When was the last time you consciously engaged all of your senses?
Eastern wisdom traditions refer to such moments as the ultimate act of mindfulness — when spirit finds sanctuary in the simple delights of life through the body.
Few activities offer a more centered yet sublime experience of life than a good meal.
Through food, a tangible awareness of being alive is offered. And as certified nutritionist and therapeutic chef Karen Wang Diggs teaches, when you mindfully prepare your meals, you’re also connected to the greater consciousness of everything that contributed to them.
In this way, mindful cooking is a threshold to the divine interconnectedness of all things — enhancing the flavor of life and illuminating the path to enlightened living.
During this edible spiritual journey with Karen, you’ll reconnect with the nourishing hearth of the home to reclaim the sanctity of cooking and eating… transforming your kitchen into sacred space and your meals into sacred offerings that feed the mind, body, and spirit.
Fusing tasty recipes with modern science as well as ancient culinary rituals, spiritual practices, and meditations, Karen has taught hundreds of students about the symbiotic relationship between what they eat, how they feel, and the overarching quality of their lives.
As you embark on this palatable journey of realization, you’ll learn how to enter higher states of consciousness while preparing meals…
You’ll also discover how to incorporate sound nutritional principles that help alleviate food attachments and addictions and improve some of your most troubling ailments, such as bloating, brain fog, inflammation, depression, and other conditions that prevent you from achieving your highest spiritual potential.
Every week, your journey will begin with a guided Five Senses Meditation that instills relaxation, elevates alpha and theta brain waves, and heightens your senses. Karen will also share powerful recipes for transformation… and close each week out with a culinary ritual that honors the hearth, the Earth, and all beings.
You’ll call the five elements — water, wood, fire, earth, and metal — back to the sacred hearth, create a kitchen shrine for amplifying gratitude through culinary offerings…
… and watch Karen weave nature-made ingredients, ancient Eastern principles, and the Buddhist virtues known as the Four Immeasurables into delectable works of art through a series of culinary demonstrations.
You’ll transform your dishes into edible prayers that are infused with love, compassion, and a deep reverence and appreciation for life…
… explore the alchemy of digestion — its outer, inner, and secret levels of nourishment — and learn how to work with the billions of gut microorganisms that aid in immunity and inform your sense of self.
You’ll learn to balance meals and your body with Traditional Chinese Medicine’s Five Tastes… the roles of certain spices, herbs, and ancient grains in ceremony… and how to blend your own incense to enhance ceremonial practices.
Ultimately, you’ll rediscover the timeless, nurturing wisdom of mindful cooking within a sacred space…
… developing all the skills you need to cook your way to enlightenment — feeding your body, mind, and spirit.
Join Karen on this edible spiritual journey to reclaim the sanctity of cooking and eating by reconnecting to the nourishing hearth of the home — transforming your kitchen into sacred space and your meals into sacred offerings.
In this 7-week transformational intensive, Karen will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to reclaim the sanctity of cooking and eating through an edible spiritual journey that reconnects you with the nourishing hearth of the home.
You’ll connect with Karen and experience her teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Karen’s transmissions. Or you can listen audio-only by phone.
(Can’t make it live? No worries! After each class, the video and audio recordings will be available for you to download or stream in a high-quality format at your convenience.)
This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Karen. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to reconnect with the nourishing hearth of the home through an edible spiritual journey that reclaims the sanctity of cooking and eating.
How do we return the kitchen to its original intention — a sacred gathering spot to connect and nourish the body, heart, and soul?
You’ll begin by getting acquainted with the elements that can be found in your own kitchen and exploring how they connect with you, nature, and the cosmos.
The kitchen is the ancient hearth that contains the five sacred elements of water, wood, fire, earth, and metal. This week, you’ll harmonize these elements and reclaim your kitchen as a sacred space.
You’ll build a simple shrine in your sacred kitchen for cultivating generosity and transforming food into offerings… and reignite your senses with her Five Elements Spice blend and help from the ancient meditation practice known as vipassana, developed by the Buddha to reach his own enlightenment.
Vipassana means to be mindfully present so that we may see things as they really are. This can be applied to every aspect of cooking in the sacred kitchen. In doing so, every action becomes an opportunity to cultivate enlightened awareness.
You’ll also explore taste as a metaphor for enlightenment, and learn techniques for using your senses mindfully to create spiritual culinary experiences.
Last, Karen will share recipes for igniting your sense of taste and new perspectives on the synergy between your body’s need for nutrition, mindfulness, and spirituality…
… and close class with a guided culinary ritual offering — the first of many.
This week, you’ll also:
The Buddha stated, “Your body is precious. It is your vehicle for awakening. Treat it with care.”
This week, you’ll explore your body as a sacred container for mind-body-spirit nourishment. You’ll discover the physiological connection between mindful eating and immunity, delve into the alchemy of digestion — and its outer, inner, and secret levels of nourishment…
… and see how live cultured foods nourish and strengthen your gut-brain-microbiota axis and its relationship to mind-body-spirit healing.
Karen will share how your microbiome — and the billions of microorganisms therein — helps define your sense of self, and why cooking and eating at home honors your body and nature.
You’ll also learn tips for cutting attachments and addictions to sugar, carbohydrates, alcohol, and comfort foods, while developing healthy, spiritually aligned food choices as a path to greater enlightenment.
