Teal Swan – Ancestral Healing

Unlock the Power of Ancestral Healing: Rewrite Your Family’s Past, Reclaim Your Future
Heal Generational Wounds, Embrace Ancestral Wisdom, and Forge a Path to Personal Empowerment and Fulfillment
Discover the Magic of Your Existence
With An Exact Plan with Simple Step-By-Step Instructions
That You Can Begin Immediately
From the first lesson you will be taking a journey with amazing personal experiences. With guidance, you will learn what to do, how to do each step, and how to interpret your unique story.
When you discover the vital importance your ancestors play in your life, the unparalleled power of knowing who you truly are, supercharges you to take control of your life.
Imagine seeing yourself with a new perspective that is connected with who you truly are.
- Discover Unknown Characteristics and Talents
- Discover the source of irrational fears and hope to overcome them
- Recover from ancestral trauma
- Discover and integrate the gifts from your own roots
- Transform and Overcome the negatives and obstacles
- Tap into Your Strengths in a highly conscious way
- Celebrate the Positives of Your Ancestral Line
- Master your Ancestral Roots and Talents
- Uncover your true sense of Belonging with humanity
- Become energized and empowered by your current relationships
- Wake up each day with a fresh outlook and anticipation for the day
- Awaken to your true Authenticity
Guided Missions to explore your Ancestral Patterns & Culture
Easy-to-follow exercises with demonstrations from Teal’s team
Follow along the 60-day roadmap with a support group
Easy to access video lessons from any device
Able to re-work the course throughout the course of your lifetime
Feel connected to your ancestors in journeywork guided meditation
Identify familial patterns which both serve you and are a detriment to you
Pull up beliefs and behaviors by the root which are outdated and no longer a benefit
Re-own your culture in a conscious way through guided research and experiential exercises
Learn how to use the hand of cards you were dealt in this life in an empowered way
Discover what family means to you and put an end to the “shadow tribe” toxic version of family
Integrate childhood wounds and resolve past trauma which has had you by the leash all these years, becoming their authentic selves and live a life of real integrity rather than “false pre-determined destinies”
Understand where you have free will and where you’re not just doomed based on what you’ve inherited
Reclaim the positives within your family line, effectively healing, leveling up and re-claiming the positive spirit of the family
Find immense relief and put an end to deterministic patterns of suffering, even if you know nothing at this moment about your ancestors or family
Reclaim the positives within your family line; effectively healing, leveling up and re-claiming the positive spirit of the family.
Your Ancestral Healing Journey
Your journey will start with an amazing look at the magic of your own existence. You will discover your family tree lives within you.
You will learn how your ancestors are Influencing and Affecting Your Everyday Existence.
The Triumphs of Your Ancestors are Your Triumphs
The Traumas of Your Ancestors are Your Traumas
When you learn the triumphs of your ancestors this program will show you how to integrate these positives and tap into those strengths in a highly conscious way.
Teal shares stories from her own personal experiences researching ancestry, explains what ancestral trauma is, and how it gets passed down. She also touches on epigenetics, the truth about our DNA, and what it means to essentially ‘clear’ ancestral trauma.
The Comprehensive Ancestral Healing™ Program
consists of instructive videos and a workbook that explain the methods and concepts and gives you the actions to take each step of the way
Here is what you are going to learn:
Mission 1 – Do Parts Work with the Part of You that is in Resistance to Your Ancestry or to Ancestral Healing:
With Teal as your guide, you will first learn about resistance; what this challenge means and how resistance gets in the way of resolving trauma.
Discover how to stop defying your resistance or attempting to face this head on. Instead, see how to communicate with and learn the personal truths held by your resistance. Teal walks you through an exercise in parts work with strategic questions and the steps to take.
You will also experience a true case study with Tristen, a member of Teal’s team.
Mission 2 – Let the Research Begin:
Teal will show you all of the resources, places and ideas for learning more about your family line. You will see why getting as much knowledge as you can about your ancestors will be so valuable to you.
You will become a full blown ancestral detective by the end of this mission.
Mission 3 – Find External Examples:
Teal will help you connect the dots with two examples from your own ancestry. You will see how healing happens by using the examples, and how it will happen for you too.
