Robert Bruce – Astral Projection Mastery Course

“New Breakthrough Discoveries In Science And Psychology Help You Eliminate The Anxiety, Nervousness, Self-Doubt, And FEAR That Are Destroying Your Chances With Astral Projection – It’s Time To FINALLY Overcome Your Fears, Take Control Of Your Emotions, Learn To Get Out Of Body Easily To Explore The Astral Plane… And Transform Yourself Into The Powerful, Confident, Astral Traveler That Every Spiritual Practitioner Needs To Be…”
In Just A Few Minutes, You’ll Be Learning The Exact
Step-By-Step System For Astral Projecting That Has
Taken Me YEARS To Perfect…
Dear Friend Who Wants More Success With Astral Projection,
I have some questions for you:
- Do you get nervous when you think it might be time to practice astral projection? Or maybe you’re in meditation and you’d like get out of body, but you don’t want to screw up your chances by making a mistake?
- Have you ever felt insecure because your friends and family think you’re odd, or are “freaked out” by your spiritual interests?
- Do you feel like something as powerful and exciting as the ecstasy of an out of body experience couldn’t happen to you?
- Do you ever become immobilized with fear when you start to go into deep trance, and by the time you figure out what’s happening, you’ve broken the state?
- Do you ever become self-conscious, and doubt yourself when it’s time to perform an exit technique… to the point where you can’t relax normally?
- Do you feel like every time you intend to go out of body, your mind is bombarded with distracting internal dialog and chatter?
- Do you ever lie down to astral project, but as soon as you go into deep trance, you fall asleep and miss out on the whole experience?
- Do you feel like you’ve read every book, watched every video, and intellectually understood every aspect of astral projection, without any consistent practical success?
- Do you feel like you don’t know how to tell when it’s the right time to begin an OBE exit procedure?
- Do you ever feel like everybody else is astral projecting easily, but you can’t even enter the “vibration state” without a problem?
- Do you want to know everything there is to know about astral projection and the astral plane before you feel like you can even “start” practicing the exit techniques, and traveling out of body?
- Have you ever felt self-conscious and embarrassed about your true desires to be free of this world… but fear other people won’t approve of your fantasy?
- Do you hate the idea of admitting to yourself that you feel insecure about this area of your life, and you really wish you could do all this yourself?
- Do you get terrified when the exit vibrations start up and don’t know what to do?
- Would you really like to have an exceptional teacher… somebody that can take you by the hand and walk you through the basics… a trainer that will take the time to answer your personal questions… but it just doesn’t seem like anybody will take the time to help YOU?
- Have you ever felt like just throwing in the towel and giving up because it seems like NOTHING will work… and you should accept it?
- Do you feel like you can’t relax and successfully astral travel, because you’re too overwhelmed with nervous anxiety and preconceived notions?
- Would you like to start going out of body, and visiting the spirit worlds, but have no idea how to go about it?
- Or are you already successful with astral projection to some extent, but you’d like to take your success to the next level RIGHT NOW and start getting out of body with more consistency?
If you answered “YES!” to any of these questions, then I have some important news for you…
You’re NOT alone. In fact, that list of questions was created from years of personal experience and from learning about this area of my life for myself.
Here’s The Bottom Line…
NOT knowing how to astral project feels bad.
It sucks.
It leaves you feeling like you have no power in your spiritual life.
It creates an underlying “distraction” that overpowers everything else…
It leads to a feeling of sadness and desperation.
It leads you to feeling like a FAILURE AS A SPIRITUAL STUDENT.
On the other hand…
Get immediately download Robert Bruce – Astral Projection Mastery Course
KNOWING how to astral project feels GOOD.
It feels good to not have to wonder what it would be like… it feels good to not have to pretend like you know what you’re talking about to other practitioners.
It feels good to know how to give yourself a feeling of FREEDOM… so you can travel to any world, rather than being stuck in this one.
It just feels good knowing how to astral project.
It not only feels good to YOU, but it also feels good to your DECEASED RELATIVES who are waiting for you on the other side… and it’s WORTH LEARNING.
