So Babes, here’s the deal…
God couldn’t parcel cold hard cash through the womb (now that would simply be awkward with the womb water and all) so money got converted in Vibrational Currency..
And coded into our DNA…
It’s like when schools gave us a lunch card instead of letting kids walk around with money and credit cards….
You get my drift?
Now what if some kids didn’t know that they could purchase meals at the school cafe simply by showing the lunch lady the meal card?
Well, these kids would be hungry….
and they would wonder why others were so lucky to have meals…
Well…that is exactly how vibrational currency works…
We ALL have it…
In equal amounts….
But whether we choose to use it and HOW we choose to use it is entirely up to us..
Because….Free Will….
You see, Just like the lunch ladies at school, God never force feeds..
It’s always up to us…
I choose to use my vibrational currency for the highest good…
To live a life of abundance
to be a great example to all who cross my path…
But that is not the only option…
Every single human on the planet is using their vibrational currency is new and unique ways…
Some are doing this intentionally and others are doing this on auto-pilot…..
Manifest with God is a course on activating your vibrational currency…
It’s about taking the Desire Downloads from the Metaphysical into the Physical…
With ease and grace …
All while avoiding the Mental Plane “Police.”
Please Note: All lessons have already been recorded. No live lessons.
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