Weight Loss Fast with Quantum Activations
If you’re thinking about being truly beautiful from the inside out and are ready to have a rocking body by summer now is the perfect time to join in with quantum activations Beautiful From The Inside Out weight-loss eight week program
Beautiful From The Inside Out is a proven program and we are so excited ~ for the first time ever to offer weight loss along with the ‘youthing’ program. If you have thought of having a facelift or wanted total body rejuvenation, tightening and toning during rapid weight-loss this program gives you the natural meditation method for accomplishing your goals in just 60 days.
If you like the idea of having a natural advantage and you’ve not yet succeeded with your weight loss goals (having tried other weight-loss programs with little to no results) ~ you’re probably missing a few important elements for weight loss success. Removing the DNA programs around overproduction of fat, and clearing soul contracts and curses, as well as emotions and past life issues, make all the difference in accomplishing your heart’s desire and owning the body you’ve always imagined!
All of these items and many more will be addressed in your Beautiful From The Inside Out Weight loss Journey! Imagine your body returning to its happy fit self! This is a World Premier program and the first time ever offered from Julie Renee.
Imagine Your Body Returning to Its Happy Fit Self!
A gorgeous element of this program is that your self-esteem goes through the roof! While doing these incredible meditations you feel great about yourself ~ happy with how you look ~ and you fall in love with your very being.
In the program we don’t teach you how to eat and we don’t teach you exercise – these are things you can get from other programs. It’s perfect timing while going through the quantum activations. Our meditations and activations focus your 100% success patterns on sustainable weight loss. You mold and model the body that you’ve always dreamed of having.
Can you imagine being the way you’ve always wanted to be? Can you imagine fitting into the pretty little black dress or those slim jeans you used to enjoy wearing? Now is the time to hop on board and get the support for weight loss that you have never in your life experienced.
The results are phenomenal!
Beautiful Miracles
Just her voice alone will relax you to the point where you lose ten years off your face!
—Jill Hendrickson
I’m so excited for this program it will help us as women really look at the way we think about beauty and it will change the way we view ourselves!
—Dr. Emilia Sam
As an image consultant for the last 24 years, I’ve always worked on the outside to create beauty. What I’ve found, Beauty is on the inside!
—Cynthia Lee Miller
I looked the best I have ever looked! I lost 20 pounds my face looks like I had a facelift my skin is beautiful glowing and I feel fantastic walking the red carpet. In the area of breasts, I am focusing on keeping them perky lifted and toned ~ actually reducing the size. I’m 53 heading off to my 35th High school reunion in August. Classmates on Facebook are asking me what I do to keep my youthfulness appearance. Julie Renee’s programs are my secret. I am so happy to share my miracles.
—Ramana Vierra
In the pink shirt day 1 of Simply Beautiful. In the red shirt day 59 of program. I saw a year of stress melt off of my face!
—Jackie Frady
My breasts grew 1 size, Yeah! I have done Best Breast in addition to the Simply Beautiful and Beautiful programs.
Generally I have not felt beautiful from the inside out. For the past 3 weeks my head has been releasing. And today after listening to Prep and Clear & Forehead and Eyes, I was happy for no reason and I had more energy than I have had in 20 years.
Here’s What’s Included
Part One – During the 8 weeks of classes we will activate your metabolism, enhance your master hormonal gland regulators, permanently clear away DNS over weight and imbalanced fat production issues, along with clearing spiritual parasites, and break the obsessive eating and dietary inconsistencies.
While you are going through this incredible quantum activations weight loss program you will be using the meditation series to grow younger.
Part Two – This section aspect of the program includes three distinct beauty meditation sequences. Each of these programs takes 60 days to complete.
Here’s what we are up to in your 8 weekly training sessions:
Week 1 – Right permission and ability to lose, (gain) weight, to live in the body you imagine to be your ideal body and enjoy with ease and grace your beautiful life living in and owning your beautiful dream body
Week 2 – Metabolism – Reboot Liver and Thyroid (clearing and regeneration of both) we’ve moved the liver flush instruction up early in the class as many folks find this a very helpful weight loss accelerator.
Week 3 – Releasing and removing compulsions and addictions especially around diet, nutrition and loving to eat healthy well-balanced meals as well as the right permission and ability to enjoy exercise!
