Do you ever sit at your current job and day dream about quitting and trying something new? Something more exciting or more meaningful?
Maybe the money isn’t enough – or maybe the money is “enough” but you want more from your job than just money.
Or do you dare NOT dream because it doesn’t even seem possible to have a job you truly desire.
Many of us start out on a career path with big dreams and high hopes but often find ourselves, if we’re “lucky”, settling for a “decent job with good pay”.
However, after time, a “decent job with good pay” is no longer enough.
You want to feel fulfilled.
And, you want to feel rewarded – not just with money (although that’s a wonderful part of it) but also with the knowing that you are living out your purpose and sharing your gifts with the world.
But, with bills to pay and mouths to feed, it’s not always easy to just switch jobs or start on a new path.
It can be a daunting and scary process to go for your dreams.
This is especially true when you are not acknowledging an incredible helper that lies within.
Your energy wants to flow toward your dreams.
However, over time, energy can become blocked or stuck – holding you back with an invisible force that is hard to recognize, nevermind remove.
Can you imagine what it would feel like if your career was a creative expression of you, your soul?
What would that look like? Would you have your own office? Would you work with people or would you work alone?
What would your income be?
The possibilities are endless, yet not out of reach.
When you work on an energetic level with issues surrounding your career, things begin to shift.
Things that were once out of reach, become obtainable.
Roadblocks that were impossible to overcome now disappear.
Contacts begin to flow. Connections are made. Synchronicities abound.
And that dream income you once felt was over the top? Even money begins to flow toward you with more ease.
All because you shifted the energy that was holding you back and found ways to make it work for you.
Your teacher, Marjorie Fein knows this in her bones.
For over 20 years, she has been helping people use energy tools to create rewarding and exciting careers.
Whether it’s discovering a new career, or enriching a current career, working with the underlying energy has proven to be an effective strategy for helping people get past roadblocks that have been holding them back for years.
“I started my freelance career as an energy healer over 20 years ago. I had no website, no experience with social media, and lived in New York City that literally had 1000s of people practicing energy work. I had to think long and hard about how I would make my way into the professional world.
How I could make my presence known in my field? And what would make me stand out as a practitioner?
All the professionals I knew were doing the same things; advertising, social media, etc.
I decided that if I wanted to stand out, I needed to take a totally different approach.
I remember the day I decided to apply the same skill set I would bring to any client – my caring attention and my ability to move energy – to my career.
I wanted to know which energies in me were in alignment with my heart’s desires and which were blocked. This exploration led me to explore some really powerful tools – the same tools I’ll be sharing with you in class.
These tools contributed to my growth and success and gave me the confidence to know I can shift and grow with whatever comes my way – and THAT CHANGED THE GAME COMPLETELY.
Today, my life looks very different than it did 20 years ago and includes a successful full-time practice that supports me financially and inspires me daily.
I have been sharing this information with my clients and students now for over 20 years. I believe that our work represents much more than simply how we pay our bills. It is a creative endeavor that contributes to the world. It is my joyful contribution to help people unwind whatever is blocking them from having a successful, soul-rocking career… like I do.”
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