
Six Sigma Green Belt


Six Sigma Green Belt

Six Sigma Green Belt


Includes Subtitles in English



Downloadable resources in LSS Project Template & Full LSS Case Study with Solution

This Course will help you to prepare well and therefore succeed at IASSC and ASQ Exams. Here’s why:

Latest student testimonials:

David Marshall – ” I wanted to update this rating I already gave the course a five but I wanted to give it extra props for helping me pass the ASQ CSSGB exam today. I accidentally left one of my 2 notebooks at home when I took the exam so my only open book materials were the notes I took from this class and other than the in-depth DFSS questions it definitely helped me pass. Along with the applicability of the material to my job and daily activities the course was definitely worth the time and investment. Great course, great value!”

Naveen Kumar – “I just passed my IASSC Green Belt exam and I couldn’t have done it without the help of this course. I do not have a statistical background and yet, this course was immensely helpful to understand the basic concepts of Lean Six Sigma. Neil did a great job here. Appreciate it!”

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Kimi – “First of All, I passed the ASQ certified Green Belt exam several days ago. Here is a big appreciation to the Instructor. Regarding the course for passing the exam, it is a nice introduction to the Six Sigma in general.It gives you lots of concepts during the courses in a very understandable way.”

Joe Lance -“The course was very thorough. It was detailed, and challenging. The Instructor was very knowledgeable and professional. The supporting material was good, and I learned a lot. I will recommend this course to my friends, and I will return for Black Belt certification after I have time to incorporate the skills I learned in this course.”

Shashi Kumar Surthy – “Really good course and it gave me more confidence on how to apply tools to different project in an organization. I would recommendation this course to everyone who is looking to build their career in IT.”

Jeffrey-Peter Hauck – ‘This is a very comprehensive and informative course. Neil is very knowledgeable and is the perfect guide to take you through all sections toward your Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certification!”

Robert Heath Chambless – ‘I can understand the speaker and the speaker is very thorough in his opening explanation of Six Sigma. It mirrors some of the best books so they can be used as a reference. It is worth the money. I am more than satisfied with this course.”

Emil Wisekal – “This course presents a clear path to application of the Six Sigma tools. I like the format and the pace.”

Tyler Vargha – “I am learning so much from this course and enjoy the examples that are used.”


Lean Six Sigma Certification (Seis Sigma Certificación) is undoubtedly in demand. An average Lean Six Sigma Green Belt gets a pay check of $82,000 PA as per job portals such as indeed com. Google it and check out for yourself. So, your investment in this Course is more than just worth it!


This course can help you to prepare for certification exams of IASSC and CSSC.

In 2015, we rolled out the first ever successful Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Lean Six Sigma titled “Gain with the power of lean six sigma”, a 6 week course which had more than 1600 registrations across US, Europe, Africa & Asia-Pacific.

There are more than a dozen reasons to consider our Course:

Globally Recognized – We have over 5000+ associated trained and certified across geographies

Universal Lean Six Sigma Book of Knowledge – This course curriculum is designed by benchmarking BoK of ASQ, IASSC, CSSC etc. All that a green belt needs to know is comprehensively covered.

Lectures on Minitab – Detailed Lectures on how to perform various analysis in Minitab

Live Case Study based approach – This is the first course in this platform with Live Case Study for Green Belt Course called “ClearCalls Case” which will help you to understand how a problem is solved and Six Sigma project is executed step-by-step.

Free E-mail Guidance – You will have access by email to Canopus Master Black Belt for guidance and clarification.

Offline Hands-on Activities – There are over 20 hands-on offline activities from “ClearCalls” case that you will solve across different sections, one step at a time thus You’ll learn by doing.

Difficulty Level – Lectures in this course have been grouped as ‘Low’, ‘Medium’ and ‘High’ on difficulty level, thus enabling you to pay more attention & revise difficult lectures.

Application Knowledge – 90% of lectures in this course are designed for you to ‘Apply’, ‘Analyze’, ‘Evaluate’ & ‘Create’ as per Bloom’s taxonomy.

Free Proprietary Excel Templates – Over 20 proprietary templates are included in this course for your future use at free of cost.

Step-by-Step Instructions – For all tools, step-by-step instructions is included in templates for future use.

Downloadable Take-aways – Crisp downloadable takeaways for each section is included for your reference

Built-in DMAIC Structure – For ease, this entire course is structured under 5 different phases of Six Sigma – DMAIC.

Minitab Statistical Software- This course includes elaborate instructions to use Minitab including downloadable step-by-step screenshots and interpretation of results.

Quiz – 90 multiple choice questions included in 18 sections to test your knowledge.