Most Practitioners Never Learn, So They
Keep Making The Same Mistakes
Over And Over Again…
Most practitioners take one of two approaches with astral projection:
1) They try to buy success with incense, pyramids, candles, and crystals…
2) They try to use mind-altering drugs, like LSD, mushrooms, and peyote (in order to have a magic bullet, and avoid real work, of course)
The problem with these basic approaches?
- 1) They don’t work
- 2) They’re expensive and time consuming
- 3) It’s physically dangerous
So what’s the answer?
I thought you’d never ask…
The answer, my friend, is to stop banging your head against the wall using strategies that DON’T WORK… stop punishing yourself emotionally… and instead start learning powerful, tested, GUARANTEED methods to get out of body and astral travel
And here’s how…
I’m going to give you a simple, 3-step formula for learning how to astral project. If you do these three things, you WILL get out of body, period.
Use these three steps to get out of body and visit the spirit worlds.
1) Start with the inner game FIRST
Success with astral projection starts with what’s inside of YOU… and the single most important thing you will ever do to help yourself become more successful with having out of body experiences is to build a “rock-solid” foundation of confidence and power inside of you.
When you develop this unshakable feeling of self-confidence you’ll notice some very interesting things begin to happen in your life…
You’ll start to dream more powerfully… even have lucid dreams… where you unconsciously astral project while you’re asleep.
Unfortunately, this isn’t something you can just “decide” to have.
It can take many years, and a lot of hard work… and it’s all too easy to fall off track and have to start all over again. Believe me… I know.
If you REALLY want long-term, consistent success with astral projection, this step is not optional.
You just gotta do it.
Fortunately through my own personal struggles I’ve developed some almost “magical” techniques for overcoming fear and boosting your self-confidence FAST.
I’ve figured out ways that ANY PRACTITIONER can make powerful, lasting changes that enable astral projections right away… no matter what your level of confidence is now… and it won’t take you years or even weeks to do it.
When you get your inner game handled, you’ll be AMAZED at how everything else just seems to fall into place.
But best of all, you’ll never have to worry about being sad or desperate from being stuck in your body again.
2) Learn lots of TESTED techniques that WORK
Have you ever found yourself in a beautiful location, and thought it would nice to astral project, but you just didn’t know how to do it
Or have you ever wanted to visit a distant location, or check on somebody far away… but you didn’t have any idea how to astral travel?
The reality is that these situations happen ALL THE TIME… and all too often people end up missing out on opportunities with astral projection because they just don’t know “what to do”.
I’ve found that the key to avoiding missed opportunities and awkward moments with astral travel is to have at least one “default” technique to do in every situation… whether it is quieting your mind for a peaceful meditation, physically relaxing to calm down, inducing a deep trance, and everything else up to exiting the physical body and beyond.
For example, imagine if you had a way to approach quieting your mind that worked EVERY TIME… and for the rest of your life you could easily sit down and enter a nice relaxed meditative state any time you choose.
Now, imagine if you had a way to absolutely GUARANTEE that you could you enter a nice, deep, altered state… and then you knew exactly what to do to separate from the body to guarantee you can astral travel.
Do you see where I’m going here?
When you have one proven way of handling each and every situation that you will find yourself in with astral projection, you can literally throw “chance”, “fate”, and “luck” out the window and GUARANTEE that things will end up exactly how YOU want them to… every time.
I can’t tell you how many opportunities I’ve blown with astral projection in the past… it hurts just thinking about it.
The good news is that I’ve already gone through all of the “trial and error”… and I’ve developed a MASSIVE ARSENAL of techniques, methods, and shortcuts for every situation you will ever find yourself in with meditation.
The really great thing is that you can learn them FAST… and start using them as soon as you do.
I’ll show you all of the “basics”… and then let you in on the more advanced material.
When you have an arsenal of powerful, tested techniques that work, you can take advantage of any opportunity for astral projection that presents itself… and never worry about things not ending up “your way”.
And after you spend a day or two learning them, you’ll spend the rest of your life using them to astral travel and visit whomever, or whatever location you want.
