
Tim Kelley – Change Agents Intensive


Tim Kelley – Change Agents Intensive

Tim Kelley – Change Agents Intensive

Learn how to manifest your purpose in a powerful way and sustain inspired action as you master the skills for being an effective change agent and deepen your ability to use higher guidance and overcome inner obstacles.

Receive mentoring to create financial stability, enroll enthusiastic allies and transform systems — so you create the impact, success and fulfillment you are meant to have.

Have you done years of work on yourself so that you can truly serve, heal, transform and bless others, but you still don’t know exactly what your role is in co-creating the new paradigm?

Or are you struggling to discover how to manifest your purpose in an effective and financially sustainable way?

If the answer is “yes” to either of these and you feel committed to living your higher purpose and creating powerful shifts in our world, then you are in the right place.

Many change agents still don’t feel quite prepared to participate actively in manifesting their missions. Some of this comes from internal fears and limiting beliefs, but some of it is justified!

Here’s what could be holding you back from making your biggest contribution:

  • You may not believe you can earn a living fulfilling your higher purpose, or perhaps you are already trying unsuccessfully to do so and you don’t know what to do differently.
  • You may be having far less impact than your higher guidance tells you that you should be having, and are becoming increasingly discouraged.

If you don’t want to stay stuck, it’s time for you to make the shift from mainly being a “seeker” — where all of your attention is on your inner work — to the “action” mode of a real change agent, where you are making money creating real change.

Many programs focus exclusively on either internal or external work, but The Change Agents Intensive Video Course, filled durning a live retreat, will help you marry deep inner work with masterful outer skills in a uniquely powerful way — so you can put all that work you’ve done on yourself into concrete, high-impact action.

The Times Are Calling for You to Step Up

We have been born into a time in which life as we know it is going through remarkably rapid changes — with the future of humanity hanging on the outcome.

Millions of people have committed to upgrading our civilization to one that is healthy, sustainable, peaceful and prosperous. And YOU are one of us.

You know it in your heart. You feel it in your soul. You have a zing of recognition in your mind when the truth of that is spoken.

And this recognition makes you a change agent.

However, being a change agent is not necessarily easy. We have millennia of outdated conditioning to outgrow, cultural forces to overcome, and livelihoods to earn.

When you are able to come into total alignment with your higher purpose — AND take powerful, inspired action in the world based on that purpose — an amazing feeling of “yes!” moves through your whole being.

You start to give yourself fully to the world with nothing held back. Your powerful love, greatest gifts and grandest visions all begin to express and manifest. The world responds positively to the risks you take — reinforcing that you are on the right path.

You are, at last, doing what you came here to do. And that is absolutely thrilling.

But the path doesn’t end there. To sustain effective action on your purpose requires constant attunement and adjustments. You need a new skillset to navigate dicey situations in the world. You need to find the right allies, income sources and other resources.

At the core, you need to learn and master essential skills for:

  • Manifesting your purpose in an effective, powerful way
  • Creating a means to meet your financial needs while you change the world
  • Enrolling and influencing others in your mission
  • Transforming systems without creating polarization and powerful enemies

As you continue on the path and marry your highest vision with effective organization, great networking AND strong revenue-generating strategies, then you REALLY begin to manifest your highest purpose in a way that creates deep and lasting change — as well as your “dream” life.

If you are called to be a spiritually-based, practically-grounded change agent, then there is no better place for you to hone your skills and gain the necessary tools to do your work in divine alignment than through The Change Agents Intensive Video course with Tim Kelley.

Tim only spends part of his time teaching workshops and online teleseminars. Tim Kelley also consults large companies — teaching them how to become new paradigm organizations and use their influence to create a better world.

And Tim Kelley is currently running projects to find the higher purpose of Israel and Colombia. Much more than a spiritual teacher, Tim Kelley is an active and effective global change agent himself.

Quite simply, Tim Kelley is a master at helping you open to your true purpose, access higher guidance, harmonize your psyche, and transform what you’ve experienced as inner obstacles into allies on the path.

With remarkably innovative and time-tested methods, Tim Kelley will show you how to find the expression of your purpose as a change agent that will truly support you in accomplishing your goals, while also meeting your fundamental needs.

With laser-like precision, he illuminates how to walk a path that brings forth all of who you are into effective, courageous action that results in real change — and builds you a livelihood as a change agent.

Stabilizing Your Higher Guidance and Going Beyond…

The most important foundation for becoming an empowered change agent is being able to connect with your higher guidance. Once it is fully open and stable, you have access to remarkable wisdom — all for free. It’s like having a GPS for your life path, providing a clear sense of direction amidst all the competing agendas and opportunities that come your way.

With an open channel to your personal guidance, you develop crystal clarity about your truest, most powerful contribution — and know exactly what steps to take, as well as when and how to take them. If you don’t currently have this open channel supporting you each day, Tim Kelley can help you go to the next level, which is an essential piece to being an effective change agent.

However, as you take this guidance and put it into action, a new set of challenges arises — everything from marketing your work to navigating complex relationships to financing your mission.

