Clinic on Stretching and Kicking
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How to Stretch for Kicking and Sample Workout for Kickers
Clinic on Stretching and Kicking shows all you need to know about stretching and flexibility for kicking.
Here is what is on this DVD:
Part I: How to Stretch for Kicking
Part II: Sample Workout for Kickers
You will see…
The dynamic stretch that is most important for kickers (no, it is not the Leg Raise to the Front)
The essential details of Side Kick and Roundhouse Kick that will let you kick high and with power without any warm-up
Step-by-step drills for Front Kick, Side Kick, and Roundhouse Kick and for combinations of kicks and punches
Corrections of common errors that keep you from throwing powerful high kicks with ease
Tips on the static stretch that is most important for all martial artists (but especially for kickers)
Simple exercises that combine developing strength and flexibility for martial arts.
Attention: Exercises shown during these clinics do not require any stretching equipment, stretching machines, or strength training equipment.
1-Minute Split Maintenance
Tom Kurz, age 50, demonstrates how to maintain side splits and front splits under 1 minute
Our Guarantee
If you are not happy with your purchase of the video, return it within 90 days with your original invoice, and we will refund the price of merchandise (less shipping and handling)!
Oliver Klettner
“Last week I received your Clinic on Stretching and the Power High Kicks dvds and I already watched them several times. While both of them are great and worth every cent I must say I’m really blown away by the Clinic on Kicking dvd. Every time I watch it, I discover new important info and details about correct technique, especially your description of the roundhouse kick (and why and how to chamber it the right way) is fantastic. And by the way, your comments on the students’ techniques are also quite entertaining. I can’t wait to try everything! Thanks for making these great products!”
Oliver Klettner (see photo above)
Vienna, Austria
“I did get your DVD and I thought it was excellent. The content is fantastic and the “roughness” of the production lends an air of mystery and “underground credibility” to the DVD. Shortly after I started watching the DVD in our living room, the wife wandered throught and was immediately drawn to it. I think you’ve got a great product.”
Tim Schmidt, Founder—U.S. Concealed Carry
Jackson, Wisconsin
“The content is great if the recording footage quality is a little poor. Overall, it’s an extremely useful addition to the already impressive line-up. Due to my review of the disc to my students, I expect a few will be ordering in the coming weeks.”
Shane Fitzgibbon 5th dan (Taekwon-do)
“I think the video is very valuable and I personally learned some things. I think one of the most important aspects of this video is watching you correct common mistakes that the students were making.”
Mark Meloon
Santa Barbara, California
“It contains some very valuable information… As usual it’s another excellent STADION product. I recommend this excellent DVD to all martial artist’s and athletes who want to improve their flexibility and kicking skills and get some excellent training tips as well. Your ideas as far as how to modify some of the conventional drills and stances for better effectiveness were right on the mark… I give it a 5 STAR RANKING….Thanks Tom!”
Richard J. Vahl, MSc, DC, Ph.D.
an Diego, California
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Course Requirement: Tom Kurz – Clinic on Stretching and Kicking
Real Value: $25
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