3) Meet masters and learn from them DIRECTLY
It turned out that the most important thing I did in my quest to become massively successful with astral projection was to meet and learn from teachers who were ACTUALLY DOING IT.
Let’s face it… there are some practitioners out there who have a truly mystical ability to do psychic feats and astral travel at will… and we all hate them … lol
Many of these masters actually have spiritual beings come to THEM for lessons… on a regular basis.
But the really shocking thing is that many of these guys AREN’T the most intelligent people around.
And as far as money goes… well… some of them are BARELY getting by.
If you met them on the street, you’d think they were just “regular” folks… but for whatever reason, they just know exactly what to think and do to get out of body.
It’s crucial that you meet as many of these masters as you can so you can learn what works in the real world.
The problem is that these teachers aren’t easy to find… and it’s even harder to get them to “spill their guts” and find out just exactly what it is they do that makes them so successful.
But once again…. this is absolutely VITAL to your success.
It wasn’t easy… but I’ve managed to track down several “gurus” who are among the BEST IN THE WORLD at getting out of body and astral traveling.
And believe me, I took FULL advantage of the opportunity. I dug for the dirt… and asked the questions no one else had the nerve to ask… and got them to share every single one of their secret techniques and strategies for achieving more astral feats and miracles than anybody really should.
You’ll be floored by the simplicity and power of what these trainers share… just ONE of these secrets could lead to that BIG BREAKTHROUGH that you’ve been waiting for.
There is nothing out there that can compare to actually hearing the “how to” from friends who are living the lives that most dream about.
If you’re looking to accelerate your skills with astral projection, it’s a MUST that you learn from as many of these guys as possible. You’ll be amazed at just how quickly your game improves when you take this vital step.
You Must Know Where You’re Going
If you don’t have the kind of success you want with astral projection, then you’re not doing these three steps. I know that.
Now, I know that you know that you need to do these three steps.
The question is, WHEN and HOW are you going to do them?
Are you going to do them NOW? And are you going to try to do them yourself? Or are you going to take advantage of the incredible wealth of knowledge that’s available to you… knowledge that can save you literally YEARS of time and THOUSANDS of dollars in cash?
Don’t Let Your Spiritual Life
Pass You By…
If you’ve decided that you’re ready for SUPER-SUCCESS with astral projection and OBE, then what I’m about to tell you about could help you get it FAST.
I’ve put together what is arguably the most complete educational product on planet Earth for DRAMATICALLY increasing your success with astral traveling.
This digitally recorded and edited video training program contains over TWENTY full hours of me teaching all of the ideas, concepts, techniques, tricks, and secrets that took me YEARS to figure out and develop.
This is your chance to “pick my brain” and get ALL of my best thinking.
Now you can get all the benefits of hearing me teach my best ideas, all from the comfort of your own home.
What You’re Going To Learn…
Here’s a VERY partial list of what you’re going to learn inside this exciting educational home-study program:
- How to get out of body easily and consistently so that you can astral project “on command”
- What you must do to ALWAYS be “mentally ready” so you don’t blow it when you get a chance to astral travel (this will prevent that thing that ALWAYS happens… you feel like slipping out of body for a nice “vacation”, but by the time you finally settle down your time is UP)
- A simple 2-step exercise to permanently eliminate the fears and frustrations that are holding you back from success with OBE… fast and forever
- The universal “hard-wired” biological process that FORCES you to go out of body… and how to trick your subconscious into actively creating powerful astral projections FOR YOU
- How to tap into your “psychic instincts” and develop a strong energetic presence that makes your chakras help you get out of body
- Have you ever seen a less intelligent person having more success with astral projection than you… and wondered what the hell was going on? Here’s the little-known and closely-guarded secret of the “naturals” you can use to “cheat the system” and begin having astral adventures you’re friends won’t believe. (It’s much easier than you think… when you know the secret)
- A secret that the “ascended masters” on the astral plane use for their own sophisticated astral travel… which happens to work just as well with humans! (This is one of my personal “secrets” I use ALL THE TIME)
- The REAL reason why most practitioners will never become successful with astral projection… and how to SMASH THROUGH and permanently eliminate this dangerous mental obstacle
- How to “wipe your internal slate clean” and build a powerful force of confidence that every person you come in contact with will notice
- A proven way to “keep your progress” in the development of your astral projection skills and guarantee that YOU ARE gaining the ability for the rest of your life (This will also eliminate any nervous “head games” you play with yourself… because you’ll be so strong that they’ll melt away)
- The 7 trance induction traits that psychics who are “naturals” with astral projection possess… and a way to bring out your natural ability to relax down into deep trance faster than you ever thought possible
- How to track down real “ascended masters” on the upper astral plane and get them to feel comfortable sharing their techniques and secrets with you
- An easy, secret technique you can use to permanently eliminate nervousness about sleep-paralysis
- A quick, easy way to enter the “theta state” when you’re relaxing and want to take a short HASSLE-FREE astral excursion
- The way to use your own unique body size and proportions to facilitate the easiest, deepest, trance… even if you have terrible posture!