Practice questions -19 Crossword puzzle questions on various six sigma topics included

Few lectures are available to preview and in case you have questions, feel free to do me a message on Udemy. Thanks…neil (Course Facilitator & Canopus Principal)

List of Lean Six Sigma (Lean Seis Sigma Certificación) Tools Covered

1: Introduction to Six Sigma I

Six Sigma & its Goals

Six Sigma as a Performance Measure, Problem Solving Tool, & Management Philosophy

Problem Solving Tools Used in Six Sigma & its Evolution

Variation and Significance

Critical-To-Quality Measures & Specification Limits

Definition & Understanding of Defects & Defect Opportunities

Source of Defects – Variation & Off-Centered

2: Introduction to Six Sigma II

Sigma Scores and Percentages

Defectives per Million & Defects per Million Opportunities

Relationship between Sigma Scores and DPMO and Percentages

Lean, Goals of Lean & Lean Six Sigma

Six Sigma Problem Solving Methodologies

Six Sigma Tool Kit & Business Process Management Model

3: Six Sigma Problem Solving

Business Problem and Six Sigma Project & its Sources

Generic Model & Approach to Business Problem Solving

Logic and Intuition, Just do It, DMAIC, & DFSS – IDOV

Selecting the Right Problem Solving Method

Need & Criteria for Project Selection

Project Selection tools – Pareto Diagram, & Project Selection Matrix

DMAIC Project Roadmap & Characteristics of Problem Solving

Project Tools, Tollgate Review & Project Durations

DFSS Project Roadmap

4: Six Sigma Roles & Responsibilities

Roles & Responsibilities

Yellow, Green, Black, & Master Black Belt

Champion / Process Owner & Deployment Champion

Certification Criteria to be a Yellow Belt, Green Belt, Black Belt & Master Black Belt

Career Chances: Six Sigma Professionals

Types of Certification & ASQ/IASSC Certification Criteria

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5: Listening to Customer

Customer – Internal & External

Voice of Customer (VOC) & Need for Voice of Customer

Verbatim & Verbatim to Requirements

Gather VOCs – Direct & Indirect Method

Methods of Gathering VOC & Analyze VOC

Definition & Procedure for Affinity Diagram

Customer Priorities & Kano Model

Customer Requirements – Must-Be’s, Delighters, One Dimensional

Quality Function Deployment

6: Define – Completing a Project Charter

Definition & Elements of Project Charter

Business Case & Problem Statement

Measure of Success of a Project

Primary and Secondary Metrics

Goal Statement

Team Members & Roles

Project Benefits, Translation Plan, & Project Duration Guidelines

Project Kick-off & Weekly Meetings

Need for Project Scoping, Project Scoping & Tools

Procedure to use In Frame / Out Frame

7: Define – Process Mapping Tools

Process Mapping Tools, its Purpose, & Types

Definition & Purpose of SIPOC, Cross-Functional Process Maps, Process Flowchart, Standard Operating Procedure

Procedure of SIPOC & Cross-Functional Process Map

Process States – As-is, Should-be & To-be

Value to customer & Definition & Purpose of Process Value Analysis

Value Added, Non Value Added & Value Enabling Activities

Important Terms & Procedure of Process Value Analysis

8: Measure – Cause & Effect Relationships

Definition of Cause & Effect

Types of Causes – Possible, Potential, & Root Causes

Cause & Effect Diagram

Structure, Purpose, Benefits & Procedure of Cause & Effect Diagram

Definition & Procedure for Performing 5 Why

Definition & Procedure to Construct a Cause & Effect Matrix

Definition of Root Cause Analysis

Definition & Procedure for Practical RCA

Definition of Graphical RCA

Definition of Analytical RCA

9: Measurement System Analysis

Accuracy, Resolution, Bias

Stability, Linearity

Precision, Repeatibility and Reproducibility

Discrete GRR

10: Measure – Data Types

Data Collection Roadmap

Types of Data – Attribute, Variable & Locational Data

Comparison & Conversion between Variable & Attribute Data

Types of Measurement Scales – Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, & Ratio Scale

11: Measure – Data Sampling

Definition, Need & Applications of Data Sampling

Sampling Strategy & Approach for Sampling Plan

Population & Process Sampling

Sample Size Computation & Need

Computing Discrete & Continuous Data Sample Size

12: Measure – Data Collection

Data Collection Roadmap

Data Collection Plan, Template

Data Collection Methods

13: Measure – Intro to Business Statistics

Definition of Probability Distribution, Types, & Importance

Measures of Central Tendency – Mean, Median, Mode

Relationship between Mean Median & Mode & Types of Distributions

Measures of Dispersion – Range, Span, Variance, Standard Deviation

Types of Descriptive Statistics – Graphical, Numerical

Definition, Application & Properties of a Normal Distribution & Outlier

Confidence Limits, Confidence Level & Confidence Intervals

Definition of Central Limit Theorem & its Application

14: Measure – Graphical Methods

Definition, Interpretation, & Procedure of Histogram

When to use a Graphical Summary

Definition, Interpretation, & Procedure of Box Plot

Skewness & Kurtosis

Normality Test & its Procedure

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Definition of Stem-and-Leaf Plot, Run Charts, Scatter Plots

