
Theurgy and high divine magic

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All this to  share with you not only  the fruit of long studies, but also of a long personal experience ,  with the happy and unhappy conclusions of such a journey.

Theurgy and high divine magic

Theurgy and high divine magic

Theurgy and high divine magic (French)

The Art of Communicating with the DIVINE

In the following lines, I will reveal the  whole truth about the divine magic  from Antiquity to the present day  by lifting the veil on the authentic or deceptive practices of most of the initiatory orders of yesterday and today .

You will then be introduced  to the highest knowledge of traditional theurgy  and  will be able to practice rituals of high divine magic  VERY SIMPLE , which really work  for once, and this, whatever the current of thought or the initiatory tradition which is yours.

Where are you with magic?

  • You seek to understand  the difference between magic and theurgy  ;
  • You are interested in divine magic but do not know  where to take the problem ;
  • You want to know  how to combine alchemy and magic ;
  • You have already practiced magic rituals but they have had  no significant effect on your spiritual life  ;
  • Conversely, your evocative practices have brought you a lot of problems  and you would like to understand why;
  • You have had enough of these so-called magic orders where the members quarrel non-stop, and  would like to practice theurgy all alone safely  ;
  • You are  afraid to practice certain rites  for fear of making mistakes;
  • The rituals currently existing seem too complicated or too folkloric, and you would like to  know if it is possible to simplify everything  ;
  • You think that  high magic is a divine science  that goes beyond the powers of simple prayer.

Do not despair ! There is a completely positive, simple and truly divine high magic , the practice of which will only  bring you happy  spiritual benefits . You will immediately discover  advanced and unpublished initiatory knowledge  (unknown to current initiation orders) which will allow you to  become in a short time an accomplished mage and theurgist , without having to read thousands of indigestible pages on the Hebrew Kabbalah or neoplatonic philosophy.

An experience that goes back a long way …

I read my first book of high magic at the age of 15. It was   Papus’ Basic Treatise on Practical Magic . Suffice to say that I did not understand much at the time. I was more attracted by the marvelous side of the subject than by its initiatory aspect of which I ignored everything…

During the next few years,  I practiced all kinds of magic within the framework of foreign traditions , but never really found in it what I was looking for , which is  divine enlightenment .

By later rediscovering the Western magic tradition,  I experienced most of the grimoires and other clavicles available ,  but their dusty content and in total offset with our time , made my progress difficult, and often discouraged me.

I also tried for a few years more modern methods and  programs like that of Franz Bardon , but without much success for specific reasons…

I then encountered initiatory orders and masters  who supposedly held the keys to real magic, and received from them multiple initiations. But the instability of these magico-hermetic organizations  and the bellicose or unhealthy atmosphere which reigned there, showed me there again, that  the real keys to theurgy were elsewhere ….

A well-kept hiding place…

Like you maybe,  99% of people interested in divine magic are looking in the wrong direction . We mistakenly think that the books that deal with magic are the ones that speak about it best. It’s wrong. Most of the time, they are  synthetic products, the  result of authors who have copied each other  over the centuries, and have rarely had real expertise on the subject.

It is the same in initiatory orders. We promise to transmit you ultra secret and effective rites , which you will of course practice diligently, without sometimes realizing that  the benefit of your efforts is directed in a direction which will make  you cold in the back  when I have finished educating yourself …

As I have thought for many years, do you too believe that it is enough to trace Kabbalistic signs on the ground, to light a few candles and to recite strange formulas by brandishing your wand very high, to bring up the entities of the spiritual world? It is an infantile vision of magic which has absolutely  nothing to do with the high wisdom of the old mages of antiquity .

When I had finished believing in these nonsense and especially finished going around all this esoteric-magic clutter,  I made an incredible discovery  and found an answer where I did not expect to find it.

Men of God!

Indeed,  we had just forgotten to tell me something masterfully important  and yet very simple.