- How to soften up and relax every fiber of your body within seconds, so you can get out of body instantly
- The secret biological reason why you’re unconscious loves dreaming… and how you can use it to TRIGGER your internal “astral project mechanism” and MASTER your OBE reflex
- The reason why you’ll astral project easily one night but not get out of body no matter what you do other nights (Which would YOU rather experience? When you know this secret, it will be your choice)
- Inexpensive tips to improving EVERY PART of your meditation space to create an area specifically for enhanced astral projection
- The astonishing secret of master projectors that practically FORCES you out of your body, and into the positive astral planes… or anywhere else (So easy to learn you’ll use it THE NIGHT YOU LEARN IT!)
- The tests your Higher Self uses to disqualify you… how to pass every one BEFORE it comes up by doing just this one thing (Unfortunately no practitioner ever discovers this on his own… and must endure on rejection
after another)
- An eye movement technique stolen from ancient yogis you can use to drop yourself into an instant trance (When you finally “wake up” you’ll want to
right back down)
- NEWSFLASH: Taming your mind before you start your exit technique is absolutely critical to your success with astral projection. Here’s a trick to nail it every time…
- The 7 key energy centers of a normal, healthy human being, with specific step-by-step ways to supercharge them for OBE (Do just 2 or 3 of these centers and you’re golden)
- A trick I learned from a European magician you can use to make sure you never get “stuck” in an area of the astral plane that you don’t like (and how to return to your body safe and sound immediately)
- 2 exercises to develop your clairvoyance skills on the astral plane and learn how to see events from the future or the past (You can start doing both of them today, and see results FAST)
- A powerful exercise you can use “in the field” to eliminate nervousness and anxiety in seconds
- My personal favorite “move” for each of the “most common” situations with astral projection… quieting your mind, entering deep trance, exiting your physical body, traveling to the upper astral planes, meeting evolutionarily advanced beings, and having a kick-ass time (I’ve field-tested and refined each one… you’re getting ONLY the best)
- 3 best times of the day that are optimal for ensuring the easiest astral projection possible every day of the year
- The 6 things you must NEVER do while out of body in the Real Time Zone (I learned each one of these “the hard way”… and I’ll tell you how to AVOID the pain and failure I had to endure)
- “Sneaky” (but fun for your friends) ways to play with, and tease your buddies and loved ones while on “the other side”
- A way to exit the physical body for astral projection that works EVERY time
- A surefire way to get out of body that works EVEN BETTER if you’ve already been trying to astral project for years without success
- The 1 energy body techniques you need to GUARANTEE you’re perfectly relaxed and energetically set to commence your astral projection
- Have you ever seen an exotic locale, and wanted to astral travel there? Here’s a surprisingly easy “why didn’t I think of that” way to get there FAST
- A easy way to meet and converse with other curious astral projectors, travelers, and extra-terrestrials floating around on the astral plane
- A simple language trick for INSTANTLY making your astral vision clearer and brighter so you can see everything with crystal clear 20/20 vision or BETTER
- How to use your “chest voice” for the most powerful incantations and affirmations… they’re so strong that they practically manifest your wish immediately
- An exact, step-by-step exit technique to use when you’re relaxing and just want to slip out of body problem-free
- A detailed color map of the astral planes so that you know EXACTLY where you are and what you’re doing at ANY moment
- A surefire fun “game” to play on the astral that costs nothing, boosts your morale… and you’ll remember it forever
- The rule of astral travel almost all projectors BREAK that can ruin your chances of staying out of the body without you even knowing it
- 5 things you can do to DRAMATICALLY INCREASE you’re ability to remember and recall all of your most fascinating and meaningful astral projections (If you’ve ever forgotten a special OBE moment… you probably missed these tips)
- The 4 “set in stone” rules of astral traveling, so that you get to where you’re going without zipping off to some unknown place accidentally
- Exactly what to say when an astral being approaches you (Most projects FAIL these simple encounters and LOSE the opportunity to make a useful friendship… Now you’ll be prepared to increase your “social network” on the astral )
- A simple thing you can do to visit the enchanted “elemental” lands and planes… seeing a real dragon, fairy, and gnome for the first time will blow your mind