Last, Karen will share recipes for igniting your sense of smell and balancing your microbiome… and close the week out with a special culinary ritual.
This week, you’ll also:
When you embark on a journey of spiritual awakening, alchemy comes into play as your dense self-identity steadily transforms into the gold of enlightenment. The same can be said of the alchemical processes that happen in your sacred kitchen.
This week, you’ll discover the seven stages of spiritual alchemy and the five methods of fermentation — using ancient food preparation methods, including using your hands, to increase connection and mindfulness.
Just as ancient alchemists used processes in their laboratories as external meditations to support inner transformations, traditional methods of preparing food can be used to activate, develop, and understand the transformative processes of our personal alchemical journey.
You’ll also discover how fermented foods are allies on your journey to enlightenment and how the microbiome of the hands influences the taste, nutritional quality, and vitality of food.
Last, Karen will share recipes for igniting your sense of touch and demonstrate how to fold empanadas… closing the week out with a special culinary ritual.
This week, you’ll also:
Cultivating the Four Immeasurables — love, compassion, joy, and equanimity — is a sublime endeavor that enables you to see yourself and others as we truly are… indivisible.
When you follow a recipe, you tend to measure out ingredients in defined amounts. This week, you’ll recognize how everyone is different and requires nutrients that are appropriate for their unique physiology.
In doing so, you’ll learn to cook with the Four Immeasurables to expand your consciousness into limitless states of generosity and love that cannot be measured, increasing your measure of love and joy to honor and celebrate your sources of sustenance…
… while extending loving kindness and compassion toward yourself as you accept the diet that’s best for your body, mind, and spirit.
You’ll also explore the Five Tastes of Traditional Chinese Medicine and how focusing on them when preparing each meal connects you with nature and fine-tunes your body’s ability to absorb nutrients.
Last, Karen will share recipes for igniting your sense of sight and lifting your mood… closing the week out with a special culinary ritual.
This week, you’ll also:
In Buddhism, the Heart Sutra states that “form is emptiness, emptiness is form.”
Contained within the words of this sutra is the condensed revelation of the Doctrine of Two Truths, which is that of relative and ultimate reality.
This week, you’ll honor this ancient text in your sacred kitchen and merge the states of form and emptiness by first showing reverence to the ingredients you use in the preparations of a meal… and offering it to the benefit of all beings.
You’ll explore the Zen practice of Temple Cooking, or shojin ryori — showing respect and gratitude to all sentient beings and the cyclical dynamics of nature by selecting and cooking with ingredients that are local, in season, and sustainable.
You’ll learn to balance meals and your body with the principles of the Five Tastes, discover the benefits of cooking and eating from a place of deep inner stillness… and gain new insights into the nature of tea and its potential role in enlightenment.
Last, Karen will share recipes and practices for igniting your sense of hearing and optimizing flavor… closing the week out with a special culinary ritual.
This week, you’ll also:
Pujas, or offering ceremonies, are done in many spiritual traditions as a form of prayer, gratitude, and reverence.
There are many aspects of a puja that correlate directly with what you do every day in your own kitchen. This week, you’ll explore puja in depth, including the elements of a puja and how the five senses are represented in them…
… and gain a solid understanding of how to use this sacred ceremony in a simple yet reverential manner while preparing a meal.
You’ll learn the role of certain spices, herbs, and ancient grains in pujas — and how to make a torma ritual cake as an offering.
Last, Karen will share ceremonious recipes and practices for igniting your “sixth” sense … and close the week out with a special culinary ritual.
This week, you’ll also:
In this final class, you’ll review what you’ve learned thus far and receive tips for maintaining your sacred kitchen and spiritual culinary practices…
… and then cook a meal with Karen, using both the functional and spiritual aspects of sacred cooking that you’ve explored.
You’ll also create an offering to your sacred kitchen shrine, dedicating your sacred space and all meals prepared therein to the nourishment of all beings.
Karen encourages you to gather ingredients for this meal ahead of time — or you can also just follow along by watching her demonstration.
During the last class, you’ll:
We feel honored that Karen Wang Diggs has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive LIVE online training. This is a unique opportunity to interact directly with a certified nutritionist, therapeutic chef, author, and fermentation expert whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.
If you’re serious about reclaiming the sanctity of cooking and eating, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.
If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button to reserve your space now.
Karen Wang Diggs is a certified nutritionist, therapeutic chef, expert fermenter, entrepreneur, and author of Happy Foods: Over 100 Mood-Boosting Recipes, which has received high praise from readers who have attained vibrant health and wellbeing by following Karen’s nutritional and lifestyle advice and recipes.
As a nutritionist, Karen leads holistic detoxification workshops that guide participants to alleviate allergies, reduce weight, and increase energy. As a culinary instructor, she has taught hundreds of students about the symbiotic relationship between what we eat and how we feel, and has empowered them with the skills they need to create meals that nourish them both physically and mentally.
Karen has been a dedicated student and committed practitioner of Dzogchen and Chanoyu (The Way of Tea) for over 20 years. She studied with Tibetan spiritual teachers of Mahayana and Vajrayana lineages, and participated in many formal prayer and offering ceremonies, as well as taking extended personal meditation retreats.
Her immersion in the two spiritual disciplines of Dzogchen and Chanoyu, which are both based on the Buddhist concept of being fully engaged with life while understanding life’s impermanent and empty nature, has honed her ability to integrate her professional life with her spiritual discipline.
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