
Pristine – Greg Capra – 5 Pristine Trading DVD’s

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Pristine – Greg Capra – 5 Pristine Trading DVD’s

Pristine - Greg Capra - 5 Pristine Trading DVD’s

The Pristine Method® is a time tested technical system pioneered by Pristine founder Greg Capra. This dynamic trading methodology arms traders with a series of indicators which include volume, moving average combinations, price support, resistance, and many more. The goal of this system is to signal very targeted chart patterns that pinpoint when a shift is taking place in the market. This methodology is designed specifically to increase the probability of profits in your account.

Now, in an unprecedented collaboration, Traders’ Library and Pristine have combined their experience to create seven hour plus seminars that thoroughly describe key elements of The Pristine Method®.

Intra-day trading is more popular than ever and the market internals tools available to online traders through most trading software are powerful; however most have no idea how to use them. Intra-Day Trading with Market Internals is a home study course that all day traders cannot be without. In this course, you will learn to use and interpret all of the internal gauges necessary to successfully determine the current market environment bias and how this affects your trades.

Most traders’ biases reflect their hopes and wishes for price direction – a common reason for failure. This home study course will show you how to determine what sectors to focus on to find the stocks that are being accumulated that day. You will learn to use this information for Relative Strength and Weakness Analysis to zero in on the best stocks to trade. Of course, this does not occur throughout the trading day without pause, so it is essential to know what times of day the reversals are most likely to occur, based on priori history. All this, and more, is covered in this Home Study course.

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Based on years of experience, Greg reveals key concepts including:

  • Understanding the TICK and how to use it to determine short-term market turning points
  • Understanding the TRIN and how to use it to determine market strength or lack thereof
  • Understanding the Intra-day Advanced-Decline line of stocks and how to use its levels
  • Understanding the Intra-day Advanced-Decline line of volume and how to use its levels
  • Understanding the Intra-day Total Put/Call Ratio for monitoring option trader sentiment
  • Using Intra-day Market Internals to determine Relative Strength and Weakness
  • The use of Sector lists to find where the money is flowing into and out of
  • How to use Reversal Times during the trading day to time your trades and market turns
  • Learn how to put all this information together for your intra-day Trading

The methods outlined by Greg Capra can be used to pinpoint higher probability opportunities in the market. The advanced session of the course is a real eye opener for the beginning or intermediate trader, while the seasoned pro will find Greg’s approach to intra-day trading both powerful and effective.

Run time: 90 min. Intra-day Trading with Market Internals Part I and II are videos that the intra-day trader should not be without. In these videos, you will learn the all the internals needed and how to interpret them to successfully know what the current market environment bias is and in turn guide you to what yours should be. Most traders base their bias on their hopes and wishes for price direction, which is a common reason for failure. In this video you will learn how to determine what sectors to focus on to find the stocks that are being accumulated that day. You will learn to use this information for Relative Strength and Weakness Analysis to zero in on the best stocks to trade. Of course, this does not occur throughout the trading day without pause, so it is essential to know what times of day the reversals are most like to occur based on prior history. All this is and more is covered in these two streaming videos.

Run time: 90 min. Mastering Candlestick Charts Parts I and II take candlestick analysis beyond the typical known patterns and interpretation of them. Whether you are new to candles or a veteran user, these videos will take your understanding of candles to a level not possible with the prior educational material available. This is done by taking your use of candles into the minds of other traders. How? By showing you how to interpret candles as a visual representation of traders thought and expectations. While the basic information of candlestick names will be covered, you will quickly come to understand why they are not needed. Start thinking like a professional and profiting on your next trade after watching these videos.

Pristine – Greg Capra – Predicting Trends with Intermarket Analysis

Run time: 90 min. Predicting Trends with Intermarket Analysis is the completion of what traders must know to understand how price movements in one market are effected by other markets. For example, if you are trading home building stocks without the knowledge of analysis of the bond market you are missing a valuable piece of information. If you are trading gold or gold stocks without the knowledge of what currencies are doing, again you are missing a valuable piece of information that may be costing you money and or missed opportunities. Inflation or the lack thereof is a major focus of the financial markets, but when is it actually a concern and how do you objectively measure it. Learn how to determine that, and when a reliable predictor of recession is signaling it. Currencies, Commodities, Stocks and Bonds are all connected and this DVD shows you how to put the analysis of these markets together to profit from.

Pristine – Greg Capra – Sentiment Internal Indicators. Winning Swing & Position Trading

Run time: 90 min. Sentiment Internal Indicators: WinningSwing & Position Trading will set you apart from thosethat are lost in the day-to-day news coming from the talking headsto make their swing and investment time decisions. If you want tolearn what hedge funds, mutual funds and other big money intuitionsare using for their market timing decisions these are the DVDs thatwill show you. In these DVDs, you will learn what breadth andsentiment indicators to use, how to construct them and put themtogether for a market timing method you will not learn anywhereelse. Don t pass up this opportunity to put together the samemethod of recognizing market turning points that Greg hasdemonstrated over the years in his globally and widely followedChart of the Week.

Pristine – Greg Capra – Breadth Internal Indicators.Winning Swing & Position Trading

Run time: 90 min. Breadth and Sentiment Indicators for Winning Swing and Position Trading will set you apart from those that are lost in the day-to-day news coming from the talking heads to make their swing and investment time decisions. If you want to learn what hedge funds, mutual funds and other big money intuitions are using for their market timing decisions these are the videos that will show you. In these videos, you will learn what breadth and sentiment indicators to use, how to construct them and put them together for a market timing method you will not learn anywhere else. Don t pass up this opportunity to put together the same method of recognizing market turning points that Greg has demonstrated over the years in his globally and widely followed Chart of the Week.

Here’s What You’ll Get in Pristine – Greg Capra – 5 Pristine Trading DVD’s

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Course Requirement: Pristine – Greg Capra – 5 Pristine Trading DVD’s
Real Value: $753.0000
One time cost: USD92.0000

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  • We’ll Bear The Risk, You’ll Take The Results…
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Original price was: $753.00.Current price is: $92.00.

Get Pristine - Greg Capra - 5 Pristine Trading DVD’s immediately when you secure your purchase by clicking on the order button on this page The Pristine Method® is a time tested technical system pioneered by Pristine founder Greg Capra. This dynamic trading methodology arms traders with a series of...

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