- My favorite “get out of jail free” card you can use to immediately disappear from any reality, dimension, plane, or world that is scaring you. (You can also use this same trick to appear in any location you want)
- A 10 point “First OBE Checklist” ever practitioner NEEDS to go over before he gets into deep trance
- The secrets to quickly cultivating a strong, long-lasting relationship with everything from angels to fairies and sprites (and leave them intrigued by YOU)
- A psychological “magic trick” that makes your subconscious feel comfortable at letting you out of body the very first time you attempt
- How “gurus” use lucid dreaming techniques to assure they gain consciousness DURING the dream and convert it into a power astral projection
- How to smoothly operate your astral body, and navigate the Real Time Zone surrounding our physical world… You’ll quickly become a master traveler and begin REALLY exploring outer space!
- How to use self-hypnosis and proven affirmations to literally “reprogram” your mind to begin astral projecting… and PERMANENTLY remove any negative blockages or obstructions
- My well-vetted technique to know exactly the right moment to initiate your astral projection exit technique AND make sure that you get fully out of your body to begin traveling
- An advanced astral travel method, stolen from a master psychic, that lets you choose which world, or plane, you go to… explore the endless set up of tunnels and highways with confidence and conviction that you’re headed in the RIGHT direction
- How to end the first astral projection in a way that ensure you WILL be able to remember everything that happened with clarity
- 2 mega-successful, “I can’t believe it’s that simple” exit techniques that involve nothing more than you “pretending” like you did when you were a child (If only pretending worked in EVERY area of life!)
- 10 tips for separating from the physical body in the easiest, fastest, most efficient way possible. It’s taken me 35 years to refine these masterful techniques
Get immediately download Robert Bruce – Astral Projection Mastery Course
- 5 of my own favorite things to do for fun on the astral plan (WARNING: don’t do these unless you’re ready to become addicted to OBE)
- A detailed explanation of my innovative NEW Energy Ways techniques and theory… use this invaluable information to increase your success with astral projection TREMENDOUSLY – by learning how to stimulate and energize your chakras and kundalini
- Why just “intellectualizing” about astral projection never works… and why hard work ALWAYS pays off (especially in OBE)
- What your Higher Self is, and how to develop a verbal relationship with your “guardian angel”
- How to stop being afraid that astral projection is “dangerous”, which is silly and untrue, and start recognizing your natural astral traits as a human
- Creating powerful OBEs takes more than just the right techniques… it takes a special combination of posture, relaxation, confidence, understanding, and other “internal” skills. I’ll show you the magic formula, and break it down into bite-size chunks that you’ll easily grasp
- A very specific exercise and formula for overcoming each and every fear you have with astral projection
- The pineal gland, and “OBE” part of the brain, and how to appeal to the particular functions that these organs have to empower your ability to astral project 10-fold
- Lessons from astral beings that will help you see how astral projection should fit into your life… and show you how to get out of body to visit their temples on the astral
- How the persona or “social mask” you wear melts away as you learn your true multi-dimensional nature
- How we deceive ourselves into believing things that aren’t true or useful about spirituality… and how to overcome this self-deception
- How to keep more of your personal power… instead of giving it away to astral vampires
- How to find and identify your own limiting or inaccurate beliefs about yourself and astral projection… and how to turn them into useful beliefs that will help you succeed
- How to think about “life” in a way that makes you excited about achieving your goals and dreams
- How to “make your own luck” when it comes to OBE. There are things that “lucky” practitioners do to get out of body – and you can learn what they are
- Why some techniques work better than others when it comes to astral traveling, and the exact techniques I use personally to exit my body
- How to project a powerful, magnetic confidence to “ascended masters” by seeing them as “guests in your reality” as opposed to people whose approval you need
- A detailed explanation of the inner beliefs of master psychics who are ULTRA successful with astral projection, and how to cultivate these beliefs within yourself
- Specific guided self-image exercises to improve your self esteem and confidence with astral projection
- Why your “Reference Group” (or those you choose to surround yourself with) will largely determine your success… and how to use this secret to skyrocket your success with OBE
- Answers to the profound question: “How do you live happy life?”