Run Chart Patterns & Interpretation with Run table

Interpretation of Scatter Plots – Direction, Shape, & Strength of Relationship

15: Measure – Assessing Capability & Performance

Measures of Current Performance

Process Capability, Process Capability Study & Indices

Traditional Measures – Cp & Cpk & their Acceptable Limits

Sigma Capability, Computation of Sigma Scores & Z Tables

Traditional Measures & Sigma Capability

Impact of time of Process Capability

Long Term Vs Short Term & Long Term Indices

Relationship between Long & Short Term & Cpm

16: Analyze – Theory of Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis – Introduction

Need for Statistical Significance & Statistical Inference

Hypothesis Testing, Applications & Basics

Hypothesis Statements – Null & Alternative Hypothesis

Significance Levels, & Alpha Values

Tests of Significance – Statistical & Practical Significance

Test Statistic & P Value & Its Interpretation

Errors in Hypothesis Testing & Types of Errors

17: Analyze – Performing Hypothesis Test

Hypothesis Tests for Means, Variance, Proportions

Selection of Hypothesis Tests & Criteria for Selection

Z-Test, Z-statistic, & Assumptions

t-Test, t-Statistic, 1-t Test & 2-t Test, & Assumptions

Paired Data – Paired t-Test, Preparation & Procedure

ANOVA & F-test, Assumptions, Preparation & Procedure

Chi-square Test & Statistic, Assumptions, Preparation & Procedure

Proportions Test – 1-p Test & 2-p Test, Assumptions, Preparation & Procedure

18: Analyze – Correlation & Regression

Correlation, Regression, Scatter Plots, & Correlation Coefficient

Procedure of Simple Linear Correlation & Interpretation of Scatter Plots

Application of Regression & its Types

Regression Line of Fit, Regression Equation, & its Statistical Significance

R-SQ Value & Procedure of Simple Regression

Prioritization of Causes, & Pareto Principle

Definition & Procedure for Pareto Chart

Definition & Procedure of Control-Impact Matrix

19: Improve – Lean Management Systems

Definition, Origin, Principles & Goals of Lean

Value, Value Stream, Concept of Muda (Waste) & Categories of Waste

7 Types of Wastes, How to Identify them, & Waste Identification Template

Value Stream Mapping (VSM), Symbols, Benefits & Procedure

Push System, Pull System, Single Piece Flow, 5S, Kaizen, SMED, Poka-Yoke

Types of Poka-Yoke – Shut Down, Prevention, Warning, Instructions

Heijunka & Visual Control

20: Improve – Generating & Screening Solutions

Approach to Solution Generation, Definition, & Types of Lateral Thinking

Edward De Bono, Definition & Concept of Random Stimulus

Brainstorming – Unstructured, & Structured Brainstorming

Brainstorming Principles & Types

Solution Screening Techniques, Need, Approach, & Filtering Techniques

Definition of N/3 Voting & Procedure

Definition of Pay Off Matrix & Procedure

Definition of Criteria Based Matrix (CBM) & Procedure

Definition of Pugh Matrix & Procedure

21: Improve – Failure Mode Effects Analysis

Definition & Elements of Process Risk

Managing Six Sigma Process Risks

Tools Used in Risk Management, Definition & Approach to FMEA

Definition of Failure Modes, Effects, Cause, Current Controls

Prioritizing Risks, Definition of Risk Priority Number & Calculation

Definition of Severity & Severity Rating Scale

Definition of Occurrence & Occurrence Rating Scale

Definition of Detection & Detection Rating Scale

Risk Mitigation Strategies & Application of FMEA

Definition of DFMEA

22: Control – Control Plan

Process Control, Role of Process Control in 6 sigma projects & in Control Phase

Process Control Plan, Control Parameters, Method of Control

Reaction Plan & Procedure

Statistical Process Control (SPC), History, & its Application

Definition, Purpose, Selection & Interpretation of Control Charts

Control Limits, Normal Distribution, Specification Limits

Stability Tests & Guidelines for Stability Tests

Solutions Implementation & Statistical Validation of Improvements

Post-Improvement Capability Analysis, Project Documentation & Benefits

Project Closure & Translation Plan

Who this course is for:

Professionals from industries such as Information Technology, Banking & Financial Services, Manufacturing, Healthcare, Retail Distribution, & Education
Functional experts from Operations, Quality, Business Excellence, Customer Service, Finance, Engineering, Sales Operations & HR
Final year MBA/Engineering students who wish to differentiate themselves in Job Market

 Here’s What You’ll Get in Six Sigma Green Belt

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Course Requirement: Six Sigma Green Belt
Real Value: $129.9900
One time cost: USD42.0000

Frequently Asked Questions For “Six Sigma Green Belt”

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How long do I have access to the course?

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  • After enrolling, you have unlimited download to this |Six Sigma Green Belt|  for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own.

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  • Enjoy “Six Sigma Green Belt” in your account page.
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What is the refund policy “Six Sigma Green Belt”?

  • We’ll Bear The Risk, You’ll Take The Results…
  • Within 30 days of purchased |Six Sigma Green Belt  |, if you don’t get anything out of the program, or if your order has any problem, or maybe for some reason, you just don’t like the way it is. Please contact us and we will do our best to assist. Thank you for your understanding.

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