Week 4 – Master Hormone glands – Balancing and improving we’ll be doing a regeneration of the adrenals, pancreas and ovaries. Even if you’ve had a hysterectomy, the ovaries in the blueprint play an important role in maintaining healthy weight.
Week 5 – Fat Ratio Correction. Often this setting or what we refer to as a set point goes up as an individual ages, the resetting of BMI back to a youthful vibrant healthy body will be accomplished in this session!
Week 6 – Fine-tuning trouble areas. This week we work with our group specifically on needs that have not yet been address specific to the requests of our students.
Week 7 – Digestion ease clearing and regenerating the digestion with the focus on health assimilation and health absorption of nutrients as well as an easeful release of excess fats and ease in ridding toxin from the body.
Week 8 – Owning your body – clearing blocks for safety and joy in an attractive body. Sometimes we hold back from being beautiful, and trim because there is a fear of being unsafe or we won’t be able to handle the attention. We clear this so you’re comfortable in your own skin easily and naturally, not prone to attracting problem energies associated with being beautiful.
More Beautiful Miracles
CYNTHIA LEE MILLER – Image Consultant
CARRY BALLARD – Life Coach & Speaker
JULIE RENEE – Growing Her Chest
JILL HENDRICKSON – On Ageing Beautifully
BARBARA RAMIRIEZ – Greater Health/Vitality.
Daily Youthing Meditation Program
Beautiful From the Inside Out Full Rejuvenation
Available immediately following the training as a replay, video audio and class slides and transcript
Prep and Clear
Sundays or your start day and first day of each week. This is the most powerful and complete tune-up I have ever created in a meditation. You’ll see why when you start actively using this incredible one-hour preparation and vitality restoring process. You’ll go through many of the vital areas in your body clearing and restoring function and ease along with getting your chakras and organs to communicate once more with each other! (this meditation has been used to save lives!)
Learn to work and harness the power of regeneration for yourself with your Female Miracle Energy
Tune Up your adrenals
Sparkle and clear center of head and aura
Earth and Cosmic energy clearing
Engage and activate your 7 chakras connecting them to each other in renewed functionality and clear communication
Empower and energize glands and aura with a chakra reconnection
Revitalize your joy body and certainty that growing younger is possible for you
Fall deeply and completely in love with you!
Forehead and Eyes
Beginner and Advanced meditations done on Mondays. Soften and eliminate forehead and brow lines as you relax into a serene mindset and body vibration. Improve your eyesight and freshen your look with a more relaxed tone to the upper regions of the face and around your eyes.
Beginner Meditation Features:
Ground and clear, refresh the channels of the body and release and let go of tension and strife
Rose Purification technique directed at release tension and dark energies around the eyes and forehead
Stem cell activation for beauty and improved vision
Golden Sun activation, brighten the body and restoring spirit to body
Advanced Meditation Features:
Golden temple of silence (center of head, seat of spirit ) clearing and restoration
Stem cell activation improving the region and activating healthy jaw line and jaw joint as well
DNA Re-patterning removing degeneration programs
Golden pulse revitalizing and sealing up the activation in DNA
Restoring your five senses to full use
Body validation process
Legs and Thighs
Activate self-love as you release the past and focus your living attention on your hips and thighs. Through guided imagery you see the upper legs, lower legs and thighs as the shape and size as well as the strength you desire.
Beginner Meditation Features:
Self Love activation with a deep knowing all is blessed and in Divine order
Clearing stress from life, releasing stress support, releasing excess inches
Cobalt Blue Corona burns off programing from others
Earth Energy activation in body, clearing and renewing
Tightening the grid and syncing in process
Lymphatic and circulatory tune up
Advanced Meditation Features:
Activate your core with a powerful mudra
Nervous system clearing, releasing stress, and held energy in the nerves completely out of the body
God energy flooding through the body
Remove cellulite program from DNA
Activate cell to cell communication
Cheeks and Mouth
Lift your cheeks, smooth and fill your lips as you visualize your youthful radiance using meditation and stem cell DNA activations to reset the body. In this space of meditation you are in your sacred holy place, you relax deeply and allow the shifts in the quantum pleasure field to rapidly be embody and enjoyed by you!