- How to stop flipping your “fight or flight” switch in your mind which prevents you from getting out of body – and shut it down for good
- Specific techniques for directly accessing the deeper, evolutionary aspects of your brain in a way that makes you automatically begin having synchronicities and uncanny “coincidences”
- How to communicate to your UNCONSCIOUS that it’s safe and desirable for it to begin allowing you to have out of body experiences
- The magical powers that “gurus” and “masters” use to manifest their wishes on the astral plane… and how to harness the positive aspects of this power yourself without being abusive
- How skilled astral projectors think, feel, and experience the world, and why you need to “get” this in order to achieve the SAME results as they do
- Every single thing you do or think can either increase or decrease your chances of astral projection… learn how to turn this to your advantage and make the most of every thought, behavior, gesture, and situation
- Various astral plane types, how they work, and what to watch out for
- Specific guided exercises for clearing fear and anxiety… you can use these techniques in any situation to help you clear away uncontrollable anxiety
- Great places to practice astral projection… these are places where that unconsciously facilitate OBE (really!)
- Exit techniques that actually work
- A thorough explanation of mental rehearsal exercises and examples to help you plan your success with astral projection
- One of my favorites! How to make your dreams turn into astral projections automatically
- “Training wheels” for astral projecting… different types of props, tricks, etc. that will help start deepening your trance and taking it all the way through to exiting the body
- How to get out of body in any situation
- How to plan out your initial interactions on the astral plane so they go smoothly – without any “hiccups”
- How to use your physical body to change the chemistry of your brain in a way that induces the deepest trance you can enter
- How to ask an “ascended master” to help you – there’s a right way and a wrong way… I’ll show you the right way
- The best places to go while out of body… to have fun and not spend a lot of time traveling
- Exactly how to use contemporary science and pop culture to maximize your understanding of where you “fit in” to the big picture of existence
- How to make your subconscious mind work double-time toward helping you get out of body easily and quickly
- Why following “age old” astral projection advice is HORRIBLE and causes you to fail, and how to right the wrongs of these old school authors
- How to set up a direct line of communication between you and your “Higher Self” so it can feed you instructions for improvement (You’ll find your Higher Self is the best teacher you could ever have)
- The keys to making your astral excursions INTERESTING
- The “magical power” of being confident and bold with astral projection
- My favorite specific stories from my myriad travels and journeys
- How to make it natural for you to get into a routine of going out of body
- My personal secrets for exiting the body at a moment’s notice, day or night, 24/7
- The 6 things that instantly let your “Higher Self” know whether or not you’re ready to become a “frequent flyer”
- “The Wuss Cure”… and how to get yourself back on track if you feel like you’re starting to get nervous, and you sense that you’re about ruin an astral projection attempt
- Secrets for having an astral projection your very first try
- How to attract friends among the fairies and elf folk… and increase their participation in your life so they help YOU astral project
- How to use the “Astral Projection Test” to see if you’re ready to exit
- Examples of actual case studies and students I’ve helped master OBE
- How and when to end an astral journey (hint: If you screw this up, you may find you’re stuck out of body for a long time)
- How to smoothly fly up to the upper astral level, and get an angel to look after you and care about your personal evolutionary success
Get immediately download Robert Bruce – Astral Projection Mastery Course
A Special Bonus…
Guest Interviews-
Learn From The Masters
One of the most exciting things about this program was the opportunity to bring in some of the amazing MASTERS of astral projection I’ve been fortunate to meet over the last decade…
During the 35+ years I’ve been teaching this stuff, I’ve tracked down DOZENS of spiritual experts and coaches, psychics, scientists, psychologists, mystics, shamans, magicians, and people who are naturally successful with astral projection.
