Micael Galvão Teaches His Highly Effective Competition Gi-Based Takedown System In This 3-Part Series! Get This Young Black Belt Phenom’s Modern Attacks To Score More Throws, Trips, and More!
Takedowns are an essential aspect of Jiu-Jitsu that each and every practitioner should be familiar with. The trouble with takedowns is they can be difficult to practice and this can lead to some neglect of this essential aspect of the sport. In his latest series Micael Galvão looks to simplify the takedown process with efficient set ups, superior grip fighting, and a complete takedown system!
Takedowns In The Gi provides an inside look on how to maximize the Gi fabric to create effortless entries into takedowns as well as provide unique grips to finish each technique. The series covers basic takedowns like the single and double leg while expanding on their use with high-level finish variations that make these classic techniques even harder to stop. Mica breaks down what it takes to make each takedown successful, including creative ways to make opponents move in predictable patterns that make each takedown more manageable.
As an added bonus Micael covers other scenarios you’ll encounter from the standing position. When you are able to threaten with adequate takedowns opponents can become overly defensive. Thankfully, Galvão teaches how to use this to your advantage by attacking with quick-hitting wrist locks and brutal loop chokes. With Mica’s approach you’ll always have opportunities of offense!
Micael Galvão, also known as Mica, is one of the top rising prospects in the sport. Mica was defeating blackbelts before turning 18, and now is regarded as one of the top talents to keep an eye on. Galvão’s aggressive, crowd pleasing style typically starts with securing a takedown and dominating from the top. With his latest instructional series he looks to give people of ALL levels the keys to success from the standing position.
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