that they will be hopeless without you and your product
  • The best way to sustain the ‘this is so obvious to buy I’d be a complete idiot not to’ mindset over the bulk of your webinar
  • How to teach and sell simultaneously to deliver the ‘WOW’ value you promised… without being that sleazy salesman
  • Scientifically proven, psychological lines to get people to say yes
  • A powerful blueprint to transition to your pitch that get you fired up to sell (especially if you’re nervous)
  • The DRAMATIC way to present your offer as ‘the one above all’ and make it a no brainer to buy
  • An extremely formulaic approach to pricing so it ALWAYS SEEMS LIKE A DEAL to your ideal customers
  • How to absolutely knock their socks off with ‘free’ value
  • Every method under the sun to eliminate their risk… AND all their reasons to say no to you
  • The little-known strategy to using scarcity to close the deal that doesn’t feel manipulative

So what is your investment in GOAT Webinars?

When I did the live version of GOAT Webinars in Valencia, California in October, it cost $10,000… double the previous seminar I did 6 years ago.

Jason Fladlien

Considering that 25+ people made over $100k with a webinar after last time I ran this…
Countless more have built 7-8+ figure businesses on the backs of these webinar techniques…
PLUS all the latest strategies I’ve incorporated…
I could have charged far more for the live ticket and it still would be a deal.

Today, your investment in GOAT Webinars is $2,497.

This cookie cutter framework is engineered for you to succeed.
Even if you mess things up, or only get a small number of people watching…
You still only need to make a handful of sales to earn back your investment…
Then you can profit from it forever.
Even if you NEVER make a webinar, by the end of the training you’ll have absorbed so much about sales and persuasion that this is a laughable amount.

Present a GOAT Webinar…

and you’ll be well on your way to adding millions of dollars in revenue into your pocket every year.

You are getting the secrets responsible for half a billion dollars in webinar sales… and that’s just from my company!
I’ve held nothing back.
Follow the formula, run just one webinar…
And I guarantee you’ll be desperate to run more.
Not only for the powerful revenue stream you’ve unlocked, but for the heartfelt comments your customers will make about how you changed their lives.

To recap, you’re getting…

  • My 14 step framework for creating a GOAT Webinar, which will massively kickstart and boost your revenue
  • A Webinar Swipe Motherlode of my top 3 successful webinars (which you can use as templates)
  • A complete insider run down of the biggest launch in internet marketing history
  • The Webinar Funnel Secrets masterclass to maximize your profits and impact of your webinar
  • My private 29 Webinar Tweaks seminar I ran for my $25k inner mastermind
  • My irresistible offer masterclass to help you get as many people saying ‘yes’ as possible
  • The How To Recruit Affiliates seminar to help you get started without a list, product or audience

As I see it now, you’ve got two choices:

1. The first decision is the easiest, do nothing.
Don’t take a leap of faith, don’t invest in GOAT Webinars and settle for what you have now and you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.
Has that been working for you?
2. Your second choice is to pony up this small investment today—and yes, I said small because that’s what it is when you compare it to all the value you get in return.
Just give it a shot.
If it works for you, keep it.
If not, I’ll give you your money back.
Either way, you’ve invested in yourself, and I have only seen people better off as a result of th

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Original price was: $1,497.00.Current price is: $299.00.

…who will show you how to replicate the secrets responsible for half a billion dollars in webinar sales, even if you have no experience...

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