I’ve met more of these people than just about anybody… and I was fortunate to be able to hand pick the very best of them to join me in the making of this program.
You’re going to hear from some practitioners who are literally the best in the world with OBEs as they share the secrets they use to get out of body and astral travel more than any one human even should … along with some other amazing guests who will BLOW YOUR MIND.
You’ve heard me say over and over again that there’s no better way to learn than getting it from psychics who have figured it out for themselves. Well, now you can learn DIRECTLY from the best. And who better to interview them but me? You’ll hear me get the GOOD STUFF out of them… the secrets they don’t even share with their friends.
The first expert you’ll hear from is a friend of mine who knows more about the subject of how to use Future Lives and Past Lives for spiritual evolution than just about anyone I’ve ever met…
In this awesome hour-long presentation, you’ll learn how to use your mental intent and hypnosis to trigger powerful astral projections so you can travel to both the future and the past to view your other lives.
Of course you’ll also learn some KILLER tips on how to get on the “fast track” of your soul’s evolution… how to discover your spirit’s true purpose in this life… simple ways to tap into your “superconscious” mind for enlightenment… and a whole lot more…
Here’s a short preview of what you’ll learn from him:
- A “tiny” body posture mistake astral projectors make that makes it DIFFICULT to get out of body (You’d never think something so small would have such a BIG effect… but if you find your having trouble with your exits, THIS could be the reason)
- How to use your core beliefs about life to “trick yourself” into FEELING confident and powerful when you want to travel on the astral plane
- A simple change in the way you think that tells your Higher Self that YOU are ready for it to help YOU ascend spiritually…
- I know you’ve heard that humans “need” sleep… but did you know that human beings also need at least 4 hours of “day dreaming” every day AS WELL? Here’s a step-by-step formula for becoming one of those rare practitioners who use their “fantasies” to reprogram their subconscious to CAUSE OBEs automatically
- The Hermetic Law of “when the student is ready, the teacher appears” explained in fine detail… and why this course is a perfect example of this principle at work in your own life (And how to take CHARGE of your destiny, so you MAKE your teachers appear faster and more predictably)
- A simple trick to extend your lifespan… every single time you do this exercise you add minutes to the length of your life
- How to use “Internal Body Experiences” to trigger evolutionary growth… “IBEs” are a new and different way to meditate in trance
- How the “wheel of reincarnation” works… and how to get the hell off of it, so you can enter the Soul Plane and STAY there
- A complete and utter debunking of the “empty shell” body theory that ancient astral projectors used to falsely believe… this ALONE will revolutionize the way you think about OBE
A Busy Mom Who Went From
Zero To Hero With OBEs
Shows YOU How To Do The Same…
And if that’s not enough… I also was fortunate to get a friend of mine who has her own growing body of students to speak at this program.
This particular friend of mine is a professional working mother and housewife. After a busy day of handling the kids and her daily appointments, she heads off to her part-time job teaching English as a second language. Even though her day is booked solid, she STILL managed to overcome her obstacles and learn to successfully get out of body.
Now that she’s a full-time mother, part-time teacher, and regular astral projector, she teaches even the busiest spiritual practitioners how to make time in their hectic schedule for meditation and astral projection practice.
My friend has become fairly well-known herself and is quickly developing one of the most listened-to podcasts on OBE and spirituality.