The principles of higher guidance AND voice dialogue practices then combine with practical business skills to shift you from someone who is only working on yourself to someone who is working FOR the world.

This is when you become a truly advanced spiritual practitioner, one with your feet firmly on the ground, comfortable in your inner landscape and the outer world.

Ongoing support and practice is essential to live at this advanced level — and it IS possible for YOU. The better able you are to overcome the blocks you encounter, the greater your impact and fulfillment will grow.

In The Change Agents Intensive Video course, Tim Kelley will help you hone this ability until it becomes second nature.

The following are some common examples of the skills you will utilize, again and again, at this advanced level. You’ll need to know how to:

  • Handle power, leadership and influence — Many change agents perceive power as being something outside of themselves, something held by leaders, companies, governments and other systems. They frequently have negative associations with words like “power” and “authority.” This manifests as blaming those whom they perceive as having power, rather than using power effectively to manifest change. When you clean up your relationship to power, you learn to use it effectively to create a new world!
  • Get money and resources — Few issues are thornier for change agents than money. Earning a living doing something truly new can be difficult, especially when the old ways of selling and marketing don’t apply to you anymore. This natural challenge is greatly exacerbated by the negative associations many spiritual seekers have with money and the desire for money. Learn to overcome both the internal and external challenges that prevent you from earning a good living enacting your purpose.
  • Turn your purpose into an enterprise — What is the right structure for your change-the-world business? What sources of funding are available to you? If you want to grow your influence and impact, there are many paths to choose from. Many change agents never grow beyond a single-person, solopreneur business. Learn how to give your purpose the structure and resources it needs to thrive and support you!
  • Transform systems — If you’re serious about creating change, this means transforming companies, communities and other collective structures. Railing against a system is a very ineffective approach. (Unfortunately, much of activism takes this form.) Learn the influence points and methods that can give you the means to create systems change!

Many challenges will arise as you move forward on your path, however, they can be resolved when you have mastered the right tools and principles. With these newfound skills, you can utilize your open connection to higher guidance to be move forward on your greatest path with confidence and momentum.

In The Change Agents Intensive Video course, filmed during Tim’s most recent live retreat, he will show you how to take all the above abilities to a new level.

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The Importance of a Master Guide

Deepening your mastery of the step-by-step approach is essential, and Tim Kelley is a master guide. Tim Kelley has developed a reputation as one of the world’s most cutting-edge and sought-after teachers for people who are making powerful changes in the world.

Tim Kelley methods have been used successfully by CEOs of multinational corporations, political leaders, billionaires and transformational change agents alike. Tim’s work is so trusted that he’s been called on by prominent government ministers to help them use higher guidance for governing entire countries, creating international treaties and settling national disputes.

Drawing from a background in high tech and mathematics, he’s created a precise, innovative and structured approach that helps you tap into your higher guidance every day, and work with the many aspects of your personality that can get in the way of enacting that guidance. This work has transformed thousands of people’s lives.

You may already be familiar with the basic methodologies Tim Kelley uses for inner work, but there are always greater obstacles to overcome and greater depths to reach. Plus, Tim Kelley will be guiding you in how to overcome the outer challenges of effectively living your purpose — diving into money, power and the transformation of groups and societal systems.

So, if you would like to move through the world with your guidance always available, illuminating your next steps — AND have the skills to overcome the challenges that arise as you grow in your impact, success and fulfillment — this video program was created for serious change agents like YOU!

This video program, filmed during a highly experiential 5-day retreat, will activate every level of your body, mind and soul. You will be guided through an enlightening journey that will help you awaken to a full-spectrum life in service to the larger changes of our day.

With each session, Tim Kelley will offer his most profound insights and practical guidance to help you express your soul’s greatest gifts in response to humanity’s deepest needs.

You’ll come away from this experience with a roadmap for how you can live your most fulfilling life and make your greatest contributions to these awakening times.

Change Agents Intensive builds upon the core practices taught in the introductory Higher Guidance Training and Creating from Higher Guidance advanced trainings, as well as Tim’sInner Harmony Process — but takes the work to the next level of depth and concrete impact in your life.

The end result is a far more powerful version of yourself: aligned, clear, excited, impactful, and ready to take on bolder tasks and more inspired leadership.

Through this work, you will become someone that others trust, follow, partner with, and pay well to enact your important work — that also makes the world a much better place.

As a result of this video program, you’ll:

  • Move from working on yourself to being in “inspired action” in the world.
  • Learn to pioneer a new pattern of possibility.
  • Deepen your connection to higher guidance so it’s a constant support on your path.
  • Use higher guidance to create your lifework — whether that is a business, a spiritual community, a political movement, a healing practice or playing your evolutionary role within a larger system.
  • Gain the power to “move mountains.”
  • Know how to make an excellent livelihood enacting your purpose.
  • Understand exactly which steps to take, as well as when and how to take them.
  • Heal your issues with power that may block your most powerful impact.
  • Learn the secrets to working with groups and institutions so you can be as effective as possible.
  • Rest easy knowing that you have a clear roadmap for making a powerful contribution — one our children and future generations can be proud of.