Beginner Meditation Features:
Deep clear out of the face removing energy of others
Removal of grey fog from the face and aura around head
Healthy Skin activation with cobalt blue deprogram process
Golden sun activations in the skin
Pink and gold collagen activation
Advanced Meditation Features:
Healthy Adrenal release of stress and fight or flight energies causing drooping skin
Aura tightening, 18-inch pulled in and cleaned out so it is crystal clear
Imagery reset with netting technique of cheeks and mouth
Fine tuning mouth and gums health
Stem cell Lip activation
DNA activation for youthful lips and mouth as well as removal of patterns for trauma
Profound inner validation amplified with golden suns
Hair and Eyes
A favorite for just about everyone. Having your hair and eyes youthful and vibrant can go along way in manifestation of a youthful appearance. Having your vision up to par is also a wonderful bonus to these two powerful and effective meditations
Beginner Meditation Features:
Heart energy expansion and healing of cells
Miracle energy saturation into face, eyes, forehead, neck and scalp
Rose of protection sets up to shield you from negativity
Rose clear out process
Clear out of eyeballs removing degeneration and dark energy
Timeline clearing for reduced or poor vision
Stem cell activation to improve dermis and healthy youthful fat and collagen in skin
Eyelash activation for thicker longer eyelashes, brows and hair growth returning to natural color
Advanced Meditation Features:
Breathe deeply and move out of survival space and into that space of regeneration
Eighth Chakra and creative rings activation
Restore the Human Spirit Access Portal so your spirit can once again easily access your body
Cobalt Blue deprogram energy for eye clearing
Golden ribbon activation of scalp and hair follicles
Chakra healing for renewed energy and fuel returning you to a beautiful youthful state
Waist and Hips
Attention to regaining your slim waist as you lift and tone your hips and buttock. Magical and transformative. Loving gentle directions helping you integrate in your foundation of youthful beauty in your quantum mind and essence. Restoring self love and self affinity while going through the youthing process
Beginner Meditation Features:
Release disappointment and upset, aches and anxiety so you can embody a new more vibrant youthful version of self.
Release your responsibility for everyone else, the over active healing projects for others. Find your center to give to yourself first and foremost.
Reestablishing aura all the way around you.
Light of cell activation energizing and fueling metabolism and energy.
Advanced Meditation Features:
Releasing stored history from Hips
Returning a sense of youthfulness
Third chakra activation.
Thorough cord clearing.
Aura activation behind your fanny.
DNA Transformation pooch belly no waistline stocky and the works related waist and hips.
DNA reset Beautiful, healthy self, tone, good muscle tone, nice strong hip bones, pelvic bones, beautiful slender waist, and abdominal muscles.
Neck, Breasts and Arms
Metaphysically breasts are associated with self-nurturing and self-love. Tired, droopy breast are often associated with giving too much. The arms represent our ability to grasp and receive. They are our creative channels. If you’re losing headway in having vital, beautiful arms and you want to transform that, it may be time to get back into your creative body. These amazing meditations get you actively creating your beauty and tone!
Beginner Meditation Features:
Breath of divine love releasing disappointment breathing in joy
Give away your grounding cord and create one just for you
Miracle energy activation into the skin on the upper chest and into those beautiful perky, tone, tight breasts.
Deprogram process: blue corona on your aura burn off all saggy, droopy programs.
Owning your breasts after nursing babies, aging or weight loss and restoring vitality to the cells
Stem cell activation for neck breasts and arms
Advanced Meditation Features:
Resetting emotions from over giving to appropriate loving and giving.
Master cell reset along with DNA activation for loss of elasticity in the skin, neck and arms, for loss of fat in the hands, for alterations in the breast area.
Remove recurring pattern of giving up on you wired into the DNA including thin skin, martyring, letting people hang on you.
Reset for improved tone, healthy appearance, enough collagen in the neck to have tight, healthy skin.
Restoring vibrancy in your colors ~ your own colors – your natural colors, primary colors, beautiful, vibrant colors.
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Course Requirement: Julie Renee – Beautiful from the Inside Out
Real Value: $997
One-time cost: USD 92
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