
Regan Hillyer – The Art of Manifesting


Regan Hillyer – The Art of Manifesting

Regan Hillyer - The Art of Manifesting

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Does that sound familiar? Yes, that’s the good ol’ Bible telling us about manifestation long before Instagram turned it into an art form. If you’re reading this, you’re likely the curious type—eager to demystify the universe and its existential T&Cs. Well, consider me your guide, Vitaliy Lano, a certified hypnotist with over 12 years of experience. I’ve spent more than a decade diving into the intricacies of the mind, body, and the ever-elusive formula for success.

Who is Regan Hillyer

Picture this: a self-made millionaire, serial entrepreneur, best-selling author, and international speaker. Meet Regan Hillyer, the high priestess of the manifestation world. With an investment of over a million dollars in her personal, spiritual, and business journey, she’s a certified powerhouse in the industry. Creator of the revolutionary “Energetic Architecture Method™,” she’s garnered a reputation as the world’s Number One Manifestation Method teacher. But, she’s not just about the buzzwords. She’s been featured in Forbes, the Huffington Post, Cosmopolitan Magazine, and has even made appearances on networks like ABC, NBC, and CBS. Want to build a multiple six or seven-figure business? Regan is your go-to.

Understanding Manifestation

Envision you’re holding a magic wand. Every wave of this wand could bring money or love into your life. Sounds too good to be true? That’s manifestation for you, minus the wand, of course. Now, before you scream ‘Hogwarts, here I come,’ let’s address some common misconceptions. Manifestation is not a “genie in a bottle” situation. It’s a systematic, intentional act of aligning your belief and actions to create your desired reality.

While some naysayers liken it to ‘wishful thinking,’ the concept has been examined and elaborated upon by leading thinkers in the realm of personal development. From the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to hypnosis techniques, the focus is about aligning the subconscious with conscious goals.

And yes, you can manifest both money and love, but the power lies in pure intentions and moral alignment. Think of it this way: if you’re manifesting a new job to support your family, you’re in the clear. But if you’re wishing for your competitor to fail, that’s where the morality line gets crossed.

Stay tuned. There’s more to come. Imagine discovering a method so powerful it transforms your life in 27 days. Intrigued? Read on.

Who is it for?

Let’s dive right in, shall we? Picture this: You’re a motivated individual, driven by a desire to bring your most audacious dreams to life. You’ve consumed every book, watched countless seminars, and perhaps even scribbled notes from YouTube gurus about manifesting. Yet, there’s this nagging feeling that despite your efforts, something’s missing. Enter “The Art of Manifesting” by Regan Hillyer, offered through Mindvalley’s Quest.

This is not your typical program. It’s designed for both: the dreamer who has tried manifesting and hit roadblocks, and the achiever who effortlessly turns visions into realities. So, whether you’re a newbie who’s just dipped a toe into the vast sea of manifestation, or a seasoned expert who’s swum its depths, this quest is for you. With a whopping 23,485 students enrolled, it’s evident that the course resonates with a broad audience.

For those subscribed to Mindvalley on a monthly basis, this program adds significant value to the bundle. It provides a structured, day-by-day approach, ideal for those who prefer their personal growth to come with a detailed roadmap.

Pros of the Quest

When you first lay eyes on Regan Hillyer’s credentials – her role in morphing ordinary individuals into millionaires and industry leaders – it’s hard not to be impressed. It’s akin to discovering J.K. Rowling’s lesser-known lectures on storytelling. The richness of experience and profound knowledge she brings to the table is unparalleled.

One of the standout aspects of this program is its focus on ‘soul work’. Think of this as diving deep into the subconscious realms, unlocking and mobilizing those latent powers that lie dormant. With her, you’re not merely scratching the surface. You’re plunging into the very depths of your psyche, doing the hard work that pays off exponentially.

In my dozen years exploring the mind’s labyrinth, rarely have I come across a program that emphasizes ‘language patterns’ so effectively. By tapping into these patterns, the program not only motivates but also equips participants to navigate through the mire of inner blocks.

Personal experience moment here: When I undertook the module on ‘Expansion’, it felt like shedding years of accumulated mental clutter. The sense of spaciousness and clarity was, in a word, liberating.

Moreover, the plethora of success stories – a staggering 20,413 shared on Mindvalley – bear testament to the transformative power of this Quest.

Cons of the Quest

But, as with every rose that comes with its thorns, this Quest isn’t devoid of drawbacks. For starters, its premium nature means it may not be accessible to everyone. Financial constraints could deter potential students, despite its inherent value.

Another aspect that might daunt some is the depth and intensity of the program. This isn’t a “read and forget” type of course. It demands dedication. Daily practices, consistent homework, and the need to be actively engaged are pivotal to reaping its benefits. It reminded me of a quote by the famous author, Paulo Coelho, “When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” But the universe needs you to do your bit too!

Moreover, for those accustomed to instant gratification, this might be a tad challenging. The program isn’t about immediate results but about establishing a solid foundation for manifesting long-term dreams.

Best Mindvalley Courses And Quests To Take

Personal Experience and Debunking Myths

When I embarked on the 27-day Mindvalley Quest called “The Art of Manifesting” by Regan Hillyer, I was as skeptical as they come. Don’t get me wrong; I’m no stranger to the alchemy of the mind. Yet even I had to debunk my own myths around manifestation. We’ve all heard them—claims that it’s “wishful thinking,” “a sin,” or just “mumbo-jumbo ” and there’s this hourly reminder that has been creating ripples of positive disruption in my life. It’s a mental prod – a beckoning towards clarity. Before this program, I would have dismissed such tools as too gimmicky. But here I am, awaiting its gentle ping, and every time it goes off, I am reminded of my purpose, of my focus. 