Prepare to be blown away… this lady is the real deal.
Here’s a few more of the exciting things you’ll learn from her:
- How to use her version of the “rope technique” in a new and different way that practically MAKES you get out of body faster then ever before
- How to use your lucid dreams as a powerful “past life” healing tool… and resolve and eliminate any old “sticking points” in your psychology
- Powerful dream journal strategy that helps you track and analyze your progress so well that you’ll be excited to keep your journal
- How to give yourself a major “attitude adjustment” so that you can tackle your fears of astral projection at DESTROY them permanently
- Proven strategies to break through nervousness QUICKLY… from a gal who literally got nervous closing her eyes for meditation just a few years ago….
- The paradigm-changing concept that all of your past lives and futures lives are within your reach, and actually playing out right now. This one belief-change will enable you to access your “simultaneous existences” while astral traveling TEN TIMES more easily
- And That’s Just The Start…
The information inside this special bonus will increase your success with astral projection starting IMMEDIATELY.
Watch This Entire Program RIGHT NOW,
And Get Success With Astral Projection
– Guaranteed – Starting Immediately
Here’s the best part about my Astral Projection Mastery Program: You will be watching it INSTANTLY – as soon as you register. No waiting for it to arrive in the mail (like the old days), and no hassles.
As soon as you register, you’ll have full access to the program to stream in high-quality full-screen digital format.
In other words, you’re going to watch this program RIGHT NOW, and then take what you learn to start getting out of body, and having astral adventures immediately.
Here’s What You Get:
- Nearly 20 full hours of high resolution video training “on demand” for your immediate viewing online
- A detailed track listing for quick access
- Two accompanying binaural “trance tracks” and text guides
- You’ll get a free interview bonus from my Interviews With Spiritual Gurus interview series
- Opportunity to join our “Partners Program” to make money
What’s the price for an amazing program like this? Well, if you’ve been following my work, then you know I had originally marketed a live event under the name “Ultimate Astral Projection”… and I originally priced the program at $5,000.
I had to cancel the program after I started marketing it, because I got busy with another training program I was doing (on the topic of energy work and healing).
Now, I don’t like to complain, but it wasn’t fun canceling that program and refunding money (especially at $5,000.00 per person), but it had to be done.
Then, after working on the program for ANOTHER three months, I realized that I wanted this program to be my BEST ever on astral projection.
So, in order to make sure that as many people as possible can afford to make it, I’ve decided to price this program at what I consider to be a RIDICULOUSLY low level… of only $485.00.
Again, you get all the Astral Projection Mastery digitally-recorded videos, all the free bonuses, FREE UPDATES for life, plus the easy payment plan.
Read more:
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Here’s What You’ll Get in Astral Projection Mastery Course

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Course Requirement: Robert Bruce – Astral Projection Mastery Course
Real Value: $485.0000
One time cost: USD62.0000
Frequently Asked Questions For “Robert Bruce – Astral Projection Mastery Course”
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How to download “Robert Bruce – Astral Projection Mastery Course” ?
- Enjoy “Robert Bruce – Astral Projection Mastery Course” in your account page.
- Download only one file at a time. Sometimes doing all of the files at once will lead to them all freezing.
- Also, please do not attempt to download to a mobile device. These should be saved to a computer and then synced to devices such as phones and tablets.
- You can also learn online instead of downloading, but we encourage you to download for better results and viewing quality during your learn. Lastly, download times are much quicker in the mornings, before noon, Pacific time. during download make sure your device is not sleeping off screen.
What is the refund policy “Robert Bruce – Astral Projection Mastery Course”?
- We’ll Bear The Risk, You’ll Take The Results…
- Within 30 days of purchased |Robert Bruce – Astral Projection Mastery Course |, if you don’t get anything out of the program, or if your order has any problem, or maybe for some reason, you just don’t like the way it is. Please contact us and we will do our best to assist. Thank you for your understanding.
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Our support staff is the best by far! please do not hesitate to contact us at email: [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help!
You want to get “Robert Bruce – Astral Projection Mastery Course” now right?!!!