Do you agree with me that by definition  divine magic necessarily concerns the men of God  ?  Well, in the West,  who are these men of God if not simply monks and religious?

Here is the glaring evidence that escapes all sincere researchers!

It is absolutely not in any magico-mystical orders or in the dozens of books of magic popularized by the apostles of the new age, that the true keys of theurgy are found.

No,  the real mysteries of the highest divine magic  are to be found in the libraries of monasteries  and, by extension, in certain library departments where one never goes …

Indeed, however surprising it may seem, it is the religious who have gone the furthest in the practice of divine magic. Finally, some religious more precisely…

Rest assured,  I will not ask you to read the thousands of pages  of Platonic philosophy, Hebrew Kabbalah or hermetic mysticism, I did it for you and I can tell you right now that i have much better to offer you …

Off the beaten track

But before that, let me say a few words about what this personal revolution brought about in the course of my own magical evolution:

  • As had already been the case in alchemy,  I was able to find the real theoretical and practical foundations of high magic.  And believe me,  it has nothing to do with what is taught in the magical orders of yesterday and today. This deficiency also explains the chronic instability and the lack of seriousness that has always characterized initiation organizations.
  • You certainly know this if you have already read works of ceremonial magic,  the rituals offered are often very complicated and require a great deal of material means to be implemented . They also have this obsolete side which blocks many researchers. Faced with these difficulties,  I discovered how to make it simple, much simpler…
  • We hear a lot of contradictory things  about the dangers of magic practice . Most are naive, unfounded, or downright stupid opinions. 20 years of practicing spiritual therapy have allowed me to build the necessary bridges and draw up  a true map of the psychological challenges raised by the practice of high magic .
  • Regular experimentation with the true theurgy of the Ancients allowed me to see exactly  what are the advantages and the limits of magic systems such as those of the Golden, Dawn, Aurum Solis, Martinism  or various hermetic structures known and less known.
  • I also understood  what is hidden behind most of the peddling grimoires  that everyone knows and that very few pseudo-specialists really understand.
  • The frequentation of the various angelic hierarchies provided me with  rather unexpected information on the world of spirits , eons and planetary geniuses. There too,  big surprises awaited me at the turn …
  • One of the most important benefits was to achieve  a perfect junction between alchemy, gnosis and magic , something that is almost  impossible to find at present in the initiatory orders , for the good reason that ‘they do not have these mysteries reserved, even when they arrogate very old hermetic traditions…
  • In a constant concern for simplification and efficiency, it was possible for me to experiment  completely new  and exceptional magic invocation techniques ,  which involve certain meta-technical applications, some of which are absolutely unknown to the public.
  • I understood that the real purpose of theurgy has nothing to do with acquiring supernatural powers or having conversation with an alleged guardian angel. The ecstasies of the mage are something much deeper and more subtle , yes much more…
  • Finally, a great moment of relief was that of discovering that it is possible – and desirable – to  perform one’s own rites  on the basis of a few universal principles.

A total renewal of the magic arts

Because of the wear of time and the progressive invasion of pseudo oriental spiritualities,  it had become urgent to bring  a real breath of fresh air on the magic discipline , for all those who are still looking for spiritual answers in this art endangered.

To start with  a complete dusting  of the old ancient theories , until now accessible only to a few rare scholars and enthusiasts, having enough time and patience to read the innumerable indigestible old-fashioned on the subject. I did this job for you , helped by a few committed friends, and offers it here in its greatest nudity and simplicity.

It was also crucial to  redefine the entirety of magic practices in modern language , in order to move from a narrow and low-end vision of magic, with its popular and coarse folklore, to the most sublime vision of authentic theurgical rites. Those who allow  the acquisition of high spiritual knowledge and unchanging wisdom .

A sacred number of ideas received on magic will be shaken up in this training , in particular in unexpected fields such as the Egyptian tradition for example.