These videos are a rare opportunity to infuse virtually every area of your life with the gifts of greater guidance, clarity and success.

What you will learn during The Change Agents Intensive Video Course:

Module 1: Power & Influence

Many change agents unintentionally adopt an internal stance that robs them of their ability to effect change. In fact, limiting beliefs about wielding power are among the biggest obstacles that change agents face!

In this first, four-part module, you’ll identify your internal blocks to gathering and using the power you need to change the world, and learn how successful change agents use power in effective, high-integrity ways.

Part 1: Getting Permission to Transform
Part 2: The Four Paths
Part 3: Exercising Power and Authority
Part 4: Healing Your Core Wound

In this module you will learn:

  • How to have a healthy relationship to power
  • How to exercise power in the world and be effective
  • How to to have the impact you want to have through your work

(Tip: Try saying “I wield great power” out loud. If any part of you has a negative reaction, you know you need this one! Good luck changing the world without any power….)

Module 2: Money, Self-esteem & Self-promotion

Positioning and selling yourself as an agent of change or a messenger can be a tricky thing. Many of the traditional labels that people use to gain credibility may not apply to you, and the labels that do apply may not reflect who you want to be. Explaining who you are and why you are qualified to create change usually brings up all of your unresolved self-esteem issues. This effect is most pronounced when it comes to setting your fees and asking for money from clients and donors!

You may have some material to clean up around money and self-esteem before you can earn a living changing the world and manifesting your purpose. (Traditional positive and negative reactions to money are traps for change agents.) In this second module, in addition to exploring the internal issues around this, you will also craft a bio that presents you in light of the difference you are here to make!

Part 1: Presenting Yourself When It Matters
Part 2: Resolving Your Issues with Money
Part 3: What Should I Charge?

In this module you will:

  • Deepen your understanding and awareness of your relationship to money
  • Learn to identify your limiting beliefs about money
  • Recognize and address limits you have around charging for your services
  • Recognize how those limits interfere with having the impact you desire in the world.

Module 3: Structuring & Funding Your Change-the-World Project

Most change agents never get beyond a single-person company (if they get that far). As business evolves toward the new paradigm, there is a growing set of options available to you to structure and fund the organization that will be the instrument of your purpose.

In this section, you’ll learn about these different structures and how you can use them to set up the perfect system for changing the world. Also, we will learn about different ways of raising funds from political and public benefit strategist Rich Tafel, who advises companies, nonprofits and government leaders on leadership and funding.

Part 1: Getting Funding
Part 2: Getting Funding (part 2)
Part 3: Marketing Your Purpose
Part 4: Marketing Your Purpose (part 2)
Part 5: Structuring Your Purposeful Business
Part 6: Structuring Your Purposeful Business (part 3)

In this module you will learn:

  • How to get funding, grants
  • About solution and wound-based marketing
  • About Purposeful Marketing and how to create marketing that touches the hearts, needs and aches of the people you intend to serve.

Module 4: Transforming Systems

Though working with clients one-on-one can be fulfilling, it can be limiting, both in terms of impact and finances. Making global change requires that you impact organizations and systems — not just individuals. Also, consulting to organizations can generate much more money for your life and your change efforts than coaching, speaking and leading workshops.

In this Module, you’ll learn how skilled change agents engage organizations and larger systems to create transformation. We’ll also explore how power and leadership will work in a post-hierarchical world… which is extremely cool!

Part 1: Effective Collaboration
Part 2: Effective Collaboration (Part 2)
Part 3: Effective Collaboration (Part 3)
Part 4: Effective Collaboration (Part 4)
Part 5: Change Agent Types and Maximizing Your Impact

In this module you will:

  • experience a mini workshop on the Collaborative Operating System
  • learn how to align stakeholders to get unanimous agreement on creating change
  • get a window into the world of effective collaboration
  • learn about creating win win solutions to maximize your impact in the world

Module 5: Taking Your Purpose to the World

This module will open up many options and doors for you. In order for it to be more than an inspiring memory, you will need to construct a plan for moving forward. Precisely which of the things you’ve learned will you implement, and how? What internal work do you still need to do before engaging in inspired action in the world? You know you are called… How will you answer?

In this module you will:

  • participate in a Change Agents Intensive concluding ritual
  • complete your Manifestation plan
  • create your own inner and outer To Do lists to move you forward

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About Tim Kelley

Tim Kelley is a global change agent and internationally-renowned expert on higher purpose. Tim Kelley works with top leaders in many fields and countries to transform human institutions and evolve society to its new form. Tim’s methodology, True Purpose, has been featured internationally in magazines, newspapers and on television. Tim Kelley has trained over 1000 consultants, therapists and coaches in his methods. Tim Kelley has worked with hundreds of CEOs, including top leaders and executive teams from such companies as Nabisco, ING, Oracle, Lexmark and AOL. Tim Kelley formerly worked as a leader at Oracle, two levels below the CEO. He is the author of True Purpose and the best-selling co-author of three other books. Tim Kelley has commanded military organizations, including an amphibious assault craft unit, and is a retired Naval Reserve officer. Tim Kelley holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from MIT.

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