All the results that you or others produce are created by behaviors, i.e.: the actions you take and don’t take. Behavior is itself a function of the decisions you make about what you want and don’t want to do and have happen. Format File: 53 MP4,File Size: 18 GB
Joseph Riggio – Intensive Summer Training MythoSelf® Behavioral Communication

Intensive Summer Training w/Dr. Joseph Riggio: MythoSelf® Behavioral Communication Professional Certification Training Certification provided by: ABTI | Princeton11 Days, 29 July – 9 August, 2013Program Agenda: Intro to the MythoSelf Process 1 day – Monday Systems: Cybernetic Thinking 2 days – Tuesday-Wednesday Semantics: Language and Story 3 days – Thursday-Saturday Somatics: Body-Mind Connection 2 days – Tuesday-Wednesday Interventions: Change/Transformation 3 days – Wednesday-Friday
All the results that you or others produce are created by behaviors, i.e.: the actions you take and don’t take. Behavior is itself a function of the decisions you make about what you want and don’t want to do and have happen. Decisions are shaped by the intentions we hold and the perception we have of the information available to us … and at the root of everything we do, individually or collectively, is communication. DURING THE TRAINING This is where Joseph will spend the first week with you, establishing a profoundly aware state in which you can and will remain calm, confident and powerful regardless of the situation you are in … alone or with others. You’ll also begin effortlessly tracking information in your interactions with others that are invisible to all but the most elite communication professionals on the planet. This week alone with transform your sense of yourself, others and the way you can and will interact with them beyond your wildest imagination. In the second week with Dr. Riggio you’ll begin going further into the hidden dimensions of behavioral communication, including developing your body wisdom and awareness so you can read and work with non-verbal signals in the way Joseph trains his elite clients around the world to do. Then you’ll continue refining your ability by engaging in actual transformational work with others to deepen and complete the process to become certified in the MythoSelf Process.
Here’s What You’ll Get in Joseph Riggio – Intensive Summer Training MythoSelf® Behavioral Communication

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Real Value: $110
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