
Kris City Prepping – The Prepper’s Roadmap

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If there’s anything I’ve learned from being in this community for nearly two decades, it’s that there’s no one size fits all approach to prepping.

Kris City Prepping – The Prepper’s Roadmap

Kris City Prepping - The Prepper’s Roadmap

Step 1: Risk Assessment
Then it’s time to get started!
If there’s anything I’ve learned from being in this community for nearly two decades, it’s that there’s no one size fits all approach to prepping.
So we’ll start by going through the most common threats you might face, and what you’ll need based on your specific location, budget, age, and time horizon.
Here’s some of what you’ll learn:

Risk List: Just because something bad CAN happen, doesn’t mean it WILL – Which leads to a lot of folks feeling overwhelmed, trying to prep for every scenario! I’ll share the most urgent threats based on your location

Bug In vs. Bug Out: You might have the dream of someday owning your own bugout van or homestead, but don’t let that hold you back from getting started! I’ll show you what you need NOW to survive whether you’re bugging IN or OUT

Proper Prioritization: Do I prep for the collapse of society or wildfires because I live in fire country? I’ll help you prioritize based on your living environment, financial situation, physical fitness, and how long you’ll need to survive

Define Your Goals: If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time! Which is why, once you know your risks, we’ll create clear definable goals for your survival, with a timeline for how long it’ll take to get there based on your budget

Expert Application: To give you even more clarity around what you’ll need, I’ll show you examples of how I’m preparing for the survival of my family – Walking you through each stage I went through as I prepared for longer time horizons
We’ll finish “Step 1” with an exercise to create your own
risk assessment and define your prepping goals for the course.
So that you’re ready to start…
Step 2: Your 3 Day Survival Kit
After most natural disasters, it takes 3 days for help to arrive.
Which is why “Step 2” will show you how to build a 72 hour Survival Bag, giving you the peace of mind and confidence to know you can handle nearly any disaster scenario.
Here’s some of what you’ll learn:

The Beginner Buyer’s Guide: Buying expensive gear when you’re starting out can actually do more harm than good because it’s taking money from what you REALLY need! – I’ll show what’s most important based on your budget and goals

Mobility Matters: It doesn’t matter how stocked up your house is if you’re forced to leave in an emergency! I’ll show you my simple, inexpensive bugout bag that you can put in any car or closet in case you’re out of the house or need to leave

Simplified Storage: From organizing supplies, to rotating perishables, to documents and even clothing – I’ll give you multiple checklists for each scenario with my favorite “frugal” items to get the most bang for your buck

What About Water: Your water requirements change if you’re sheltering in place vs. on the road – I’ll show you the best way to store water in your house plus easy filtration methods for when you’re away from home

Efficient Foods: After a disaster, having quick and easy food to get the necessary calories is crucial! I’ll share some long lasting, portable foods that don’t require cooking or clean up

Turn-Key Tech: Solar panels, hand crank radios, lights, batteries – I’ll show you what basic tech devices you’ll need to survive without breaking the bank

Sanitation Survival: Did you know that most deaths don’t come in the initial disaster, but in the aftermath when disease spreads? I’ll show you the proper hygiene and sanitation supplies you need to survive
We’ll end Step 2 with specific “Break Out Application” videos, which will show you what you need if you live in an urban, suburban or rural location…
As well as separate videos based on specific threats including: Earthquakes, tornadoes, fires, power outages, EMPs, etc.
But we won’t stop there! Next we’ll learn how to prepare for…
Step 3: Your 3 Week Survival Supply
Now that you’ve prepared for the first 72 hours, it’s time to move on to your 3 week survival supply.
It’s at this 3 week mark that you’re able to handle nearly 95% of the most realistic disaster scenarios, being self-sufficient for a full 21 days before needing help to arrive.
Here’s some of what you’ll learn:

Optimal Organization: As we move onto longer time horizons you need to get more creative with how you organize supplies – I’ll show you some of my favorite tips to maximize space (Especially if you live in a small apartment!)

Water Storage: Water is key to survival, but where do you store it? How much do you need? How long does it last? I’ll give you the A to Z breakdown and answer all these questions and more

Caloric Considerations: Get my top 10 recipes for easy to cook meals that taste great and give you a surplus of calories so you can maintain your energy throughout the day (Plus my favorite efficient cooking tools with easy cleanup!)

Power Sources: Having a back-up source of power is essential if the grid goes down – How big of a generator do you need? Gas or solar? Should you add solar panels? I’ll share what you need based on your budget and goals

Home Security: Learn to control the access and entrance of your area to prevent home invasions and how to best prepare for roving violent gangs and civil unrest in your area

Money Mistakes: What happens if your credit card stops working? Even worse, what happens if the US Dollar collapses?! I’ll show you how to bolster your finances for emergencies, plus some “bartering basics” if the grid goes down
We’ll finish out this section with an interview with Dr Bones and Nurse Nancy, who will show you what medical supplies and skills you need to be prepared.
By the end of Step 3, you’ll now have the ability to handle nearly ANY realistic disaster scenario that might come your way.
But we won’t stop there, now it’s time to reach true self sufficiency,
which is only possible when you reach…
Step 4: Your 3 Month Survival Guide
Now we’re really prepping!
The 3 month mark is really where you start moving beyond the basics of how much you can store, and start building out systems that can scale for years of survival.
Here’s some of what you’ll learn:

Storage Strategy: Ever buy something twice because you didn’t realize the same thing was stored away in another bin? I’ll show you my long term storage strategy that will help you prepare efficiently as you build your supplies

Professional Preservation: One of the easiest ways to save money is preserving your own foods – I’ll show you how to freeze dry, dehydrate, and can foods, and which are best to skip preserving and buy from the store

Scaling Water Reserves: Once you start pushing to longer time horizons, it becomes almost impossible to save enough water – I’ll show you the best long term techniques for continually adding to your water reserves

Friend vs. Foe: No matter how self reliant you become, at some point you’ll need the support of your community – I’ll share my 10 point checklist for “befriending” neighbors so they’re on your side

Clear Communication: Ham radios, satellite phones, 2 way radios, cell phones – We’ll cover it all and I’ll share what’s best when communication lines go down

Safety Concerns: Firearm training, bulletproof vests, house alarms, and on and on! The longer the timeline, the more likely civil unrest builds – I’ll show you how to prepare and stay safe

Plan B: If your stores run low, or your house is destroyed, it’s always good to have a backup plan! I’ll show you what you need to build a bug out vehicle, bug out location, and separate stores of supplies so you have multiple backup plans

Survival Skills: Starting a fire from scratch, physical fitness, CPR and even gardening – The more skills you can develop, the more unique situations you’ll be able to handle! I’ll help you prioritize which ones matter most in times of need
I can’t tell you how much more peace of mind you’ll feel,
when you know you can survive for 90 days on your own.
You’ll have significantly stacked the odds of your survival and
be ready to bring it all together in the…


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Course Requirement: Kris City Prepping – The Prepper’s Roadmap
Real Value: $297
One time cost: USD 89

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