
Jose Silva – Centering Exercise narrated by Ed Bernd Jr.

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A day at the beach may be a tranquil and passive scene for you. A day out fishing may be a tranquil and passive scene for you. Format File: 2 MP3, 1 PDF

Jose Silva – Centering Exercise narrated by Ed Bernd Jr.

Jose Silva - Centering Exercise narrated by Ed Bernd Jr. 1

The Silva Centering Exercise There are many benefits of learning to do your thinking at alpha, the center of the brain frequency spectrum – the center of the brain: • At your center, you can use specific formula-type techniques for stronger self- programming, to correct problems and program yourself for success. • You will be luckier and more successful because you are more times right than wrong. • You can use more of your mind to help yourself, your loved ones, and any human being who needs help, physically and mentally. How to Enter the powerful Alpha Level We recommend that you practice the Silva Centering Exercise at least once a week. The standard way to enter your level is the 3 to 1 method: Level 3 to Relax physically Level 2 to Relax mentally Level 1 to Enter the alpha level How to come out of level whenever you desire The standard way to come out of your level is by counting from 1 to 5. •To come out of any level of the mind, count to yourself mentally from 1 to 5 and tell yourself that at the count of 5 you will open your eyes, be wide awake, feeling fine and in perfect health, feeling better than before. •Then proceed to count slowly from 1 to 2, then to 3. •At the count of 3 mentally remind yourself that at the count of 5 you will open your eyes, be wide awake, feeling fine and in prefect health, feeling better than before. •Proceed to count slowly to 4, then to 5. •At the count of 5 and with your eyes open, mentally tell yourself, “I am wide awake, feeling fine, and in perfect health, feeling better than before. And this is so.” Physical and Mental Relaxation To deepen your level, you can practice relaxing your body from head to toes the way you learn at Level 3. You can also practice visualizing tranquil and passive scenes, as you learned to do at Level 2. A day at the beach may be a tranquil and passive scene for you. A day out fishing may be a tranquil and passive scene for you. A tranquil and passive scene for you may be a walk through the woods on a beautiful summer day, when the breeze is just right, where there are tall shade trees, beautiful flowers, a very blue sky, an occasional white cloud, birds singing in the distance, even squirrels playing on the tree limbs. Hear birds singing in the distance. Remember that you can project yourself mentally to your ideal place of relaxation for a minute and get the same benefit as if you had been there for an hour physically. Countdown Deepening Exercises Whenever you wish to enter deeper, healthier levels of mind, practice with the count- down deepening exercises: To deepen, count downward •From 25 to 1, or •From 50 to 1, or •From 100 to 1. When you reach the count of 1, you will have reached a deeper, healthier level of mind, deeper than before. You will always have full control and complete dominion over your faculties and senses at all levels of the mind including the outer conscious level. Jose Silva used to suggest that we visualize (recall) a green neon sign. Today, LED’s are more common. Use whatever works best for you. The best times to practice •The best time to practice the count-down deepening exercises is in the morning when you wake up. Remain in bed at least five minutes practicing the count-down deepening exercises. •The second best time to practice is at night, when you are ready to retire. •The third best time to practice is at noon after lunch. How long to practice •5 minutes of practice is good; •10 minutes is very good; •15 minutes is excellent. How often to practice •To practice once a day is good; •2 times a day is very good; and •3 times a day is excellent. •If you have a health problem, practice for 15 minutes 3 times a day. Ideal Place of Relaxation To help you enter a deeper, healthier level of mind, I am going to count from 1 to 3. At that moment, you will project yourself mentally to your ideal place of relaxation. I will then stop talking to you, and when you next hear my voice, one hour of time will have elapsed at this level of mind. It will not be an hour of physical time of course, but an hour of time in the mental dimension. How to use the Silva home study courses The first part of each session is an explanation of a specific technique or techniques. The explanation and examples are followed by a mind training exercise (conditioning cycle), so that you can “program” the new information at alpha. Listen to the recordings in order the first time through. Do not skip ahead. You can repeat any recording whenever you desire. Tips and suggestions from Juan Silva Jose Silva’s brother Juan went from skeptic to believer when Josehealed Juan of a mysterious illness that had baffled doctors and threatened Juan’s life. Juan made a pledge that if the technique worked, then he would join Josein his research, and would donate his time to help at least one person a week with what he learned. He far surpassed that promise. Juan was one of the most effective teachers and healers, and he shared his advice on how to get the greatest benefit from the Silva Centering Exercise in a great article on Deepening. Click the link to read the Tips from Juan Silva. Remember: The conditioning cycles require you to close your eyes, so do not use them when you are driving, or when you are involved in any other activity where you must use your eyesight.

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Get Jose Silva - Centering Exercise narrated by Ed Bernd Jr.,  At your center, you can use specific formula-type techniques for stronger self- programming, to correct problems and program yourself for success. • You will be luckier and more successful because you are more times right than wrong.

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