Manuela Mischke-Reeds – PESI – 2-Day Trauma Certificate Course: Somatic Psychotherapy Skills to Bring the Body into Trauma Treatment

Our minds are inescapably connected to our bodies—and treating trauma separate from your clients’ psychophysical experiences can leave a vital aspect of their suffering unaddressed, negatively impacting outcomes.
Mounting evidence tells us that Somatic Psychotherapy may be the future of successfully healing the entire person in the treatment of trauma and stress disorders.
This groundbreaking recording is your go-to resource for incorporating somatic techniques into your daily clinical practice. Learn when and how to apply somatic psychotherapy approaches with tips and tools that will allow you to read the body in distress and assess your clients’ readiness to apply somatic techniques. Detailed guidance on using safe and highly-effective somatic skills will enable you to confidently work with trauma in the body and help your clients deal with deep emotional processes without overwhelming them.
Walk away from this workshop with:
- Targeted somatic interventions for trauma, stress and PTSD
- Steps to incorporate the body into your current therapeutic approach
- Starting guidelines, safety concerns and keys to success
Discover how you can take trauma treatment to the next level with somatic tools and techniques to treat the whole client – body and mind!
- Examine trauma and stress symptoms from a somatic psychotherapy perspective to better inform clinical treatment.
- Evaluate traumatic stress from a psychobiological, social and mindfulness-based understanding to improve clinical treatment outcomes
- Determine Somatic Psychotherapy readiness in the client to effectively and safely treat trauma and stress.
- Develop targeted somatic clinical skills in the initial trauma treatment phases of stabilization and safety.
- Incorporate clinical somatic skills for self-regulation and stress management in clinical treatment.
- Summarize the clinical research that supports the imperative factors influencing the efficacy of trauma treatment to better inform clinical work.
- Utilize clinical somatic skills that promote the stabilization of stress symptoms and anxiety management during trauma treatment.
- Articulate how somatic techniques can impact the nervous system associated with stress and trauma responses and its treatment implications.
- Evaluate how the role of conscious body movements help with symptoms of anxiety when processing trauma.
- Assess how feelings of embodiment can impact the biological stress responses as it relates to case conceptualization.
- Discover how innate healing states can be accessed through somatic body awareness as it relates to clinical treatment.
- Consider the impact of somatic tools on managing the client’s emotions, thoughts and behaviors.
The Essentials of Trauma, Stress, PTSD and Complex PTSD
- Differentiate acute stress, PSTD and complex PTSD
- DSM-5® – PSTD overview
- Stress-trauma continuum
- Symptoms and cues of stress and trauma
- Assess for dissociation
Somatic Perspective of Trauma and Stress Symptoms
- What is soma?
- Polyvagal theory application
- Arousal theory and emotional dysregualation
Somatic Psychotherapy Fundamentals for Working with Trauma in the Body
- Safety guidelines
- Assess for readiness to apply somatic tools
- Therapeutic attitude when working with the body
- Techniques for reading distress in the body
- Tools to track the body and trauma cues
Evidence-Based Therapeutic Approaches That Work with the Body
- Somatic experiencing
- Sensorimotor psychotherapy
- Journal writing with the body in mind
The Somatic Psychotherapy Toolbox: Interventions for Enhanced Effectiveness in Trauma Treatment
- Mindfulness and Body Techniques
- Self-regulate by suspending the moment
- Open the body to deep relaxation
- Build trust with simple earth mindfulness
- Read the Body and Teach Body Awareness
- Body awareness inventory
- Identify body themes
- Filters of perception and biases
- Presence, Perception and Sensations
- Dual awareness for moments of chaos
- Sensing space for emotional and physical pain
- Movement, Posture and Gesture Interventions
- Movement, play and beliefs to explore body boundaries
- Grounding through the spine
- Somatic strength posture
- Boundary Setting Skills
- Extending physical boundaries
- Wrap yourself into your own space
- Boundary violation – redrawing the territory
- Breath Awareness and Techniques
- The truth about deep breathing
- Round-wave breath
- Deflate anxiety
- Lunar breath – diffuse tension
- Working with Sound, Voice and Safe Touch
- Sounding into the body
- Corridor of sound
- When to use safe touch
Vicarious Trauma: What Clinicians Need to Know
- Grounding during difficult session
- Working with trauma activation states
- Burnout and vicarious trauma help
- Somatic techniques to stay grounded
- Common therapists’ triggers
- Self-kindness
Put It to Practice: Demonstrations of Somatic Therapy Skills
- Counselors
- Social Workers
- Psychologists
- Therapists
- Addiction Counselors
- Marriage and Family Therapists
- Case Managers
- Nurses
- Other Mental Health Professionals
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