If you are a therapist who treats trauma, anxiety and even has little to no experience with these treatment approaches and you want to discover if these approaches are right for you and your clients, this recording is for you!
Learn the latest techniques from expert, author, & Executive Director of the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP) Robert Schwarz!
Energy Psychology (EP) Approaches, most commonly known as “tapping” on acupuncture points, have a rapidly growing base of research evidence and an even more rapidly growing list of followers, clinicians and clients. Research suggests that EP approaches may be twice as effective and work in half the time in treating PTSD in veterans. Discover skills to work with both the mind and body of clients who have experienced trauma, anxiety and a variety of other problems driven by negative affect and negative beliefs.
Known for his ability to pack workshops with tons of clinical skills and to help therapists integrate skills across different domains, Dr. Robert Schwarz is one of the country’s leading experts on Energy Psychology, especially for trauma and anxiety. This workshop will rapidly teach you the history, theory and research in the field and contains considerable experiential learning of different energy psychology methods — all within an integrated body mind approach.
Manual (3.29 MB) | 30 Pages | Available after Purchase |
Robert Schwarz, PsyD, DCEP has been a practicing psychologist for 29 years. He is a clinical member of AAMFT, an approved ASCH consultant in hypnosis; and he has been involved with Energy Psychology since 1995. He is diagnostically trained in Thought Field Therapy. He is a diplomat in Comprehensive Energy Psychology. He is the executive director of the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP) and was the chief architect of ACEP’s making it possible for psychologists to get CE credits for Energy Psychology training. Dr. Schwarz is the author of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: a clinician’s guide (1991); Tools for Transforming Trauma (2002), one of the first trauma books to describe Energy Psychology approaches, as well as We’re No Fun Anymore: Cultivating Joyful Marriages Through the Power of Play. He has organized the last 7 international conferences on Energy Psychology and taught workshops throughout the United States, Canada and Brazil.
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Robert Schwarz has an employment relationship with ACEP (Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology). He receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Non-financial: Robert Schwarz is a clinical member of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy.
Course Requirement: Robert Schwarz – Tapping into Energy Psychology Approaches for Trauma & Anxiety
Real Value: $219.99
One time cost: USD 59.99
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