But let me tell you, as someone who’s studied the works of pioneers like Carl Jung and Milton Erickson, Hillyer’s approach is backed by science. She draws parallels to quantum physics and neuroscience, bringing credibility to the art of manifestation. And as for my own journey, I noticed significant changes in my clarity, focus, and overall state of being. It’s as if the universe started rearranging itself around my intentions. I don’t want to spill the beans just yet, but something significant is brewing for me—and you, my readers, will be the first to know.

The Art of Manifesting Curriculum

The 27-day journey offered by “The Art of Manifesting” is, for a lack of better words, transformative. It’s a blend of video lessons, mindset tools, and what Regan fondly terms “soul work.” Each day nudges you towards a more profound realization of your goals. Remember the “focus point” I mentioned? Well, it’s one of the core tenets. The curriculum, broken down into nine areas—ranging from health, wealth, relationships to purpose and spirituality—asks probing questions. “What are you committed to during the quest?” “What will be your primary focal point?” The intent is to ensure that 80% of your energies are directed towards mental realignment and 20% on actionable steps. 

Key Elements of Manifestation – Unraveling the Enigma

Visioning: As a certified hypnotist, this resonates with me. The first step towards manifestation is visioning. Just like in hypnosis, where the mind is led into vivid imaginations, visioning requires one to connect deeply with desires. It’s not a fleeting fancy; it’s a crystallized vision.

Expansion: It’s about creating space, not just in the physical realm but within oneself. It’s like cleaning out a room to make space for new furniture. The expansion ensures that when your desires manifest, you are ready to receive them.

Overcoming Resistance: As someone who’s delved into the depths of the human psyche, I can vouch for the barriers the mind erects. Regan’s manifestation alchemy involves recognizing these barriers and melting them away.

Identity Hacking: This isn’t some sci-fi trope but a profound journey into reshaping self-identity. It involves recoding beliefs, upgrading the mental blueprint, and embracing a new self.

Manifestation Acceleration: This is akin to what many refer to as “living in the present.” By dismantling the illusions of time, one can call dreams into reality at an astonishing pace.

One could say that the main benefit of “The Art of Manifesting” is to attune oneself to a frequency that resonates with the universe’s rhythm. It’s about alignment, trust, and a steadfast focus on elevating one’s quality of life.

Bonus Content: Sleep Meditation

For all the night owls and those who find solace in the stillness of the night, Regan Hillyer’s program offers a bonus: a sleep meditation. It’s tailored to accelerate abundance holistically, ensuring that every moment, even in slumber, is a step towards manifesting desires.


Picture this: you’re reading a book on self-improvement, and you’re not just trying to get to the next chapter; you’re living each page. This is the essence of Regan Hillyer’s “The Art of Manifesting” Quest on Mindvalley. But don’t take my word for it. Let’s explore what others have to say.

Vincent Leleux from Paris, France, exclaims, “Totally amazing: this program works unbelievably (well I start really believing in this actually). Well for me this far: received $7151.65 totally unexpected without any work involved from 2 sources… What next is possible? Bring it on!”

Drawing parallels with my own 12-year journey through the labyrinth of the mind and body, it’s heartening to see how deep dives into self-awareness can lead to concrete outcomes. Like Amanda Mulder, who highlights, “This course has just proven to me that one can do a lot with what you have, even if that is minimal (in your eyes) – own your worth, believe in the value you provide and radiate that worthiness out —and people will want to pay whatever it is in order to get what you have… pure light.”

Now, envision yourself scribbling down your New Year resolutions with gusto, only to find them buried under piles of procrastination come February. But for one brave soul, Mindvalley’s Quest took things from 0 to 100. “I joined Mindvalley on New Year’s 2023… In February, while on the Art of Manifesting Quest, I listed my intent to have a book written by May 2023… I have written a 50,000-word book, that is now in design, and a journal for Women seeking a deeper connection with themselves, also in design. Both will be uploaded via KDP Amazon self-publishing by May 1st.” A transformation, wouldn’t you say?

Gerald shares his experience with an infectious fervor, “I couldn’t wait to share this story!… Over 80% return on that one trade. Amazing! I am so grateful for Regan, and the guidance from all Higher Beings along this Journey!!!”

It’s essential to realize, however, that it isn’t just about material gains. One enthusiast delves deeper, stating, “Wow, this has been a deep dive week. I am feeling like a band aid has been ripped off my soul this week… The real reason I know things are changing is that I am attacking the mess in my life. Wow, big stuff.”


So, what can we glean from this mosaic of testimonials? That “The Art of Manifesting” by Regan Hillyer isn’t just a course; it’s a transformative journey. Much like a masterful book that beckons you page after page, this Quest offers the promise of change, progress, and enlightenment.

If you’re someone who has dabbled in self-help literature, as I have for over a decade, you’ll appreciate the nuance and depth this Quest brings. It’s a deep dive into understanding and reprogramming one’s psyche and life’s trajectory.

And while we could continue to wax poetic about its transformative potential, perhaps it’s time for a personal touch. Join the ranks of Vincent, Amanda, Gerald, and many others who have benefited from this program. Consider exploring it for yourself, because, as Regan Hillyer puts it, the best way to understand the art is to become an artist.

In the illustrious words of Benjamin Franklin, “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” So, why not get involved? Join the Mindvalley Membership to access not just this program but a treasure trove of personal development insights and a community that supports your growth. After all, why wait for tomorrow when transformation beckons today?

Additional Resources

For those keen on treading this path, the Mindvalley Membership serves as the gateway to a plethora of personal development programs. It’s more than just content; it’s a community, a movement, a revolution. Dive in, and may your journey be beautifully transformative.

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