“Then we will fight in the shades…”
Spartans are infamous for their unwavering spirit, discipline and determination.
It is time to awaken The Spartan within you.
This product is for you if you are struggling with delaying gratification, keeping commitments and focusing on longterm objectives. It is for everyone who wants to put an end to distractions, excuses and low self-esteem and start conquering.
This program awakens the four Spartan spirits in a powerful, uncompromising surge inside you. These four spirits are:
The Spartan Spirit of Stoicism
The Spartan Spirit of Discipline
The Spartan Spirit of Architecture
The Spartan Spirit of Excellence
1. The Spartan Spirit of Stoicism
Until this day stoic attributes and qualities are rare and highly respected and sought after. Being resilient. Being focused. Being calm, when everyone around you panics. And, most importantly, being a still observer of raging thoughts and emotions. Still like the sea. This is the foundation upon which everything else is built. The still observer is superior to the raging victim of his own monkey-mind. Therefore, no storm in the world can break your calmness.
This is the Spartan Spirit of Stoicism.
2. The Spartan Spirit of Discipline
To do what needs to be done and neither leaving nor resting until it is done. Finishing the mission, no matter what it takes. Determined and committed, from beginning until end.
No matter how hard the task, no matter who the opponent, no matter the objective and no matter how long it takes. You do what needs to be done.
This is the Spartan Spirit of Discipline.
3. The Spartan Spirit of Architecture
Self-destruction has no home in the life of a Spartan. It is cast out, never to return-
A Spartan sacrifices short-term gratification for long-term and meaningful aims that are worth striving for. He is an example of a visionary, seeking to improve the quality of life for himself and for others by building the future. The Spartan is he who leaves a mark of meaning.
This is the Spartan Spirit of Architecture.
4. The Spartan Spirit of Excellence
Thriving for greater and greater expression of discipline, determination and non-attachment every single day. Like a burning desire it guides you to ways and shows you things about your life you know that need to be done. However, this is only the beginning.
You yourself will find ways to surprise yourself with your immense levels of discipline and dedication and build upon this to strengthen these qualities more and more and more to reach unimaginable heights and levels. Your life will never be the same again, because you will never be satisfied with mediocrity again. You will strive for excellence.
This is the Spartan Spirit of Excellence.
Surely you will agree that every single one of these qualities is worth striving for, since every single one of them has the potential to fundamentally change your life.
Now, ask yourself… what would happen if you combined all of these qualities and fully awakened The Spartan within you..?
Experience it first-hand today!
Course Requirement: Sovereign Subliminals – The Spartan – Epitome Of Resilience, Discipline And Perseverance – X2 Subliminal Program
Real Value: $35
One time cost: USD 12
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