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“Adductor Stretch is an excellent stretch program. It is completely different from what I have ever tried. The stretches are explained and demonstrated in an easy to follow way. I feel much looser after each stretching session. Thank you ! ” Bob R.
Overhead Shoulder Flexibility
Who Needs Shoulder Flexion Flexibility?
Overhead range of motion is a must for a countless number of sports. From weight lifting to basketball, from tennis to gymnastics, from wrestling to swimming, the list goes on.
Being able to stretch the shoulder abductors and extensors, as well as scapula inferior rotators allows the arm to come up to at least vertical line. In many cases more than 180 degree is needed, in throwing sports for example, such as javelin, football and baseball. Same applied to serves in volleyball and rocket sports.
The Method
Since a downward arm movement is very powerful, many muscles work in various ranges. They all need to be stretched properly.
The majority of athletes try to get the overhead movement by pulling the arm overhead or worst behind the head, as hard as they can. This is rather painful and more often than not causes chronic inflammation in various tissues, including biceps tendon and supraespinatus tendon.
Our proven program isolates each muscle of the shoulder joint and of the shoulder girdle.
Every muscle action is used against it’s own action to quickly create space.
The whole procedure is fast and free of stretch reflex pain.
But wait, there’s More!
Let us show you how you can dramatically improve your Shoulder Flexibility,
steadily, safely, painlessly and quickly with the use of the ZST.
You can start right now! This program is online! -You can watch from any device. – Get support from our private group of students. – Lifetime access. Here’s what you’ll get:
An online video containing the follow along routine plus explanations before each exercise.
The routine contains joint mobility warm-up, conditioning exercises to prepare your muscles , Zaichik Stretching Techniques for each single muscle involved, strength and supporting exercises and a cool down section.
LifeTime Online for you: – You can watch from any device.
– Get support from our private group of students.
– Lifetime access.
Specific Shoulder Warm-Up & Conditioning Techniques
The routine begins with mobility exercises, followed by specific warmup and conditioning techniques that will prepare your body for the special stretching techniques that follow. Not only that, these exercises will also make your newly gained flexibility permanent, they will speed up flexibility gains as well as make you strong and in control of your body. You’ll feel lighter than ever!
Unique Zaichik Stretching Techniques
Thanks to the Target & Leverage mechanism (unique to the ZST approach), these techniques are the most natural way to stretch. Since the stretch reflex is avoided, pain is not present, and results are visible right away.
– Download Sample files “Paul Zaichik – Easy Flexibility – Overhead Shoulder Flexibility”
Course Requirement: Paul Zaichik – Easy Flexibility – Overhead Shoulder Flexibility
Real Value: $29
One-time cost: USD 11
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