Once time a day is enough.
Exercise Sets Reps
Barbell Bench Press 3x 15
Dumbbell Incline Bench Press 4x 10
Decline Hammer Strength Machine Press 3x 8
Pec Dec 3x 10
Push Up 3x 10
Exercise Sets Reps
Barbell Back Squat 3x 12
Machine Hack Squat 3x 10
Leg Press 4x 8
Leg Extension 3x 10
Leg Curl 3x 10
Calf Raise 4x 10
Exercise Sets Reps
Seated Shoulder Press 3x 15
Arnold Press 3x 10
Lateral Raise 3x 8
Upright Row 3x 6
Reverse Fly Machine 3x 10
Shrug 3x 10
Exercise Sets Reps
Deadlift 3x 10
Lat Pull Down 3x 10
Hammer Strength Row 4x 8
Cable Row 3x 10
Straight Arm Lat Pull Down 3x 12
Exercise Sets Reps
Barbell Bicep Curl 3x 10
Preacher Curl 3x 12
Incline Dumbbell Curl 3x 8
Dip 3x 8
Skullcrusher 3x 10
Rope Pressdown 3x 10
Upper Abs Workout
1 Dumbbell crunch
Reps 3×15 Rest 10sec
2 Tuck and crunch
Upper abs workout: Modified V-sit
Reps 3×15 Rest 10sec
3 Modified V-sit
Reps 3×12 Rest 10sec
4 Crunch
Reps 20 x4 60sec
Lower Abs Workout
1 Hanging leg raise
Lower abs workout: Hanging leg raise
Reps 3×10 Rest 10sec
2 Hanging knee raise twist
Lower abs workout: Hanging knee raise twist
Reps 3×12 each side Rest 10sec
3 Hanging knee raise
Lower abs workout: Hanging knee raise
Reps 3×15 Rest 10sec
4 Garhammer raise
Lower abs workout: Garhammer raise
Reps 3×20 Rest 90sec
Obliques And Core Workout
1 Decline plank with foot touch
Obliques and core workout: Decline plank with foot touch
Reps 3x 1 mim rest 10sec
2 Seated Russian twist
Obliques and core workout: Seated Russian twist
Reps 12 each side Rest 10sec
3 Bicycle crunches
Obliques and core workout: Bicycle
Reps 15 each side Rest 10sec
4 Plank
Obliques and core workout: Plank
Time Max Rest 90sec
This extremely powerful program is designed to get you the perfect body!!!
The main highlights of this program are:
– Perfect muscle body
– Perfect and dense muscles
– Low body fat
– Fat reduction up to 10%.
– Perfect muscular anabolism
– Symmetrical body
– Increase in the musculature of the entire body
– Muscle definition
– Symmetrical abdomen
– Extremely defined abdomen
– Defined muscle fibers
– Increased vascularity
– Motivation to workout
– Increased strength
– Increased physical energy
– Perfect metabolism
Extra: I added a frequency to block the excess fat accumulation in the cells
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