Plus you’ll explore how to tap into the transformational power of nature to gain clarity and personal insight, and reclaim a sense of wholeness in your life. Format File: 40 MP4, 39 MP3, 10 TXT File Size: 10.157 GB
The live event is over. However, we’ve sent you two recordings from this amazing series — for FREE! Check your inbox for details!
PLUS, here’s a Special Offer for you…
When you purchase this powerful package, receive INSTANT and lifetime access to:
Video Recordings of EVERY session in the 2021 Shamanic Wisdom Summit series — watch on any connected device
Audio Recordings of EVERY session in the 2021 Shamanic Wisdom Summit series — listen on any connected device
PDF Transcripts of each session — to refer back to, follow directions, take notes, highlight, and search for keywords
PLUS Your BONUS PACKAGE of 13 compelling audio and video recordings, including a popular course sampler from Shift faculty Sandra Ingerman (all together more than a $350.00 value in itself!)
Shamanism and “applied mysticism” can help you realign with the principles of interconnectedness and deep harmony in nature… find clarity as you journey into deeper realms for guidance… and supply you with renewed strength to be of service.
The esteemed teachers and healers featured in the Shamanic Wisdom Library 2021 guide you through a process of rediscovery, hearing the guidance of Spirit, and living an authentic, empowered life.
With this timely and salient collection of teachings, you’ll receive ample guidance in practical shamanism. Our speakers are offering you tools for everyday life — ways to cut through the confusion, complexity, and dissonance of our modern world — to become a clear, open-hearted warrior of love.
You’ll learn how to summon the spiritual allies, protectors, and guides who are ready to support you in rebirthing yourself and rediscovering your True North in this lifetime.
With this unique collection, you’ll glean wisdom from Peruvian shamanism, various lineages from the West African diaspora, Indigenous traditions from Turtle Island (the Americas), Europe, and many more.
Plus you’ll explore how to tap into the transformational power of nature to gain clarity and personal insight, and reclaim a sense of wholeness in your life.
What if, anytime you want, you could step into a higher dimension of consciousness, leaving behind the weight of human suffering? Much of our suffering can be traced back to separation from the natural world. And the doorway to this higher dimension — nature itself — is all around you every day. As you step through this doorway, you’ll discover deep shamanic mysteries not commonly taught. You’ll find your place of belonging on the Earth.
You’ll Receive:
Module 1: We are Nature Beings
Module 2: The Elements — A love Story
Module 3: The Intelligence of Nature
– Download Sample files “The Shift Network – Shamanic Wisdom Summit 2021 ”
Course Requirement: The Shift Network – Shamanic Wisdom Summit 2021
Real Value: $247
One time cost: USD74
Our support staff is the best by far! please do not hesitate to contact us at email: and we’ll be happy to help!
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