A modern theurgy made for people today

Everything we have about theurgy dates back to the end of the 17th century. Was it not urgent to revisit certain ceremonial practices, to review and correct them from top to bottom, in  order to  allow the hatching of a new creativity in the modern researcher , hitherto stuck in the faded proposals of bygone eras?

Thanks to the knowledge that I share with you in this training, you will really be able to  benefit from the powerful spiritual contributions of theurgy ,

  • without danger ,
  • without technical difficulty  or particular aptitude,
  • without the mounds of accessories  that clutter mages in general,
  • without private temple  or room reserved for operations,
  • without spending all his time,  evenings or weekends there.

Does that seem completely out of place? It’s quite fair ! This training calls into question so many things  that it will paradoxically take you a little time to manage its simplicity.

Does this seem totally eccentric and non-traditional? Wait a while to consult the content of the 10 new notebooks of this course, and you will see that  the metaphysical data of ancient theurgy are fully present there . Of course,  in a form so rid of the heaviness of style of the old philosophers , that you will have  the impression of discovering a new occult science that will enchant you .

Training in 10 notebooks in PDF format

I regularly receive many questions on the subject of high magic and  many of you have asked for this new training  for a long time. This also has its place in the initiatory context of the Western tradition since  high magic, as we know, is one of the three science-masters of hermeticism .

As I had done for alchemy and gnosis,  I therefore had to travel about 5000 years of history and ancient philosophy , and also make a little trip back that brought me back to my adolescence. magic, some 30 years ago now.

All this to  share with you not only  the fruit of long studies, but also of a long personal experience ,  with the happy and unhappy conclusions of such a journey.

Thanks to this important synthesis and to the educational concision of the course materials in the form of 10 notebooks,  you will save colossal time , which nowadays is a real luxury.

Whatever your level of study and practice of the magic arts , you will discover another universe of ritual metaphysics , entirely purified from the vulgar inclinations of low-magic, and  rid of the heaviness of ancestral rites  which, it is necessary to say, are completely unsuitable for our current mode of understanding.

  • No more understanding  what you’re doing,
  • no more feeling like an  encostumed clown waving his wand stupidly,
  • no more being afraid  of making mistakes in incomplete rituals,
  • finished exhausting himself  in exhausting psychic training,
  • no more having to follow the inaudible  and sometimes sordid instructions of the magical orders that intend to instruct you,
  • finished being lost  in the jungle of magic rituals,
  • no more clearly knowing  how to include theurgy in your alchemical operations.

A 10-step action plan

– Book 1  : In this book, we will review  all of the types of magic  that have been studied and practiced from the dawn of time to the present day . In addition to understanding the difference that characterizes them and sometimes opposes them, you will discover that many of these systems are not frankly authentic. Among them are imaginary adaptations from the degeneration of old ancient theurgic knowledge. We will therefore explain what white, black, ethnic, countryside, mythical, druidic, shamanic, ceremonial, kabbalistic, Egyptian, Enochian, Goetic, counter-initiatory, etc. magic are.

–  Book 2  : This second book will allow us to define exactly  what is the meaning of the word “magic” in the purely hermetic tradition . This is one of the fundamental prerequisites through which the study of theurgy takes on consistent and serious relief. The information in this booklet is  a link with the teachings of traditional alchemy  already taught at CFIO. We can clearly understand the true meaning of the deification of man by magic rites . And above all, it explains what deeply separates the hermetic initiation from classical Christian mysticism.

– Book 3  : We will study in this book  the history of theurgy from Antiquity to the Middle Ages . This will help us to understand on what basis Western high magic was built from its beginnings. It is in particular in this notebook that a big effort of synthesis and simplification took place, since there is question of ancient philosophy there. For once, let us bet that  this section will be studied with joy and excitement since I gave it a form of investigation with episodes,  with its inescapable batch of small succulent anecdotes , and also some major doctrinal surprises, in particular as regards the alleged Egyptian origin of esoteric knowledge of the West …

