
Rick Kaselj Jedd Johnson – Fix My Wrist Pain

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Rick has put together a straight-forward guide where he will identify the potential causes of your wrist pain, and how to go about rehabilitating it.

Rick Kaselj Jedd Johnson – Fix My Wrist Pain

Rick Kaselj Jedd Johnson - Fix My Wrist Pain

“Discover How to FINALLY Get Rid of Your Wrist Pain Forever and DOMINATE Your Workouts Again”
If You’re SICK AND TIRED of dealing with annoying wrist pain, in AND out of the gym, then this is the most important letter you ever read…
How the Fix My Wrist Pain System
Will Help You:

Component #1: Rehab Techniques for Wrist Pain ($39 Value)
In this component, Rick will show you what you need to begin doing to get rid of your wrist pain for good.
Rick has put together a straight-forward guide where he will identify the potential causes of your wrist pain, and how to go about rehabilitating it.
This will be just like you’re in an appointment with your Virtual Pain Therapist, Rick Kaselj.
As he takes you by the hand and explains everything you need to know about wrist pain, you will begin to understand all the components of the Fix My Wrist Pain Recovery Program.
Rick will take the time to explain things in a way that you will understand and show you want you need to do, to get the most out of the exercises.
The first time you see this, you will see how different this program is from anything you have seen or any appointments you have attended for your pain.
You’ll be on your way to relief.

Component #2: Rehab Exercises ($39 Value)
With the Rehab Techniques laying down the foundation to your recovery, now this is where doing the right exercises, in the right order, at the right amount kicks in.
Rick will give you the exercises that you need to do in order to overcome your wrist pain. He shows you the exercise, describes the exercise, tells you how to progress it and the order to do things.

The exercise require minimal equipment and can be done anywhere.

Component #3: Preventive Measures for Avoiding Wrist Pain and Injuries ($29 Value)
In this section, I cover my best wrist pain preventive strategies.
Mindset: You will begin to develop a new mindset to keep injuries from taking place.
Warm-up: You will learn how to prime your whole body for training in order to keep your wrist resistant against injury.
Flexibility: You will come to understand how to keep your wrists limber and tough by stretching. And you’ll know when you should stretch to meet your individual needs.
Mobility: Without proper movement quality, you can’t train how you want to. You’ll see how to keep your wrists mobile and working right. Plus, you’ll learn 3 other body parts that can contribute to your wrist health, that you aren’t even aware of.
Strengthening the Wrists: Strong Wrists SCOFF AT INJURIES. I will show you my top exercises for building wrist strength, and soon your wrists will be reinforced against pain and injury.
Other Top Secret Preventive Methods: Being a Grip Athlete, I’ve learned many alternative methods for keeping the lower arms injury free. And soon you will learn them and know how to put them into action to reinforce your wrists.

Component #4: Pain Free Workouts with DIESEL Work-Arounds($47 Value)
Never Skip Workouts or Exercises Again. Use these WORK-AROUNDS Instead!
Over the years in dealing with my own wrist pain, I have developed ways to modify exercises to make them safer for the wrists. And I want to pass these on to you so you can have Pain Free Workouts!
Here are just some of the exercises I’ll show you how to modify so you can start DOMINATING them once again…
Push-ups: They can make your wrist feel like they are going to break. I will show you how to change them up to reduce the pressure so you can do them on a regular basis again, without making them less effective. HINT: It’s not what you think…
Front Squats: Front Squats can make your wrists feel like they are going to snap. Did you know the reason your wrists hurt so bad might not have ANYTHING to do with tight wrists? I’ll show you what to do, so you can prepare to blow your quads up bigger than they ever have been before…
Bench Press: Get ready to set new personal bests on the bench, because your wrists aren’t going to hurt anymore once I show you this one small technique tweak, plus you’ll finally learn how to wrap your wrists right for bigger lifts and a more stable grip on the bar.
And Many More… I’ve only scratched the surface. This component is over 50 pages and I will show you more than 25 exercise modifications for the lifts that cause your wrists the biggest problems. Get ready to get strong on lots of lifts again. It will be like peeling 10 years off your body’s injury clock.

Here’s What You’ll Get in Rick Kaselj Jedd Johnson – Fix My Wrist Pain

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Course Requirement: Rick Kaselj Jedd Johnson – Fix My Wrist Pain
Real Value: $39
One time cost: USD 15

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  • We’ll Bear The Risk, You’ll Take The Results…
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Original price was: $39.00.Current price is: $15.00.

Get Rick Kaselj Jedd Johnson - Fix My Wrist Pain, And Many More… I’ve only scratched the surface. This component is over 50 pages and I will show you more than 25 exercise modifications for the lifts that cause your wrists the biggest problems.

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