Would you like your lover to stop turning down the kind of sex you really want to have…
WITHOUT having to ask her a thing?
You can get whatever you want from your lover in the bedroom without having to ask for it!
No manipulation
No awkwardness
No questions
No debates
No forcefulness
No bribing
Simply have your lover silently follow your lead and go along with your plans using a step by step psychological process…
How will this work for you?
Rather than ask your lover to try something new… (which creates resistance)
I’m going to show you how to guide her through your ideas without the need to ask her at all.
The key is to get her to do crazier and crazier things every time you have sex until she has gone so far that there is no going back!!
And I’ve broken these crazier and crazier things down into simple numbered steps for you to guide her through quickly and effortlessly!
All you have to do is confidently follow each step and watch your lover open up in front of your eyes!
Dominance and submission is something that is best carried out non-verbally, because there is a lot of baggage with these ideas that can trigger excuses and resistance in many people when they first start.
If your lover gives you lots of excuses for why she can’t try your ideas, first make sure you aren’t doing any of these:
? Complaining about her not trying
? Making judgements about other girls (you might as well be judging her)
? Begging her to try something new
? Getting angry when you don’t get what you want
? Acting jealous
? Not going after what you want and letting life pass you by
And remember that there are only 2 big reasons why your lover won’t do what you want or have sex with you!!
1. She is no longer as attracted to you as she once was!
2. She is just very anxious about your desires!
Complete Submission will fix both of these problems for good!
Here are some of the most FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS about Complete Submission ?
1. Why would I need this program now?
If your lover will not try anything new in the bedroom and your sex life has ground to a halt, then you need this program! Your issue is not going to magically fix itself and if you knew how, you would have done it by now!
2. What experience do you have with this?
I live this lifestyle with my partner and I have broken our experiences down into this easy to carry out program. I’ve also helped over 600 others so far since August 2020!
3. Why this price?
You’re paying for a 100% guaranteed result! It’s basically a magic wand in the form of a program… because magic wands don’t exist yet.
4. How quickly can I make this program work?
You’ll be doing new things tonight, guaranteed! This program is all about action steps and NOT theory!
5. Is the program just a rehash of your tweets?
No. My Twitter account gives you ideas, but my program shows you exactly how to carry them out step by step. I don’t share these steps on Twitter ever!
6. Is there a guarantee on this program?
Yes, there is a 30 day money back guarantee if this program fails to improve your bedroom experience!
7. Can I use this to learn how to give commands that will be obeyed every time?
Not every time no, because your lover is her own person, but I will show you why your commands are being ignored or questioned and how to change that!
8. Can I do all of this without having to talk to my lover about it?
Yes! Dominance and submission is something that is best started without putting a label on it. Any formal conversation about it ruins the tension. I created the program to be discreet on purpose. Your lover doesn’t have to do “anything” as that’s your job!
9. Is there any support to make my success quicker?
Yes, for Mastermind users only!
10. What can I introduce my lover to with the step by step guides?
Anal sex ?
Crazy blowjobs ?
Wearing a collar ?
Using different kinds of toys ?
Wearing more lingerie ?
Swallowing everything ?
Talking dirtier ?
Threesomes ???
Tasting you after you’ve been inside ?
Being restrained by you ⛓
Being slapped across the face ✋
Having her hair pulled ?
Being spit on ?
Having sex in public ⛺
Dressing up fancier for you in the day ?
11. Who is this program NOT for?
This program is NOT for men who are already in control of their relationship and fully satisfied with what goes on in their bedroom.
12. How do the step by step guides work?
They reverse engineer the fantasy for you and break it down into progressively more sexual and dominant steps.
You can start at whichever step you feel you are already at and work up, and because they are all about subtle actions you won’t need to ask your lover to do anything.
The steps put you FULLY in control and remove the likelihood of your lover telling you to stop or becoming hesitant.
13. Could I just Google how to get my lover to open up in the bedroom?
No, which is why I made the program!The answers you’ll find on Google are super vague and your lover will still tell you “No” if you use them!
Here’s proof that this program will get you the kind of sex life you deserve as a man…
The program is broken up into 6 Modules:
1️. Become Her Ideal Man
2. How To Be The Boss Without Being Bossy
3. Dominant Bedroom Moves Masterclass
4. 33 Crazy, Illustrated Sex Positions
5. Relationship “What If?” Questions
6. The Steps To Guide Your Lover Through Anything
And there are 5 Bonus Modules for Deluxe members:
1. The Psychology Of Submission
2. A Guide To Give To Your Lover
3. An Introduction To Tantric Sex
4. Influence Your Lover To Initiate Sex More Often
5. Complete Submission Illustrated
And 2 additional Bonus Modules for Elite members:
1. Domestic Dominance Guides
2. Custom GIF collection
(If you need to talk 1 on 1 with me to solve your bedroom problems, you’ll need to join my Mastermind)
Why Don’t You Start Having The Kind Of Sex You’ve Been Waiting For Now? ?
⭐ Do things with your lover that nobody has ever done with her before!
⭐ Even if your lover has repeatedly told you “NO” in the bedroom… this program will change that the first day you start using it!
⭐ Boost the masculine-feminine polarity in the bedroom and watch it reflect outside of the bedroom too!
⭐ Use the impossible to fail step by step guides to easily find your lover’s sexual limits and then take her beyond them smoothly!
⭐ Fix the reason why your lover doesn’t submit for you now so that it doesn’t happen again, with her or somebody else!
⭐ Start ticking off your crazy sex bucket list without any resistance from your lover!
⭐ Remember that these aren’t the kinds of things you can just Google!!
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Real Value: $Q365.0000
One time cost: USD62.0000
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