– Book 4  :  This fourth book is a bit explosive  and I will surely make friends again! We will find the continuation of  the history of western magic from the Middle Ages to the present day , and always in this same narrative style which will facilitate learning. We will study the great figures of magic like Cornelius Agrippa, John Dee, Eliphas Levy, Papus, etc. And it is also in this volume that  I will share with you my personal experiences and conclusions on the small world of contemporary magic . With some updates and internal revelations on subjects like  the Golden Dawn, Aurum Solis, Franz Bardon,  Light on the Kingdom or the Egyptian theurgic orders …

– Book 5  : In this book will be studied and explained  the main concrete operations of high magic . Again,  a large dusting  will have sorted the good wheat from the chaff. This will allow students to discover  the true meaning of certain terms commonly used but poorly understood , such as ablutions, evocations and invocations, executions, consecrations and conjurations, sacred calculations, talismania etc. We will then be able to take stock of the different gestures that populate the rituals of high magic and that most of the authors impose on us as absolute necessities. Through these analyzes, the student will discover new occult knowledge that you never find in books . For example about demonic possession and exorcisms …

– Book 6  :  The true nature of spirits, angels and geniuses of high magic  will be the exclusive subject of this sixth book. The ideas that these terms should convey today have been completely distorted by the grimoires of peddling and religious superstition. We will review everything from top to bottom and  understand at the end, the exact nature of these entities  that the mage tries to contact during his rituals . It is also in this context that the student is likely to have big cold sweats , because the definition of these hierarchies of spirits for the Ancients is radically opposed to all that one believes to know in general on the subject… So we will see in fullwho or what is likely to have to do with the magus in his theurgic operations .

– Book 7  : This seventh book will deal  with the great psychological and initiation challenges of the magic practice . It is in this volume that  I have shared the maximum of personal experiences in  order to help students prepare for the possible metaphysical dangers that await them . It would be hard to find a collection of spiritual advice as complete and sincere as this notebook in the magical orders of yesterday and today. Reserved in general for oral instruction,  this information will be very precious for all courageous researchers who will want to indulge in advanced operativities of theurgy.. On the program, the psychological types to watch, the problem of egregores, magical powers, ego, etc.

– Book 8  : After having received the essential preparatory lessons, the students will learn point by point  how the real theurgy works, its gestures, its decorum and its tools.  And especially how this new knowledge will allow you to consider being  able to build your own magic system and your own personal rituals  in accordance with your sensitivity . This will be an opportunity to explain the usefulness and function of the ritual as well as its  adaptation for alchemical purposes. We will study the problem of incantations and names of power, as well as the exaggerated influence of the weapons and tools advocated in most magical systems. We will talk about the place of theurgic operations with some salutary points. Finally, we will explore  the extent of supernatural manifestations that we have the right to expect  or not from our invocation and evocation operations.

– Book 9  : This ninth book is largely devoted to the study of the grimoire of Armadel , a work of high divine magic well known, of  which we will fully reveal the reading key for the first time.  The analysis of the work will therefore provide us with many surprises which will open up  to completely unexpected theurgic work proposals . After demonstrating that the work of Armadel is one of the great jewels of hermetic and Gnostic literature,  we will study  the magic of seals  in an entirely new way . It will be an opportunity to offer  other revelations on operations of magic invocations very little known  and practiced at all times and in secret in circles of clergymen initiated into the occult sciences … We will end this notebook by the study of an internal alchemy document resulting of the Golden Dawn,  the Z2 .

– Book 10  : The last book of this training is devoted to  the theurgy of the future . It identifies tools belonging to what is called  technology of the gods, which uses  magic amplification devices  based on waveforms, crystals or light-rhythmic applications , the use of which conventional finds to fit perfectly well into a new operating protocol. Students will also discover  the energy of  monadic waves  which will help them understand  how mirrors of apparitions and other manifestation triangles work. Finally, we will find out meta-technical perspectives of contact with the beyond using modern audio-visual equipment…

This is what you will get in John Grinder & Judith Delozier – Prerequisites To Personal Genius

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