In coaching, this is the early stage coach who has little chance of making it because they are entering an arena where their competitors have more experience, more testimonials, a bigger brand, a bigger following, more connections and quite often, their program is cheaper and better.
When you really think about it, the early stage coach has next to zero chance of winning.
And the bigger players know this and use it to their advantage.
The problem with our industry right now is that there is currently NO-ONE out there that is representing the underdog early stage coach.
It seems like every coach is just competing for their own corner of the market place whilst the bigger players are trying to push the little guys out of the market.
Being a massive underdog myself, I’ve been reflecting back on my journey and really wished there was someone out there to represent the early stage coach – the underdog.
It wouldn’t have made the struggle go away, but it would have made a massive difference to at least feel heard.
If we take my story back even further, I was a minority in school and bullied nearly every day for being Asian. Being told to go back to my own country.
It was tough… and I wish there was someone representing me then.
This is why I’ve decided to take ownership and be that leader that I wanted when I started.
In a midst of uncertainty, there’s one thing I’m sure of…. and that’s I know how YOU feel. I see you.
Together we fight.
Together we unite.
Together we lead and serve for what’s right.
Keep Believing & Never Settle
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