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Richard Nongard – Richard Nongard Fearless Flying + Expert Hypno Scripts

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Create a niche helping people overcome Fly-O-Phobia
Attract both individual and corporate clients
The Step-By-Step Approach and Resources I Use with Clientspno Scripts
This is far more than a training course. It is a niche market that is quite lucrative, and something I know about first-hand. For years I was afraid to fly. Now I log 100,000+ miles a year flying all over the world. I will show you exactly how I overcame my own paralyzing fear, and how I help clients to do the same.
Fear of Flying stops people from enjoying life. It keeps people from taking a better job that might require travel, it keeps grandparents and relatives from seeing family, and it keeps people from exploring the world and enjoying a vacation. And people with a fear of flying, often have other fears you can help with. They make ideal motivated self-paying clients.
Are you creating hypnosis programs for this niche? If not, you are missing out on individual clients in your office, Skype clients online and lucrative corporate work. Companies will pay and expert to work with thier traveling staff. I will show you how to get these gigs.
This is a multi-part online learning exprience. A comprehenive approach to working with clients. I will give you my tried and tested pre-talk ideas, my direct and indirect suggestions, scripts and patter.
Are you ready to do three-session programs that conquer the fear of flying? I charge my clients $750 for these three sessions. Sometimes I see people in my office and some of my clients I see online. I will show you how to do sessions in person or online that stop the fear of flying.
Different people have different fears. For some clients the fears are really irrational and based on media accounts of airplane disasters. Others have fears based on previous traumas and yet for others it is rooted in general anxiety. For some it is a loss of control since someone else is driving. yest for others, it is really a fear of death.
You need more than one strategy! Fear of flying clients want results. They want to get on a plane and go – and be able to come back! They want to do it comfortably, without having a panic attack or meltdown. I will give you 5 strategies for each of the three sessions. You can mix and match these strategies to your specific client needs.
White-lable resources. I am also including two audi sessions based on hypnotic mindfulness you can give to your clients. These do not have my name or my contact info. They are professionally produced. You can give these to every client you work with as a resource wot help them fly and reinforce the learning you provide in your hypnosis sessions.
Get Richard Nongard Fearless Flying + Expert Hypno Scripts – Anonymous, Only Price $57
This resource will more than 10x pay for itself with your first new client!
The best part? The solutions are based on real-world research!
The strategies in this program are based on real-world research. First, in my own expriences coming to terms with life restricting and paralyzing fear of flying in 2002. Second, I have integrated best practices from the researched methods of helping people with hypnosis overcome a fear of flying, fear of driving, and in finding eveidenced-based solutions for anxiety, panic and fear.
Are you ready for new clients? I will also share marketing strategies with you. I will tell you how I have attracted fear of flying clients and how I have gotten companies to pay me to help their employees travel with less stress and anxiety.
Upon completion of all course materials, you will be eligible to earn an ICBCH Certificate of Completion as a Fear of Flying Hypnosis Specialist.
2. Expert Hypnosis scripts for the Professional Hypnotherapist
Do you always know the right words to say in a hypnosis session?
The book you are holding in your hands right now, can be your guide to mastering hypnotic language, direct and indirect Expert Hypnosis scripts Nongard
suggestion and creating the structure for success in clinical hypnotherapy.
This book contains powerful hypnotic inductions scripts, examples of complete hypnosis sessions (some from transcripts of actual client sessions), and by reading these scripts, you will be inspired to incorporate these ideas into your next hypnosis session. This book is 172 pages of real hypnosis scripts.
This book contains:
* Three highly effective inductions scripts
* Pre-talk and suggestive therapy scripts
* Multiple full lengths hypnosis scripts
* Over 100 direct suggestions for specific presenting problems
* Session optimizing patter for creating success
There are scripts in this book for everything from working with cancer patients, to creating wealth. There are ideas for smoking cessation, weight control and even to stop texting and driving. scripts are included for medical conditions like hand tremors, and even resources for creating an abundant future. These scripts are practical, effective, and based on what we know really works.
Dr. Richard Nongard is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and a Certified Professional Hypnotist. He is an adjunct professor at City Vision University, teaching in the substance abuse counseling degree program. He is known for his creative hypnosis scripts that use both direct and indirect suggestion and are predicated on evidenced based techniques. You can learn more about his many online training classes and downloadable hypnosis recordings at:
Here’s What You’ll Get in Richard Nongard – Richard Nongard Fearless Flying + Expert Hypno Scripts

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Course Requirement: Richard Nongard – Richard Nongard Fearless Flying + Expert Hypno Scripts
Real Value: $247
One time cost: USD 52
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