Mission 4 – Pick a Direct Ancestral Trauma:
You learn to identify a ‘direct ancestral trauma’ and how you can use your free will to change the pattern of that trauma.
A complete demonstration of this exercise is included, so you can see exactly how to do this.
Mission 5 – Pick an Indirect Ancestral Trauma:
Now you will learn what and ‘indirect ancestral trauma’ is and how to identify yours. Then use Teal’s method to use your free will to decide what to consciously change with the pattern of that trauma. You will get clarity in how the healing will take place.
Mission 6 – Pick and Choose:
In this mission, you are going to learn about the people and/or culture(s) and/or places that you come from. Then you can decide what aspects you want to re-own, revive and embody and which ones you want to let go of and not perpetuate.
You will also look at the negative things you identified. Then see how to discover the hidden positives in those negatives in a process called exaltation.
Mission 7 – Ancestral Judgment Integration Work:
Teal reveals a process that helps you resolve the resistance inherent in the ancestral judgements you will have and how to practically create integration.
Mission 8 – Do an Ancestral Healing Journey in Meditation:
Discover how to interact with your ancestors in a non-physical way. Follow along to Teal’s voice through a guided journeywork meditation experience.
Mission 9 – Pick Another Ancestral Trauma and Consciously Bring About or Experience the Resolution to It:
Now that you have identified your ancestral traumas, you are going to pick a specific ancestral trauma and consciously create and experience the resolution. You are going to be the improvement for your ancestors and healing for you.
Mission 10 – Pick an Ancestral Karma to Resolve and Do Something Proactive to Resolve It:
See how karma in your family line can help you resolve, and move in a better direction.
Mission 11 – Pick an Ancestral Aptitude and Develop or Further Embody it:
In this mission, you will discover how ancestral healing is not just about changing negative choices and actions to healing the negative physical, emotional, behavioral, and mental experiences, traits and characteristics.
This journey is about embracing the positive as well. Aptitudes and talents are incredible gifts that are passed down to you. Learn how you can develop these aptitudes within you!
Mission 12 – Dissolve a Negative Ancestral Loyalty:
For this mission, you are going to make your hidden ties of loyalty to your family/ancestors conscious and visible. Teal will show you how to identify a pattern of negative ancestral loyalty; then, you are going to work to dissolve and replace that tie with a different and new way. See real examples as Tristen makes her way on her journey.
Mission 13 – Bring Forgiveness To and Let Go For your Family Line:
You will learn the flow of real forgiveness. See the path to a place of actual forgiveness and how this powerful act heals you.
Mission 14 – Reverse Your Rejection through Re-Ownership:
When you reject your family, you reject yourself; this creates an internal separation and suffering. This mission will help you to powerfully re-own aspects of your ancestral line and traits which you’ve rejected. Let’s see how Tristen has done this, and how you can too!
Mission 15 – Listen to The Music of Your People:
Music can affect you at a genetic level. Discover the music of your ancestors. Learn how to use the location, culture and time periods of your ancestry and their music. Discover how this contributes to your healing process. Witness Tristen going through this extraordinary experience.
Mission 16 – Eat the Food of Your People:
Your ancestors ate specific foods, which begs the old adage: “you are what you eat.” Teal describes how eating the food of your familial line may contribute to the healing process. Learn how diet connects you to your roots.
Last Mission – Go to Your Ancestral Land and Drink the Water:
If you have the means to travel, learn how returning to the place of your ancestors can help you come full circle. Going to the place where your ancestors lived, drinking the water, eating the foods, and grounding in the environment there enables you to experience the elements that forged you. You will create new and stronger connections.
Visiting your ancestral homeland and following the Ancestral Healing Program can bring amazing healing experiences and opportunities.
When You Learn About Yourself on an ‘Evolutionary Level’ You Can:
Overcome Fears: including pinpointing the source of irrational fears and eliminating them.
Discover Unknown Strengths and Talents
Understand and Overcome Family Relationship Estrangement
Feel a New Sense of Exactly How You DO Fit in the World
Your life might have begun at conception, but who you are, is made up of centuries of ancestors.
You are the Life Continuation of thousands of people: Your Ancestors
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